Journey Mapping and Market Research Consultancy for Learning, Acting and Building for Rehabilitation Systems (ReLAB-HS) Україна


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Journey Mapping and Market Research Consultancy for Learning, Acting and Building for Rehabilitation Systems (ReLAB-HS) Україна

General Summary

Momentum Wheels for Humanity (MWH) is seeking candidates for a Journey Mapping and Market Research Consultant for the USAID-funded project, Learning, Acting and Building for Rehabilitation in Health Systems (ReLAB-HS). The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to MWH in completing journey mapping and market research for rehabilitation and assistive technology (AT) in Ukraine. This consultancy will be based in Ukraine and may require domestic travel.

ReLAB-HS’ market research and journey mapping activities are key for a comprehensive understanding of the current facilitators and barriers to access AT in each ReLAB-HS learning country. The journey mapping is an action research activity that will allow ReLAB-HS to understand the steps that a person follows to access (successfully or not) an assistive product. This process starts from the moment she/he becomes aware of an individual need for an assistive product through to follow-up services. It will explore the interactions among persons (referrals, providers, peers, administrators, etc.); technology (e.g. scheduling); and product provision. The methodology considers demand and supply considerations from the consumer and provider experience. The market research will allow MWH to better understand current assistive product availability, costs, financing schemes, procurement processes, and opportunities for partnerships with the private sector. The results from the market research and journey mapping will feed into a co-design workshop where key stakeholders will (re)define AT service provision through a facilitated process.

About ReLAB-HS

Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), ReLAB-HS aims to support the development of health systems that are responsive to the escalating challenge of addressing the growing needs for rehabilitation within populations. It seeks to co-design and implement innovative, comprehensive, cost-effective interventions that strengthen health systems for provision of rehabilitation including AT. ReLAB-HS will focus on integrating rehabilitation and AT services across all levels of care within health systems. The ReLAB-HS consortium comprises of six international partners with expertise in health systems, implementation science, and delivery innovations.  

About Momentum Wheels for Humanity 

Founded in 1996,  MWH increases access to mobility and improves quality of life for children and adults with physical disabilities in less-resourced countries. MWH makes strategic investments in communities by leveraging existing capacities and empowering local stakeholders. Based on the needs of each region in which we work, we offer one or more of our direct-service or capacity-building programs. For more information, visit

Specific Duties and Responsibilities

This is a short-term consultancy for approximately 30-40 days that will be executed in a period of 4 months.

The Journey Mapping and Market Research Consultant will be responsible for leading MWH in the execution of both market research and journey mapping for ReLAB-HS.

Market research for ReLAB-HS will involve translating, piloting, and finalizing surveys and collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about the AT market, including users, buyers, providers, suppliers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders. The consultant will examine product procurement at the national, oblast, and/or district levels, AT financing mechanisms, reimbursement schemes, payment methods, and the relationship between public-private provision. AT market research will help determine the extent to which the private sector may be engaged to support AT provision and methods for such engagement.

Market Research Activites:

  1. Collect and analyze any previous reports and/or studies of similar assessments in collaboration with ReLAB-HS Ukraine country team, and MWH HQ
  2. Establish a model of market research methodology for ReLAB-HS in Ukraine
  3. Coordinate and facilitate site visits, meetings, focus groups, and/or key informant interviews with stakeholders for qualitative data collection
  4. Analyze and interpret data about AT markets in Ukraine, with focus on the following:
    1. Examine product availability (e.g. sources, volumes, costs, tax/duties schemes) and appropriateness (e.g. compare to WHO assistive product specifications)
    2. Compare priority Assistive Product procurement at the national, oblast and/or district levels with other reimbursed health commodites from a regulatory and procedural perspective
    3. Assess AT financial structures in country (i.e. finance mechanisms, reimbursement schemes, payment methods, and relationship between public-private provision).
    4. Identify key market players in country and elaborate recommendations for ReLAB-HS engagement/partnerships
  5. Produce country report on market research, with additional reports or summaries per request by MWH HQ on behalf of the ReLAB-HS cosortium

Journey Mapping for ReLAB-HS is a qualitative consumer-centered analysis of access to rehabilitation and AT resources, referrals across care levels, entities and services, and willingness to pay. Journey mapping will consist of user focus group discussions and observations to capture and describe different user profile experiences (behaviors, goals, feelings, and expectations) in accessing AT and rehabilitation, including AT and rehabilitation providers and service managers to determine user-centered methods for improving  the service pathway.

Journey Mapping Activites:

  1. Collect any previous reports and/or studies of similar assessments in collaboration with ReLAB-HS Ukraine country team, and MWH HQ
  2. Establish a journey mapping methodology considering the country’s ReLAB-HS strategy for Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI)
  3. Facilitate focus group discussions and/or key informant interviews to capture and describe different user profile experiences (behaviors, goals, feelings, and expectations) in accessing AT and/or rehabilitation services
  4. Analyze and interpret data collected throughout journey mapping exercise
  5. Produce country report on the analysis of user experiences in accessing rehabilitation and AT services in Ukraine.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Degree in sociology, statistics, anthropology, psychology, public health, rehabilitation-related areas, medical technology or related fields
  • At least 3 years leading qualitative and quantitative assessments in social sciences, preferably healthcare and/or health-commodity focused
  • Demonstrated experience in research or implementation of health commodity supply and/or demand generation activities in public or private spheres
  • Technical knowledge in health policy and/or rehabilitation and AT in Ukraine
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Excellent communication and facilitation/coordination abilities
  • Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English and Ukrainian.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite, including Word, Excel and Outlook

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience in public health, rehabilitation, healthcare, and/or health technology management including AT preferred
  • Master’s level degree in a relevant technical field
  • Ability to use quantitative software and independently conduct quantitative analysis

How to Apply 

Please submit a cover letter and resume in English to [email protected] no later than February 15, 2022. Please include “Ukraine Journey Mapping and Market Research Consultant: YOUR NAME” in the subject line. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. 

Momentum Wheels for Humanity is an equal opportunity employer. We value a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture. MWH encourages applications from all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship, disability, or veteran status.

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