Municipal Solid Waste Management Public Outreach and Engagement Consultant в програму USAID DOBRE


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Municipal Solid Waste Management Public Outreach and Engagement Consultant в програму USAID DOBRE

Global Communities is seeking qualified professionals to fill the and short-term consultancy assignment for the five-year USAID-funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency Program (DOBRE). 

The Consultant will work in those DOBRE partner communities having considered the Service of Municipal Solid Waste Management as a first priority. The Consultant will assist communities in planning and ensuring Public Outreach and Engagement activity in SDIP elaborated for service of municipal solid waste management and recycling. The Consultant will work with DOBRE Kyiv and Regional Offices Staff and/or other consultants committed to establishing SDIP in amalgamated communities. Particularly, the Consultant will work closely with established WGs, municipal authorities, citizens.

The range of activity embraces:

Task 1 – Development of Communication Plan on Solid Waste Management education campaign

  • Identification of the communication principles aimed changing behavior
  • Definition of target audience (stakeholders) with emphasize on DOBRE Youth Group, schools and colleges.
  • Set contacts with DOBRE Youth Group, and other formal and non-formal citizens group
  • Formulation of the campaign aim and objective, key messages
  • Development of methods of source reduction and promotion of recycling mechanisms with broad participation of the community residents aimed to make the process of waste separation routine in waste management.

LOE – 8 days for 6 communities.

Task 2 – Development of Communication methods for SWM

  • Identification of communication methods for the campaign on SWM, including:
  • Community website
  • Web blog
  • Other electronic media, e,g. texts, emails, YouTube videos
  • Local media, including press and radio
  • Roadshows
  • Door stepping
  • Community events
  • Residents’ associations
  • Community groups
  • Public noticeboards
  • Posters in public buildings
  • Others
  • Choice of method based on the following factors: type of message, target audience, impact and effectiveness and value for money;
  • Amending communication plan with communication methods selected;
  • Developing campaign communication materials.

LOE – 8 days for 6 communities

Task 3 – To elaborate extra curriculum training materials on Solid Waste Management and Recycling for schools and provide training (this activity will be carried out in communities processing SDIPs on Solid Waste Management both in Cohort 1 and 2.

  • Create training modules on Solid Waste Management, Recycling for provision of training with target audience of schoolchildren, youth.
  • Arrange Training of Trainers for school, college and kindergarten principals, teachers from all settlements in the CC centre for further provision of training their settlements.
  • To arrange and follow up the training process in settlements.

LOE  – 33 days for 11 Cohort 1 (5) and Cohort 2 (6) communities.


Task 4 – Development the campaign approach to introduction of waste source reduction and recycling in the community

  • Choosing the key messages for promotion recycling, e.g. “Waste reduction as key to behavioral change and the long-term environmental benefits”; “Information on the environmental and financial benefits of their participation;
  • Developing pilot/ promotional projects on recycling;
  • Defining methods for communication of recycle initiative to residents;
  • Developing communication materials on recycling.

LOE –8 days for 6 communities

Task 5 – Defining Actions and Activities during campaign implementation      

  • Agreeing and maintaining an annual calendar and action plan;
  • Choosing the most appropriate events for different stakeholders including schools, community groups, condominiums, etc.;
  • Development of system for Monitor and evaluate services and communications campaigns using methods such as feedback and evaluation forms, questionnaires, focus groups and possibly new media tools such as online polls.

LOE – 8 days for 6 communities

TOTAL LoE – 65 Days


In each assigned DOBRE partner community, the selected applicants will be expected to produce deliverable(s) related to the specific Task(s) described above:

  1. Campaign Communication Plan, including objective, messages, target audience groups, communication methods
  2. Campaign information materials sets – for residents, for school training, for private houses, residential houses.
  3. ToT training modules and materials on SWM, Recycling for DOBRE Youth Groups, school and kindergarten principals for provision of extra curriculum courses in schools and colleges
  4. Recycling promotional materials
  5. Report on consultancy input including success stories, challenges and lessons learnt.


Application process

Candidates are asked to submit their applications in English to:  [email protected] by COB June 8, 2018 indicating “SWM Public Outreach and Engagement Consultant” in the subject line.

Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Адміністратор(к)и у Навчально-технічні простори «Maker spaces» на базі навчальних закладів у Вінницькій, Хмельницькій та Черкаській областях

Експерт/ка: Реформа державного управління та нарощування потенціалу

Travel and Event Support Assistant до WHO

HR Assistant до WHO

Програмний/на та фінансовий/ва спеціаліст/ка / Programme and Finance Officer

Фінансовий/ва менеджер/ка (Хмельницька область)