Незалежний консультант з оцінки локальних маркетингових ініціатив в органічному секторі / Independent consultant for the assessment of the Local Marketing Initiatives in the organic sector


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Kateryna Shor

Незалежний консультант з оцінки локальних маркетингових ініціатив в органічному секторі / Independent consultant for the assessment of the Local Marketing Initiatives in the organic sector

Програма «Органічна торгівля заради розвитку в Східній Європі (OT4D)» впроваджується за підтримки Швейцарії IFOAM – Organics International шукає незалежного консультанта з оцінки локальних маркетингових ініціатив в органічному секторі.

Метою цієї оцінки є аналіз локальних ініціатив, які працюють в органічному секторі (кооперативи, сільське господарство, що сприяє підтриманню спільнот та інші) та сприяння їх подальшому розвитку та масштабуванню. 

Результати та рекомендації цього аналізу будуть використані для розробки механізму надання грантів та початкових коштів для існуючих та нових ініціатив для розбудови органічного сектору в Україні. Грантовий механізм планується запустити у 2022 році.

Більш детальна інформація та вимоги до консультанта англійською мовою.

Organic Trade 4 Development in Eastern Europe (OT4D) Program supported by Switzerland and implemented by IFOAM – Organics International is looking for an independent consultant for the assessment of the Local Marketing Initiatives in the organic sector.

Organic is a booming business with robust growth rates over 10% annually. Driven by the increasing demand of ethically conscious consumers from Europe, North America and increasingly from emerging economies, sales are today edging 100 billion USD.

Eastern Europe has favourable conditions for organic farming and a huge growth potential. Organic market in Ukraine is growing rapidly, but domestic market is lagging behind fed primarily with imports. At the same time there is a growing demand for local products.

The objective of this consultancy is to assess the local market initiatives (LMI) that are working in the country for their further development and scaling of these activities. The assessment will include the business models, the social aspects (including public goods) and their challenges related with their organic component (e.g., production, processing, certification, market, etc). The assessment and recommendations shall be focused on aspects on which the LMI needs to be supported and enhanced, with special emphasis on the potential for upscaling and replication. The findings and recommendations from the Consultant will be used as a main input for the development of a seed funds mechanism to support the scaling-up and replication of selected LMI.

Activities to be carried out:

  • Assessment of existing Local Marketing Initiatives (LMI) that are working in the local organic sector. The assessment shall include different aspects, including but not limited to a) business model, b) social impact and public goods, c) potential for replication and upscaling.
  • The assessment shall be done through: 
    • Interviews and/or visits to LMI.
    • Analysis of available financial, business and other materials provided by the LMI.
    • Evaluation of the efficiency of the investment;
    • Analysing and identifying the areas where specific support is needed to strengthen the LMI, including but not limited to: a) organisational structure, b) capacity building, c) access to market/marketing, d) infrastructure and technology.
    • Analysing social benefits and public goods delivered by the LMI, including but not limited to: number of jobs created, number of producers with better living conditions, involvement of youth and women.
  • Provide sound recommendations for further development and scaling-up of the LMI and for the implementation and allocation of seed funds/grants.


Deliverable 1: Assessment of the existing Local Marketing Initiatives (LMI) that are working in the local organic sector, in an Excel table.

Deliverable 2: Recommendations for further development and scaling of the LMI, including specific recommendations for the implementation and allocation of seed funds/grants.

Deliverable 3: Final report and presentation (PPT, Word)

Final documents should be presented and submitted in English.

The consultant will work under direct supervision of, and report to, the OT4D National Coordinator.

Place of Performance: at the location of the contractor with the possibility of short-term visits to LMI as needed.

Timeframe: The consultancy should be carried out in October 2021. 

Proposal should include:

  1. CV with a linkage to similar activities in the past
  2. Description of the proposed activities and methodology
  3. Financial expectations (note, in case of travel to LMI cost should be included into the proposal)

Proposals should be send to Kateryna Shor, OT4D National Coordinator in Ukraine by September 25th, 2021 to [email protected].

More information about OT4D  program www.organictrade4development.org

Download full description.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Молодший/ша фахівець/чиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання

Послуги асистента/ки проєктної команди

Фахівець/фахівчиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання / Shelter and WASH Officer

Фахівець/чиня відділу розвитку альтернативної енергетики / Shelter and Infrastructure Officer

Вакансія: Health Support Coordinator, NOC, FTA, DS-Dnipro, Nationals only

Старший/а Спеціаліст/ка зі Звітності / Senior Reporting Associate