Керівник сектору освіти для експортерів


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Керівник сектору освіти для експортерів

Export Education Sector Lead will develop and manage an export education program and a model of export education services by the EPO for the exporters. This will include assessment of the exporters needs (general, advanced and mature exporters), checking education topics with exporters, developing a variety of online and offline channels for export education, assessing ways to generate appropriate content to respond to exporters needs, developing education materials, organizing activities and events for exporters. The export education program intends to cover the exporters needs in a robust manner, collect decent data for general, advanced and mature exporters and deliver this data gradually in a comprehensive manner to Ukrainian exporters via online and offline channels.

Terms of Reference: tor_export-educ-sector-lead.pdf
The closing date for applications is October 27, 2017.

Please send your applications to: [email protected]

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