Консультант з комунікаційних питань, ПРООН в Україні/ Communication and Outreach Consultant/ UNDP Ukraine


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Консультант з комунікаційних питань, ПРООН в Україні/ Communication and Outreach Consultant/ UNDP Ukraine


The overall objective of the assignment is to i) conceptualize, design, develop and contribute to implementation of the Communication and Outreach Strategy; ii) strengthen communication capacity of the Project’s beneficiaries and recipients; iii) enhance stakeholders’ engagement and increase awareness on their work on MSME BMOs issues.


Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, and in close collaboration with UNDP Project team and the responsible persons from the main beneficiaries, the Consultant will perform the below activities focusing on the achievement of the following communication objectives:

  1. Review the background documents provided by UNDP to obtain a better understanding of the goals and context, and develop a comprehensive Project Communications and Outreach Strategy, as well as monthly, quarterly and annual communications workplans including the following components: communications objectives and target audiences; key messages; hashtags and key stakeholders to be tagged; planned distribution channels, including social media; indicators for monitoring and evaluation of visibility and outreach results; a matrix for quantitative and qualitative evaluation to measure the success of the strategy. Prepare monthly and quarterly reports on the results achieved.
  2. Prepare drafts of communication materials for UNDP clearance (press releases, newsletters, success stories, photo essays, social media posts, etc) which will be disseminated through UNDP and beneficiaries’ websites/social media (at least 5 pieces of draft communication materials per month in English and Ukrainian).   
  3. In close cooperation with a designer (provided by UNDP) contribute to designing and support development of layouts for project materials (e.g. reports, posters, infographics, illustrations, presentations, etc). The consultant is expected to provide the ideas for design and content in electronic format, while professional design for publications to be covered by UNDP.
  4. Conduct media analysis, monitor social media and related publications, prepare media and press-clipping reports.
  5. Provide support to the organization and facilitation of the Project events, including: development of concept notes and agendas, event materials (press releases, invitations, logistic notes, talking points, evaluation forms and/or similar), coordination with relevant stakeholders, follow-up invitations, responding participants’ queries, supporting live tweeting, YouTube/Facebook broadcasting as well as monitoring media coverage (if any) from relevant events, and preparing respective reports.
  6. Contribute to communication capacity building of the main beneficiaries and recipients, i.e. representatives of the MDETA, SMEDO and 27 partner MSME BMOs in line with the Communication and Outreach Strategy.


The Consultant should possess the following qualifications, experience and skills:

Educational background:

  • At least Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Marketing, Public Relations, Communications, Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science, International Relations, Linguistics or other relevant studies.

Professional Experience:

  1. At least five (5) years of experience in public relations, media, journalism, communications and/or advocacy.
  2. At least three (3) years of experience in developing, executing and reporting multi-channel communications strategies and plans, conducting media monitoring (must provide at least one sample of multi-channel communication strategy/communication plan, one sample of communications  results report (with indicators and achieved results), one sample of media monitoring report).
  3. At least three (3) years of experience in developing visual presentational, outreach or branding materials/guidelines tailored to different channels and target audiences (proven by at least three (3) samples of different kinds of VISUAL materials: infographics, presentations, leaflets, photo-reports or other visual products); 
  4. At least one (1) year of prior experience working with governmental authorities.
  5. At least one (1) year of experience in coordination/facilitating of public events and/or organizing/conducting workshops or training sessions.
  6. Excellent writing skills with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize inputs and relevant findings (proven with samples of at least three (3) previously prepared WRITTEN communication materials: articles, newsletters, success or human stories, media advisories, press-releases, reports, informational notes and/or other media-related documents. Samples to be provided in English and Ukrainian with proved authorship).
  7. Previous experience of working with business membership organizations, knowledge of their services and communications needs would be a strong asset.
  8. Previous experience of working with UN agencies or donor-funded programmes would be an asset.

Language Skills:

  • Fluency in Ukrainian, Russian and English is a must.

To see more details on this position and apply, please follow the link https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=96040

Deadline foe application : 18 January 2021

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