Координатор системи управління якості


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Координатор системи управління якості

A comprehensive needs assessment jointly undertaken by the Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) and Transport Canada was completed in January 2017. The focus of the assessment was Ukraine’s maritime safety and security. The findings of the assessment identified the upcoming International Maritime Organization (IMO) Member State Audit (MSA) as a key reform priority. The audit is scheduled for March 2018 and preparation will require considerable effort and support. To support the MoI in this preparation effort, it was jointly determined that an IMO Audit Project Management Office, to be staffed by a mix of MoI personnel and external experts, would be the most efficient and effective mechanism.

The Quality Management System Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of the Project, including all substantive and administrative matters.

Terms of Reference: http://edge.in.ua/86-quality-management-system-coordinator.html

The closing date for applications is: September 22, 2017. Please send your applications to: [email protected]

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