Інтерн в Pact/ENGAGE


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Pact Inc

Інтерн в Pact/ENGAGE

Pact, Inc. запрошує взяти участь у конкурсі на проходження оплачуваного стажування в програмі сприяння громадській активності “Долучайся!” (далі – англ.).

Pact, Inc. is seeking applications from undergraduate- and graduate-level students to fill in a paid position of intern for the USAID/Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement (ENGAGE) activity in Ukraine

Pact is committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity and is dedicated to the fair and equal treatment of all employees without regard to gender, race, color, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, disability, or marital status. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Supervisor: Senior Program Manager  
Job type: 20 hours per week
Effective Date:  February, 2020

About Pact

Pact is an international development organization with a mission to help build strong communities globally that provide people with an opportunity to earn a dignified living, raise healthy families, and participate in democratic life. Pact achieves this by strengthening the capacity of grassroots organizations, coalitions and networks and by forging linkages among government, business and the citizen sectors to achieve social, economic and environmental justice.

About the ENGAGE activity

Pact seeks candidates to fill a paid position of intern for the USAID/Enhance Non-Governmental Actors and Grassroots Engagement (ENGAGE) activity. ENGAGE aims to increase citizen awareness of and engagement in civic actions at the national, regional, and local level. By strengthening civil society’s responsiveness to diverse constituencies, the USAID/ENGAGE activity aims to empower citizens to advocate for reform, demand effective implementation, and hold government accountable in the path toward a peaceful and prosperous European Ukraine.

 Duties and responsibilities: 

  • Provide support in various running processes such as internal/external communication, research and program delivery;
  • Develop and distribute weekly newsletter;
  • Assist with translation of communication and program related documentation (newsletter, articles, feature stories etc.);
  • Prepare and edit multimedia materials;
  • Assist with data analysis and visualization;
  • Provide support with organization of Pact events;
  • Perform other duties as assigned.


  • Second + year University student (Political Science, Social Sciences, Public Relations, International Relations, Public Administration, Journalism, Communication, Media, or similar fields);
  • Analytical and technical skills;
  • Committed and result-oriented;
  • Attentive to details, accurate and able to multitask;
  • Proactive, fast thinker;
  • Fluent in English, Ukrainian and Russian;
  • Understanding of political and civic landscape in Ukraine;
  • Interested in international development programs, civil society sector and key reforms implementation.

To Apply:

Please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected] with “Intern” in the subject line by OOB January 29, 2020. We thank you for your interest. Please note that only short-listed candidates will be invited to interview.

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