Координатор/ка швидкого реагування, Дніпро / Rapid Response Coordinator, Dnipro


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Координатор/ка швидкого реагування, Дніпро / Rapid Response Coordinator, Dnipro

About Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible. To do this, we know our teams do their best work when they are diverse and every team member feels that they belong. We welcome diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be stronger and have long term impact.

The Program / Department / Team

Mercy Corps is responding to the Ukraine emergency since military operations were launched across the country in February 2022. The attacks set off a wave of displacement internally and into the countries along Ukraine’s western borders. Mercy Corps response program will focus on multi-purpose cash intervention and other key sectors, particularly food security, livelihoods, NFIs, and protection. Mercy Corps is also supporting local NGOs and other civil society actors currently supporting displaced populations, as well as those in Ukraine sheltering in place. As Mercy Corps pursues its objectives in the region it will continue to assess the security situation in areas of potential operation, with an eye towards the logistics of possible programmatic interventions and positioning going forward.

The Position

The Humanitarian Rapid Response Coordinator ensures the efficient and effective implementation of the emergency response program inclusive of NFI, Food, WASH, Cash, and shelter needs assistance together with and under the guidance of the Humanitarian Rapid Response Team Leader . They are responsible for coordinating and implementing the delivery of the Rapid Response program in Ukraine, including daily management of program activities and program staff, and ensuring appropriate systems and support mechanisms are in place to track, analyze, and report on results. They are a strong leader, effective communicator, and able to work with internal and external stakeholders to achieve common objectives.

Essential Responsibilities


  • Work with the Humanitarian Rapid Response Team Lead to manage and support the Rapid Response Team, participating in hiring and review processes as appropriate.
  • Oversee the establishment of the Rapid Response Program startup & support the ongoing program management and administration of teams across various field locations.
  • Promote accountability, communicate expectations, and provide constructive feedback informally and formally via appropriate channels.
  • With guidance from the Team Lead, create and maintain systems and standard operating procedures (SOPs) covering the use of financial resources, timely reporting to donors, movement policies, team safety, and accountability to partners & local communities.


  • Integrate the use of community approaches in the design, implementation, and maintenance of projects.
  • Ensure that program implementation is responsive to communities and partners, and consistent with Mercy Corps’ minimum standards and other relevant program guidelines, principles, values, quality standards and strategic plan.
  • Fulfill Mercy Corps’ Program Management Minimum Standards based on the organization-wide guide.
  • Oversee program implementation using effective M&E systems to reach desired impacts.
  • Ensure that beneficiaries are effectively targeted according to established vulnerability criteria, and that feedback mechanisms are in place.
  • Ensure, in coordination with local partners, the planning of safe delivery and distribution of NFIs to beneficiaries, including advising on and adhering to standard operating procedures (SOP) for NFIs distribution, safety and security measures, and training program and partners staff on SOP and safety and security measures.
  • Facilitate capacity building for program team and other project staff.
  • Ensure all interventions adhere to Mercy Corps’ Codes of Conduct and Ethics; Gender, Diversity and Inclusion guiding documents; Core Humanitarian Principles and Do No Harm.

Influence & Representation

  • With guidance from the Rapid Response Team Lead, identify, build and manage collaborative partnerships with Ukrainian partners, sub-grantees, donors, local government and other stakeholders.
  • Actively monitor CASH, Shelter and NFIs, and Food sectors trends in Ukraine, and with the different actors and areas of operation for effective planning and coordination.
  • Demonstrate flexibility, resilience and ability to maintain positive relationships and composure.
  • Maintain high ethical standards and treat people with respect and dignity.
  • Exhibit an awareness of their own strengths and development needs.


  • Ensure compliance with security procedures and policies
  • Contribute to creating a secure environment for team members.

Supervisory Responsibility

Relevant Rapid Response program staff


Reports Directly To: Humanitarian Rapid Response Team Lead

Works Directly With: Other program teams of the Ukraine response, Analytics team, Security team, TSU cash team, PaQ and MEL teams, Program support departments.

