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USAID/OTI Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative

is looking for a qualified professional to fill the position(s) of

Short-term program support assistant(s)

Chemonics International, an international development consulting firm, implementing USAID’s Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) Project, solicits expressions of interest to fill up to two (2) program support assistant positions. The position(s) will be based in Kyiv, Ukraine with possible travel throughout Ukraine and, as needed, in UCBI’s Kramatorsk office. This is a short-term, full-time, position with an anticipated end date of on or about May 31, 2017.

USAID’s Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI) complements ongoing USAID efforts to enable vulnerable eastern communities to actively participate in, benefit from, and advocate for Ukraine’s transition to a prosperous, unified and democratic state. The program’s overarching objectives are to:

  • Increase citizen support for and participation in the development of a modern, inclusive Ukrainian identity and;
  • Increase citizen confidence and engagement in the reform process at the local level.

The program support assistant plays a critical role in ensuring that grants and/or procurement files are maintained and closed out rapidly and effectively, in full compliance with USAID and Chemonics regulations and policies, and consistently with OTI’s operating methodology.


  • Works in coordination with relevant grants/procurement/finance staff to ensure compliance with USAID and Chemonics policies and procedures for properly closing out grants and procurements.
  • Utilizing project templates and checklists, audits existing grants and/or procurement files for accuracy and completion ensuring all documentation is duly scanned and saved in project files.
  • Liaises with the program and finance/admin department to assist in document archiving including preparation of all required closeout forms for completed activities.
  • Liaises with project grantees and vendors to ensure all conditions of grant/vendor agreements are fulfilled and obtains paperwork and deliverables (e.g., final invoices, reports, etc.,) accordingly.


  • High school diploma required with progress toward or Bachelor’s degree preferred.
  • Demonstrated experience in file auditing and archiving and other relevant experience pertaining to the responsibilities outlined above.
  • Familiarity with USAID grants and procurement management policies and procedures is desirable.
  • Ability to effectively communicate verbally and in written form in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.
  • Word processing competency, including typing skills and experience and knowledge in the use of Microsoft Office.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision, to prioritize multiple work assignments in an extremely fast-paced environment, to meet deadlines, and to exercise good, professional judgment that reflects positively on the image of the UCBI program.

Send electronic submissions to [email protected] by February 10, 2017. Please put “program support assistant” in the subject line and include your CV and cover letter. No telephone inquiries, please. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis and only finalists will be contacted.

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