Короткостроковий консультант з організації внутрішнього контролю в програму USAID DOBRE/ Internal Control Consultant for USAID DOBRE Program


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Короткостроковий консультант з організації внутрішнього контролю в програму USAID DOBRE/ Internal Control Consultant for USAID DOBRE Program

Global Communities is seeking qualified short-term consultant for USAID-funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency Program (DOBRE):

POSITION: Local Internal Control Consultant 
PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Communities located in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, and Zaporizhia Oblasts 
LOE (Level of Effort) DAYS: depends on the number of TСs that will be assigned to the consultant 


Global Communities is implementing the USAID funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) program in Ukraine.  Launched in 2016, this project is helping leaders of newly formed Amalgamated Territorial Communities (TC) to effectively manage resources, increase the quality of public services, stimulate local economies, and improve citizen engagement.

DOBRE has the goal of enabling these TCs to thrive and prosper, while serving as a model and motivation to other cities working to amalgamate. As one strategy to achieve this, DOBRE will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of financial management systems and processes in its partner consolidated communities.

DOBRE implemented a comprehensive assessment of the financial management operations, procedures, and processes in each partner TC. Internal control problems were among the most important identified drawbacks, bottlenecks, and gaps during the financial management assessment (FMA). The FMA assessed existing control and audit work in the community to ensure the fulfillment of functions related to effective management, efficient use of budget revenues, prevention of errors or other shortcomings in the activities. The analysis showed that almost no communities have internal control systems, none of the communities conducted a non-state external audit, and communities implement slowly the recommendations of the State Audit Service after their inspections. 

The next step is to conduct a training and consultation program to improve the capacity of TCs in different areas of financial management based on the identified problems during the FMA. Through advisory and training support, DOBRE plans to continue improving the capacity of internal control in partner communities. DOBRE expects that communities will get the drafts of necessary documents on internal control, and work on the implementation of tools/mechanisms for improving internal control.


DOBRE will select applicants capable of providing training, assistance and other tasks in internal control for 100 DOBRE selected TCs in 10 Oblasts (Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, Zaporizhya, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Mykolayiv, Ivano-Frankivsk,Ternopil, Chernihiv, Chernivtsi, and Zaporizhia regions). The selected Consultants will be those best positioned to contribute to the successful implementation of this DOBRE activity. 

Specific tasks for improving internal control:

Task 1. Consultant will be involved in a training on internal control for TCs, which will cover the following questions:

  • Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system;
  • Setting up controls inside the community administration, between managers of budget funds, budget, and communal institutions;
  • Internal control over the administration of own revenues of budgetary institutions and taking budget commitments, as well as recipients of budget funds, and spending their budget funds;
  • Creation of departments and commissions responsible for internal control functions;
  • Establishing work with government control bodies;
  • Citizen engagement in internal control: public audit and expertise.

The list of questions may vary depending on community requests and the proposed methodology of the project.

Trainings will be conducted for 100 ATCs in 10 target oblasts of the DOBRE program. Consultant will take part in developing the methodology of training (presentation) and workbook that will be used during training by participants and reflect the main training issues. The workbook will contain a set of practical tips, recommendations, and tools on internal control taking into account the types of TCs.

Task 2. Consultant will provide all 100 TCs with telephone and/or on-line consultation on problem issues of internal control during the duration of the contract (for all communities).  DOBRE will select 3 ATCs for in-depth work on the establishment and improvement of the internal control system. The selected consultants will develop an action plan for establishing a system of internal control for each TC. The assistance will include visits to communities for evaluation, advisory support, and guidance on improving internal control.

Task 3. In each of the 3 selected communities under the supervision of selected consultant, at least 1 instrument / mechanism for improving internal control identified in the action plan for establishing an internal control system will be implemented.

Task 4: Consultant will develop a manual on the implementation of internal control in communities, taking into account the work of the DOBRE Program conducted in communities. The range of questions in the manual may vary according to the request of the communities and the management of the Program.

Task 5: Consultant will develop a report in which the results of the work will be fully documented, the best / worst practices identified during the work on the establishment of the internal control system of communities.


To ensure the fulfillment of the above tasks, the Consultant will:

  • Liaise and ensure constant communication/coordination with DOBRE project team and consultants/experts regarding all aspects of the assignment to ensure coordinated inputs into the result-oriented training and coaching of the representatives of ATC;
  • Submit all the deliverables for review, comments and approval to DOBRE project team as requested;
  • Hold consultations and briefings with DOBRE project team as requested.


Global Communities will select consultants based on meeting the following criteria:

  • Experience and knowledge of local government internal control system;
  • Previous experience (or ability to demonstrate the capacity) of working with the amalgamated communities, facilitating public meetings in the community;
  • Previous experience with handbooks and infographics development;
  • Working level of English language is an asset.

In submitted application, applicants should:

  • Clearly identify and describe how they propose to complete the described activities by providing samples of work and references (clients/participants) demonstrating their competence.

To apply please send your CV as well as cover letter with summary of your experience as described above to [email protected] indicating “Local Internal Control Consultant” in the subject line by September 10, 2021.

Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.

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