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UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.



All interested candidates SHOULD APPLY through new UNDP Supplier Portal (Quantum), following registration via Registration link

Registration Instructions: Guide for UNDP Suppliers using Quantum portal

Negotiation ID: UNDP-UKR-00445-2

Please DO NOT use “APPLY” button functional in this announcement, all applications received outside Quantum system WILL NOT BE considered.

UNDP Procurement Notices: UNDP | Procurement Notices

Technical support on issues with registration: [email protected], please indicate Negotiation ID in subject.


The project “Civil Society and Youth Support” funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a nation-scale 4-year initiative that runs from 1st January 2023 until 31st December 2026. The Civil Society and Youth Support Project (CSYP) builds on many years of joint programming by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DMFA) and UNDP supporting civil society and youth empowerment. CSYP contributes to the following long-term result: “Ukraine’s civil society and youth are impactful players in strengthening the country’s resilience and recovery, democracy and human rights agenda, including issues of respect to diversity and women’s rights and social cohesion“. The project has a three-dimensional approach. Firstly, it intends to strengthen civil society organizations: focusing first and foremost at the subnational level) to enable active civil society­ participation in strengthening Ukraine’s resilience, sustainable recovery and development processes, link established CSOs with youth groups especially newly emerged initiatives after February 2022 to ensure cross-fertilization in skills. Secondly, the project will work at the central level to create a more enabling policy environment for CSOs and support the national “youth machinery”. CSYP will support CSOs to monitor the implementation of national-level policies to determine progress made and areas needing additional efforts. Thirdly and finally, CSYP is designed to support Ukrainian youth in to actively participate in Ukraine’s recovery by honing their skills for good citizenship and leadership. The project will support youth-driven projects and expose young women and men to how local governments operate to implement locally relevant l initiatives.

The ongoing war in Ukraine has severely affected the situation for young people in Ukraine, with disruption in education, displacement and psychological traumas. According to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine data, as a result of the war 40% of young people in Ukraine have been affected, with more than two million young people becoming internally displaced, and around two million young people forced to flee abroad. But despite the challenges of the war, many young people have played an active role in the emergency response, serving as volunteers in their communities, helping to distribute humanitarian aid and support internally displaced people (IDPs) and vulnerable populations.

UNDP is recognizing youth as key agents of change in resilience building and sustainable recovery, and in the longer term, sustainable peace. Building on a strong relationship with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and a substantive experience of supporting youth participation at national, regional and local levels. Hence, UNDP supports the promotion of young people’s voices and participation in decision-making processes at all levels in the recovery efforts.

UNDP is providing crucial support to the newly established Ukrainian Youth Foundation and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. This support is aligned with the government’s priorities in the area of capacity strengthening of youth policy, which includes developing and implementing strategic documents, conducting national surveys, and involving young people in decision-making processes.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine has requested UNDP’s assistance in establishing the Ukrainian Youth Foundation, which was created in March 2023 in accordance with the Law on the Basic Principles of Youth Policy in Ukraine, adopted in 2021. The primary objective of the foundation is to support youth initiatives, civic organizations, and carry out specific responsibilities related to youth policy authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. As a state institution, the foundation is accountable to and regulated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

In 2023, the Foundation plans to engage a team and establish relevant policies and launch first grant programms for youth CSOs and young people. During this process, it is crucial to ensure that a proper communication about the work of the institution is established which is essential for building awareness, fostering engagement, establishing credibility, attracting support, advocating for causes, building community, gathering feedback, inspiring action, and ensuring the foundation’s sustainability. Through various communication channels, the foundation can effectively convey its mission, impact, and value to a wide range of stakeholders.

Given UNDP’s extensive experience in developing and implementing initiatives for and with young people in Ukraine, it is well-positioned to provide the necessary support to the Ukrainian Youth Foundation and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Through this partnership, the foundation can effectively carry out its mandate of supporting and empowering the country’s youth.