Accountability to Participants and Stakeholders

Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our program participants, community partners, other stakeholders, and to international standards guiding international relief and development work. We are committed to actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

Minimum Qualification & Transferable Skills

· BA/BS or equivalent in relevant field
· 2-3 years of experience in humanitarian programs in emergency contexts
· Demonstrable ability to deliver high performance in stressful and insecure contexts.
· Excellent oral and written English and Ukrainian skills required.
· Proficiency with MS Office software required (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Technical competencies:

  • Understands Sphere Standards and ensures they are met
  • Can conduct rapid needs assessments, in line with Mercy Corps’ approach and industry’s best practice
  • Understands theoretical and applied knowledge about emergency rapid response programming
  • Can develop SOPs in line with Mercy Corps’ Minimum Standards

Functional competencies

  • Possess project management skills and applies PM@MC minimum standards for all phases of the project cycle
  • Can oversee and implement participatory assessment processes
  • Can oversee program budgets, project cash flow and expenditures
  • Understands donor regulations and compliance (USAID, ECHO, FCDO, UN, etc.)
  • Effectively manages teams/people and apply relevant Mercy Corps’ procedures and approaches
  • Possesses basic understanding of procurement and logistics
  • Can ensure feedback from affected people and other stakeholders is incorporated in program design, implementation and learning
  • Can ensure team members operate in a secure environment and are aware of policies
  • Develop weekly work-plans, movement plans, and liaise with the relevant departments for smooth implementation

Leadership competencies

  • Recognizes opportunities  for  innovative  action  and  create  an  environment  where  alternative viewpoints are welcomed
  • Drives impact by building high performing teams
  • Broadens influence by role modeling and leveraging networks

Success Factors

The successful Rapid Response Coordinator will have experience running rapid emergency programs. Prioritizing, problem solving, ability to seize opportunities, attention to detail, and strategic vision are essential. S/he will also have proven experience with cross-cultural teams and capacity building. The most successful Mercy Corps staff members have a strong commitment to teamwork and accountability, and thrive in an evolving and changing environment while taking care of self and others.

Living Conditions / Environmental Conditions

The position is based in Kyiv or Dnipro, Ukraine with significant travel to affected areas, including those with damaged infrastructure such as water and electricity. Given the emergency context this position requires exceptional work schedules, including evenings and weekends.

Ongoing Learning

In support of our belief that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities we serve, we empower all team members to dedicate 5% of their time to learning activities that further their personal and/or professional growth and development

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Achieving our mission begins with how we build our team and work together. Through our commitment to enriching our organization with people of different origins, beliefs, backgrounds, and ways of thinking, we are better able to leverage the collective power of our teams and solve the world’s most complex challenges. We strive for a culture of trust and respect, where everyone contributes their perspectives and authentic selves, reaches their potential as individuals and teams, and collaborates to do the best work of their lives.

We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Mercy Corps is an equal opportunity employer that does not tolerate discrimination on any basis. We actively seek out diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be collectively stronger and have sustained global impact.

We are committed to providing an environment of respect and psychological safety where equal employment opportunities are available to all. We do not engage in or tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, disability (including HIV/AIDS status), marital status, military veteran status or any other protected group in the locations where we work.

 Safeguarding & Ethics

Mercy Corps is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary General and IASC and have signed on to the Interagency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members. As part of our commitment to a safe and inclusive work environment, team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, respect local laws and customs, and to adhere to Mercy Corps Code of Conduct Policies and values at all times. Team members are required to complete mandatory Code of Conduct elearning courses upon hire and on an annual basis.


Please APPLY for this position via the link before 25 May 2023

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Асистент/ка Проєкту / Field Assistant (CCCM) - Poltava

Проєктний/на менеджер/ка, Закарпатська область, Хмельницька область

Асистент/ка Проєкту / Field Assistant (CCCM) - Dnipro

Асистент/ка з Управління Ресурсами / Assets Management Assistant

Вакансія: Project Advisor

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