Peаcebuilding Advisor on Community Dialogue (Дніпро)


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Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federal enterprise that supports the German government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.

Peace Building Advisor on Community Dialogue

GIZ Civil Peace Service (CPS) country program in Ukraine focuses on a positive approach to diversity and on reducing prejudices and stereotypes. It aims to counteract social polarization in Eastern Ukraine by supporting education on non-violent conflict transformation. GIZ CPS Ukraine cooperates with civil society as well as with state institutions.

The GIZ Civil Peace Service team in Dnipro is currently looking for a highly dedicated and knowledgeable Peace Building Advisor to manage the implementation of a strategy for conflict transformation in selected communities in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhia oblasts.

The overall objective of the assignment is to support GIZ CPS partners, local authorities and other local key actors of on the community level to manage local conflicts in mutually identified areas and to respond to the additional challenges resulted from the impact of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine on communities. The project aims to support in establishing sustainable community dialogue structures and processes.

We are looking for a highly dedicated and knowledgeable

Peace Building Advisor on Community Dialogue

for the project office in Dnipro

Responsibilities include inter alia:

  • Managing the implementation of a project strategy, organizing meetings, preparing agreements and documentation
  • Maintaining regular communication with local, regional and national state institutions, NGOs and international expert circles, ensuring their active participation, involvement and support of the project’s objectives and activities and strengthening local and regional capacities for dialogue by fostering the exchange of experience and expertise
  • helps to identify the needs of local government institutions and NGOs, including training needs and assists in organising trainings and consultations related to negotiation, dialogue, consensus building, conflict analysis, communication/advocacy, peace building strategies among others
  • ensures the preparation of agreements and contracts, project proposals and concept notes, workplans and reports
  • cooperates closely with the international Peacebuilding Advisor on Community Dialogue inside the GIZ CPS program to manage the implementation of project activities as outlined in the project work plan
  • develops and maintains contact with all important stakeholders
  • provides technical assistance to local and international experts on peacebuilding, resilience, negotiation, mediation, dialogue

Requirements to candidates:


  • university degree in social or political science, peace and conflict studies, education, social work or psychology (equivalent to BA or MA)
  • qualification in mediation and facilitation, training of trainers or coaching

Professional experience

  • at least 3 years professional experience in the field of coaching, training and dialogue facilitation

Other knowledge, additional competences

  • expertise and methodological knowledge in the field of civic conflict resolution and facilitation of participatory decision-making and/or dialogue processes as well as experience in advising different

stakeholders on implementing projects on a community level

  • strategic and problem-solving thinking, awareness of the regional political and social situation
  • good working knowledge of MS Office
  • willingness to travel regularly
  • good knowledge of the English language and ability to work in an international team
  • readiness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed upon with management

Employment conditions:

Full-time position with 40-hours working week.

Duration of the contract: till 31.12.2020 months

Location: Dnipro, Ukraine

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and offers an attractive and challenging working environment with opportunities for skill enhancement.

Application conditions:

We are looking forward to your application comprising your CV and cover letter. Apply here:

Application deadline: March 2nd, 2020

Останні публікації цього розділу:

IT Specialist/ Спеціаліст_ка з інформаційних технологій

Subcontracts Specialist/ Спеціаліст_ка з субконтрактів

Фасилітатор/ка щорічної конференції з декриміналізації секс-праці БО "Легалайф-Україна"

Старший менеджер\ка підрядних договорів

Спеціаліст/-ка з інформаційного менеджменту/ (Information Management Specialist) - Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ), Представництво в Україні

Фахівець/фахівчиня проєктів програмної протимінної діяльності / Humanitarian Disarmament and Peacebuilding Program Officer