The incumbent will promote UNDP’s mandate as a gender-responsive organization with zero tolerance to any kind of discriminatory and abusive behavior, including sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and abuse.



The goal of this assignment is to design, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive communication campaign for the newly established Ukrainian Youth Foundation (the UYF) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The campaign aims to effectively communicate the UYF’s mission, vision and objectives as well as to engage key target audiences, highlight its projects and achievements, and promote youth participation and empowerment at national and subnational levels.


Under supervision of the UNDP Civil Society Project Coordinator and in consultation with the UYF director, the incumbent will be responsible for the following:

  1. Design the concept and communication plan for a communication campaign to support achievement of the primary objectives and approve these documents with UNDP.
  2. Implement the communication campaign nationally as per the approved plan as relevant for the UYF communication objectives.
  3. Provide content management (including texts, human stories, video production, visuals, infographics, data visualisation, etc) for social media (including interactive tools such as flash mobs, quizzes, polls, online events, etc.), and online subnational media, to deliver the UYF project messages and achievements, promote key speakers.


Deliverable #

Task description

Deadline for deliverable

Deliverable 1

Developing the concept of communication campaign and preparation of the detailed communication plan as well as a communication monitoring and evaluation concept.

The consultant is expected to develop the concept of the communication campaign including schedule for the materials production and activities execution, required channels coordination, monitoring and evaluation. The concept and plan should include:

1. Key messages, deadlines, resources and responsibilities.

2. Modalities and channels of the communication campaign.

3. Short description of proposed activities which may include content (for example, human stories, video production, visuals, infographics, data visualisation, but not limited to) for social media (including interactive tools such as flash mobs, quizzes, polls, online events, chat bots, stickers), traditional (TV, radio, printing) and online subnational media, online (in social networks, contextual and banner) and offline (printed and audio).

The communication activities should include at least:

  • 15 social media publications including 1 flashmob;
  • 5 human stories in printed media (internet, traditional, social);
  • Production of at least 2 information video clips;
  • 2 special media projects;
  • 3 infographics;
  • 2 radio and 2 TV shows/interviews.

UNDP will cover the costs of photo, video, design and interactive content production at its cost. The incumbent will be responsible for the production management and distribution, all ideas for the communications’ products, which are subject to approval by UNDP.

Result: detailed concept of the communication campaign, detailed communication plan and M&E plans are developed, finalised according to the comments and approved by the UNDP and the UYF.

1 month after signing of the contract

Deliverable 2

Implementing the communication concept and communication plan

The consultant is expected to:

  • prepare target messages including different types of the content for social and traditional media based on the approved concept of the communication campaign and specifics of the identified target audiences;
  • coordinate the interactive tools development for documentation and sharing of the Ukrainian and international best practice cases of women participation in decision making with a focus on vulnerable groups;
  • provide content management for social (UNDP and CSO partners Facebook, Instagram) and traditional media (TV, radio and printed media), online advertisement (Facebook and google) to deliver the project messages and achievements.

Result: The communication campaign is fully implemented based on the approved concept and plan.

5 months after completion of deliverable 1

Deliverable 3

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of the overall campaign.

The results of the communication campaign with clear KPIs (KPIs should be approved by UNDP) are assessed monitoring and evaluation report is submitted to UNDP for clearance.

Result: The monitoring and evaluation report is approved by the UNDP and UYF.

1,5 months after completion of deliverable 2


The Contractor shall report to the Civil Society Project Coordinator.

The Contractor shall provide the necessary information and reports according to a preliminary determined schedule or as soon as possible (within a reasonable period of time). UNDP will be the ultimate authority to control the quality of work results and assess the Contractor’s performance during the assignment.

All reports should be transmitted to UNDP electronically (formats of: * .docx, * .xlsx, * .pptx, * .pdf) on the electronic source or in the form of electronic communication with the attached final product in the Ukrainian language.

