Менеджер реалізації ІТ проектів


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Менеджер реалізації ІТ проектів

Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism (PRSM) provides human resource support – from managers to technical experts – to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies. PRSM is a multi-donor platform, which improves coordination of donor efforts for greater impact and avoids overlap of donor funding. It does not support routine work of the Government of Ukraine that is normally managed by the civil service.

At the request of the Administration of the President of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education, the PRSM recruits short to medium term local Ukrainian experts and specialists, from outside government, to undertake assignments critical to reform within the Ministry. PRSM is a program of the Ukrainian non-government organization “Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine” (the Foundation). The PRSM will also pay for limited-term salaries of key positions from within the army of volunteers that currently work without pay on reforms across government ministries.

PRSM is currently seeking candidates to fill the following expert position:

Vacancy announcement:
IT implementation manager will work closely with the end customers (schools’ teachers, children with special educational needs and their parents, representative of local government and Min of Edu) to ensure that all expected results are reached. A successful candidate will work under the supervision of the team leader.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills:

  • Degree in Computer Science, IT or any other relevant education degree.
  • Experience with IT development for government
  • Experience in project management, project administration, project design.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Professional knowledge of Ukrainian and good knowledge of English.

Timing, counterpart organization name, location of work
Duration of the assignment: 6 months
Counterpart: Ministry of Education, Zaporizhia oblast administration, Zaporizhia schools
Location of work: Kyiv, Presidential administration with frequent visits to the Ministry of education and trips to Zaporizhia.

For more detailed information about preferred qualifications and skills, indicative duties and responsibilities, as well as applying procedure, please visit web-site:

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Керівник/ця експертної групи проекту “Посилення інституційної спроможності системи захисту прав дитини шляхом проведення моніторингу ситуації з дітьми”

Лідер/ка тематичної команди «Відновлення громад»

Головний/на редактор/ка інформаційного ресурсу «Українська енергетика»

Послуги регіонального/ї координатора/ки в Дніпропетровській області

Координатор/ка навчальної програми / Learning Programme Coordinator

Консультант/ка з проведення тренінгу щодо вміння працювати з проблемами стигми та дискримінації