Legal Advisor Consultant (part-time) – Консультант з юридичних питань


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Legal Advisor Consultant (part-time) – Консультант з юридичних питань

Ukraine Reforms Architecture Foundation (URA Foundation) announces a selection of a

 Legal Advisor Consultant (part-time)

 Terms of Reference

Ukraine Reforms Architecture Foundation (URA Foundation) is a non-governmental organization that provides operational support to Ukraine Reforms Architecture (URA) project. URA is a comprehensive technical assistance program developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support important reform processes in Ukraine. It is financed from the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account managed by the EBRD. Contributors to the MDA are Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, the largest donor. 

Scope of services

Provide legal consultations advice to a Ukraine-based non-profit on general activities, contractual arrangements and ITA related issues. The advice is to be provided on a request and expected in Ukrainian and English. The scope of consultations includes: 

  • Support in maintenance of Charter related issues of a non-profit,
  • Support in matters related to International Technical Assistance Projects regulations of Government of Ukraine,
  • Support in contractual related matters, including drafting and review of contracts with subcontractors,
  • Other consultations on general activities of a non-profit. 

Qualifications, Skills and Experience

  • Relevant higher education,
  • 5+ years of experience in non profits,
  • 3+ years of experience in International Technical Assistance Projects
  • Proficiency in written and verbal Ukrainian and English 


In order to apple, please submit by 18.00 24 December, 2021 to the following address: [email protected] with a subject line “Legal advisor” the following:

  • Your fee offer for the services of legal advice,
  • CV in English,
  • Contact details of 2 recommenders.

Following the evaluation of all applications received, selected candidates to the interview.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Консультант/ка з питань психічного здоров’я

Вакансія: Project Assistant

IT-експерт/ка / технічний/а письменник/ця, IT expert / Technical writer (Consultant)

Інженер/ка з охорони праці в ЮНОПС, Харків

Фахівець/чиня з надання послуг комунікаційної підтримки Комісії ВРУ

Спеціаліст/ка з ІТ-підтримки та операційної діяльності / IT Support / Operations Specialist