The final product shall be submitted to UNDP no later than June 2024.



  • At least Bachelor’s degree in political science, public policy, law, international relations, social sciences or related field;
  • At least 5 years of proven experience in development and execution of public awareness and social media campaigns on national and subnational level;
  • At least 2 examples/samples/brief overview of communication campaigns of relevant nature and scope conducted by the applicant (to be included in the respective CV section with the links or provided as the separate documents);
  • List of all the communication campaigns developed and/or conducted by the applicant with at least 2 communication campaigns mentioned (can be provided in the CV or as a separate list);
  • At least fluent writing, editing and oral communication skills in Ukrainian. Working knowledge of English would be considered as an advantage (the information should be clearly reflected in an applicant’s CV confirmed by the examples/samples/brief overview of the documents produced by the applicant as provided for the professional experience requirement).

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.


Applicants shall submit the following documents:


  • Personal CV, including information about experience in similar projects / assignments, including description of experience in development and execution of public awareness and social media campaigns on national and subnational level, as well as the email and telephone contacts of at least two (2) professional references.
  • Financial proposal.
  • At least 2 examples/samples/brief overview of communication campaigns conducted by the applicant (to be included in the respective CV section with the links or prepared as the separate documents).


Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify the cost of professional services of Consultant on communication campaign development and implementation as per deliverables and in total.

Financial proposal shall include a breakdown of the lump sum amount in accordance with the deliverables defined in this ToR Section 3.

UNDP will provide payments upon acceptance of deliverables duly certified by UNDP based on quality control and recommendations in accordance with the proposed payment scheme as follows:

Deliverable 1. 20%

Deliverable 2. 60%

Deliverable 3. 20%

Total: 100%

Travel costs

Should any travel be necessary in connection to this TOR, UNDP will reimburse the expenses based on the duly authorized travel details, including travel and per diems. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


Educational background – 20 points max:

  • Minimum required: at least Bachelor’s degree in political science, public policy, law, international relations, social sciences or related field

(15 pts – Bachelor’s degree in the relevant field; 20 pts – Master’s or equivalent degree or higher in the relevant field);

Relevant professional experience – 40 points max:

  • Minimum required: at least 5 years of proven experience in development and execution of public awareness and social media campaigns on national and subnational level

(12 pts – 5 years; 16 pts – 6-7 years; 20 pts – 8 and more years);

  • At least 2 examples/samples/brief overview of communication campaigns conducted by an applicant (to be included in the respective CV section with the links or provided as the separate documents)

(10 pts – 2 examples/samples/brief overview, 12 pts – 3-4 examples/samples/brief overview; 14 pts – 5 and more examples/samples/brief overview);

  • List of all the communication campaigns developed and/or conducted by the applicant with at least 2 communication campaigns mentioned in the list (can be provided in the CV or as a separate list)

(4 pts – 2 campaigns in the list, 5 pts – 3-4 campaigns in the list; 6 pts – 7 and more campaigns in the list);

Language skills – 10 points max:

  • Minimum required: Fluent writing, editing and oral communication skills in Ukrainian (the information should be clearly reflected in an applicant’s CV confirmed by the examples/samples/brief overview of the documents produced by the applicant as provided for the professional experience requirement)

(8 pts – fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian; 10 pts – fluent writing, editing, and oral communication skills in Ukrainian and working knowledge of English).

Maximum available technical score – 70 points.


Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer. After successful completion of the validation interview the offeror will be awarded a contra

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Site Visit Coordinator, Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) project/ Kоординатор/ка

Проєктний/а менеджер/ка для створення 1ої черги електронної системи ціноутворення у сфері будівництва

Експерт/-ка з розвитку громад та фасилітації діалогу

Вакансія: Junior Administrative Specialist

Вакансія: Head of Regional office

Експерт/-ка з організації і надання соціальних послуг (послуг соціального характеру)