Керівник напрямку оптимізації та нормативної підтримки кадрового забезпечення в галузі охорони здоров’я/ Health Workforce Optimization and Policy Workstream Lead


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Olesia Soldatenko

вакансія vacancy робота(4)
Керівник напрямку оптимізації та нормативної підтримки кадрового забезпечення в галузі охорони здоров’я/ Health Workforce Optimization and Policy Workstream Lead

Deloitte is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as a Health Workforce Optimization and Policy Workstream Lead in support of the USAID Health Reform Support (HRS). This is a full-time position based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

1. Project Summary

The purpose of the USAID Health Reform Support project is to support a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that is capable of meeting the health needs of the Ukrainian people. Advancing health sector reform, enhancing transparency, and tackling corruption will reduce out-of-pocket payments and improve access and availability of high-quality, evidence-based health care services for Ukrainians. Elimination of corruption is a cross-cutting theme across all objectives to be achieved by this activity, which includes:

  1. Improve health sector governance.
  2. Support the transformation of the healthcare financing model.
  3. Strengthen the health workforce.
  4. Enhance transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of the health care system.
  5. Improve service delivery system at all levels.

2. Objective

The Health Workforce Optimization and Policy Workstream Lead will provide technical support and coordinate related activities targeted at establishing health workforce optimization plans at a regional level and development of the continuous professional development (CPD) system for medical providers.

3. Responsibilities:

The responsibilities of the Health Workforce Optimization and Policy Workstream Lead will include, but will not be limited to the following:

  1. Provide technical support to establish health workforce optimization plans for the selected regions:
    • Coordinate data collecting process in the selected regions;
    • Analyze health workforce data at the national and regional levels;
    • Analyze the international recommendations on health workforce planning;
    • Develop the methodology for optimization of the health workforce for different medical specialties;
    • Prepare and discuss recommendations on the health workforce optimization plan for the selected regions;
    • Prepare the methodological recommendations on the health workforce optimization at the regional level.
  2. Provide technical support to develop the CPD system for medical providers:
    • Provide technical assistance to the MOH in establishing the CPD Agency: define the main functions and business processes;
    • Provide technical assistance to the MOH in developing the CPD providers register;
    • Provide recommendations on developing the modern CPD system for nurses.
  3. Participate in the Health Workforce Strengthening Objective planning, contribute technical expertise with a focus on results for activities related to health workforce strengthening.
  4. Provide strategic vision on activities’ sustainability.
  5. Maintain strong working relationships with the project’s team and provide input as needed on technical implementation.
  6. Develop strong working relationships and a regular dialogue on activity progress and challenges with the Health Workforce Strengthening Objective team and consultants/grantees involved in the Objective’s activities implementation.
  7. Facilitate discussions among the project team and with consultants/grantees/stakeholders to develop and implement the objective activities.
  8. Assist the Objective Lead in preparing the operation plan for the project activities and monitor its implementation.
  9. Write implementation reports related to health workforce strengthening activities.

4. Qualification requirements:

  1. Master’s Degree in Medicine;
  2. 5+ years of relevant professional experience in healthcare administration;
  3. health workforce support experience will be preferred;
  4. proven experience in management and program planning;
  5. strong management and planning skills of project tasks;
  6. demonstrated leadership and teamwork, and ability to produce high-quality work in a timely, cost-effective manner;
  7. excellent organizational skills;
  8. excellent interpersonal communicational skills;
  9. fluent Ukrainian and fluency in English will be preferred.

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs, cover letters, and two reference letters to [email protected] no later than August 29, 2021. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: “HWO and Policy Workstream Lead.”

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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