Консультант/тка до UNFPA Україна для розробки посібника з надання ефективної підтримки з працевлаштування постраждалим від насильства


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Maryna Semenenko

вакансія vacancy робота(4)
Консультант/тка до UNFPA Україна для розробки посібника з надання ефективної підтримки з працевлаштування постраждалим від насильства


Hiring Office:

UNFPA Ukraine


National Consultant to develop handbook on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors

Purpose of consultancy:

In April 2021, UNFPA Ukraine started implementing the project EMBRACE (Enhancing National and Regional Mechanisms to Build Responsive, Accountable & Cost-Effective System of GBV Response and Prevention), financially supported by the Government of the UK.

The project aims at strengthening security and protection of women and girls from GBV by transforming social norms that condone GBV, improving access of survivors to quality assistance and developing coordination and accountability mechanisms at the national and local levels.

The project, inter alia, focuses on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors so they can break the circle of violence.

The national consultant will be contracted to develop a handbook on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors. The handbook will offer guidance to specialists who provide employability assistance to survivors of GBV. It will be a primary job aid to social workers, specialists of State Employment Centre and UNFPA Career Hub consultants who provide career counselling and facilitate economic empowerment of GBV survivors.

Scope of work:

(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

The assignment aims at the development of the handbook on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors. The application of the handbook should facilitate enhancement of the quality of career counselling services provided to GBV survivors at specialised services (shelters, daycare centres for GBV survivors), State Employment Centre and UNFPA Career Hub for GBV survivors.

The consultancy should result in the following deliverables:

Deliverable 1. Draft Handbook on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors. The handbook should include: (1) analysis of relevant for Ukraine best international practices on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors (at least 2 case studies); and (2) a chapter/section on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors from most vulnerable groups – women with disabilities, including mental health disabilities, displaced persons, refugees etc.

While working on the deliverable, the consultant is expected to learn and factor in needs of specialists, who will be using the handbook, and survivors as beneficiaries of employability support. Specifically, the consultant should conduct in-depth interviews with social workers, specialists of the State Employment Centre and UNFPA Career Hub consultants to:

explore their experiences of providing employability support to GBV survivors;
identify mechanisms/pathways of employability support provision to GBV survivors;
analyse GBV survivors’ experience of receiving employability support;
identify gaps in knowledge and skills of specialists that could be addressed by the handbook and lead to improvement of employability assistance to GBV survivors.

Deliverable 2. Development of methodology and relevant tools for evaluation of effectiveness of employability support to GBV survivors outlined in the Handbook.

Deliverable 3. Based on the Handbook, a set of training materials on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors. The materials should include: (1) training agenda (for a half-a-day session), (2) PowerPoint Presentation for the training session, (3) brief guidelines for trainers, (4) hand-outs for participants.

Deliverable 4. Two pilot training sessions conducted to specialists (one session for social workers that provide assistance to GBV survivors, another one is for State Employment Centre specialists) on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors. Brief report (up to 3 pages) with reflections and lessons learned from the training sessions should be prepared as part of this deliverable.

Deliverable 5. Informed by the post-training report, finalised conceptual handbook on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors, including methodology and relevant tools of evaluation of effectiveness of proposed support.

The services should be provided in August – October 2021 in close coordination with UNFPA GBV Programme team.

Duration and working schedule:

Starting date: August 16, 2021 (tentatively)

Duration: till October 29, 2021 (tentatively)

Place where services are to be delivered:

Remote work

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

Brief progress reports (up to 1 page) are to be delivered electronically every two weeks via email: [email protected] accompanied with draft documents developed.

Final brief report on the assignment completion (up to 3 standard pages A4 in English) to be delivered electronically via email [email protected] by the end of the assignment before 29 October 2021 accompanied with the final handbook and methodology for evaluation of effectiveness of employability support provision.

The plan for deliverables development should be agreed with the supervisor at the onset of the contract.

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

Daily work monitoring will be done by Anna Tsytsak, UNFPA GBV Programme Associate.

Supervisory arrangements:

This consultant will be directly supervised by UNFPA GBV Programme Associate Anna Tsytsak.

Expected travel:

Travel may be needed for conducting in-depth interviews with providers and recipients of employability support (as alternative to online meetings option). In this case, the travel will be organised by the consultant. The cost of the travel should be included in the overall financial proposal for the assignment.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

Master’s degree in social work, education, gender studies, law, social sciences or related areas.
At least 7 years of rigorous analytical experience in economic empowerment, employability counselling/mentorship, human resource management, social protection or social service provision.
Proven experience of preparing capacity development materials (handbooks, job aids, guidelines etc.).
Strong experience in developing, analysing or evaluating interventions on employability assistance and/or economic empowerment will be a strong asset.
Knowledge of survivor-oriented service provision to GBV survivors, GBV response and prevention will be a strong asset.
Excellent writing skills and ability to present information in a clear and concise way.
Time management skills, strong ability to meet deadlines.

Languages: Fluency (oral and written) in Ukrainian, working proficiency in English.

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

Additional services could be provided upon UNFPA request and authorisation.

UNFPA will provide the consultant with a set of documents related to the scope of work and results of the previous activities regarding the topic.

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:

Consultancy fee will be paid upon deliverables as stipulated below:

the first instalment, 60% of the contract amount, after the contracting and upon submission of the Deliverable 1, Deliverable 2 and Deliverable 3;
the second instalment, 40% of the contract amount, after the contracting and upon the submission of the Deliverable 4 and Deliverable 5;
Any remarks, proposals, complaints or claims to the consultant regarding services being provided in line with these terms of reference should be submitted to the consultant in writing within 10 days of submission of consultancy deliverables or reports by the consultant.

The scope of works to be performed by the consultant under these terms of reference, as well as other conditions of the consultancy, could be modified, if required, through a written agreement between the consultant and UNFPA.

Intellectual property

All information pertaining to this project (documentary, pictures, digital, cyber, project documents, etc.) belonging to UNFPA, which the consultant may come into contact with in the performance of his/her duties under the assignment shall remain the property of UNFPA, which shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever manner without written permission of UNFPA in line with the national and international Copyright Laws applicable.

Application Process

The consultant will be identified via open-call competitive selection process.

To be considered for the role, one needs to submit to [email protected] by 10 August an application comprised of the following documents:

Professional CV;
Professional portfolio with the links to developed handbooks, reports, guidelines (incl. in provision of employability support if available);
Brief outline (up to 1 page) of the structure of the handbook on provision of effective employability support to GBV survivors, reflecting requirements described in the current TOR;
Technical proposal (cost estimation template).
Only complete applications received by the deadline will be evaluated.

In the subject of the letter, please state: Application for ICC on Development of Handbook on Employability Support to GBV survivors.

How to apply see here

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