Monіtorіng, Evaluatіоn, Learning and Gender Offіcer


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Eurasia Foundation

Monіtorіng, Evaluatіоn, Learning and Gender Offіcer

Eurasia Foundation (EF) is a US-based non-profit, nonpartisan organization committed to helping citizens in countries in transition realize their full potential and transform their societies. EF supports governments and citizens to enhance responsive, accountable and transparent governance, and helps citizens build a stronger, more resilient civil society. 

EF is currently recruiting for a new USAID Ukraine-funded Anti-Corruption Activity and is seeking candidates who possess three to five years of experience with international assistance programs (experience with USAID-funded programs is strongly preferred) as well as excellent writing and reporting skills. Candidates must be fluent in Ukrainian and demonstrate professional proficiency in English. 

Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Gender Officer

  • Familiarity with USAID monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) approaches, the program life cycle and indicator reporting.
  • Advanced knowledge of USAID Collaborating, Learning and Adapting practices and approaches.
  • Experience with integrating gender considerations into the design and implementation complex, multi-year initiatives funded by international donors.

 Interested applicants are requested to submit a resume and a cover letter in English through EF’s online system: 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія аналітик/-иня політик, дослідник/-ця

Фасилітатор/ка (Херсонщина)

Вакансія: AIM Assistant

Психолог/иня, м.Херсон і Херсонська область

Кейс-Менеджер/ка (Херсонщина)

Стажер/ка з розвитку проектів/ Program Development Internship