Перекладач_ка до Товариства Червоного Хреста України / Translator, Interpreter to the Ukrainian Red Cross


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Перекладач_ка до Товариства Червоного Хреста України / Translator, Interpreter to the Ukrainian Red Cross

Ivano-Frankivs regional organization of URCS is looking for a qualified and experienced interpreter of the English Language to work at our office in Ivano-Frankivsk. 

The Ukrainian Red Cross (Ukrainian Red Cross Society, URCS) is a non-profit humanitarian and charitable association of Ukraine. It operates in disaster management, health and care, tracing service, youth activities/volunteers, and activities related to the protection of human dignity. Since 1993, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society has been a member of the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies. 


  • To provide clear and accurate spoken interpretations between Red Cross delegates and non-English speaking persons including URCS national staff, local authorities, informants, security forces, and others; 
  • Possibility to translate fluently in field environments; 
  • On occasion, provide short/long written translations from English to Ukrainian, Ukrainian to English, of technical URCS documents, Government letters/documents, or general administrative matters as tasked by operation managers; 
  • Work in the field with the teams as a translator; 
  • To keep an accurate record of all translation tasks, their status/delivery, and assignee; 
  • Any other duties as tasked by their management/superiors. 
  • This position involves business trips. 


  • Verbal and written proficiency in English; 
  • Higher education in the relevant area; 
  • Native speaker of Ukrainian; 
  • Computer literacy; 
  • MS office skills. 


  • Education in the English language (higher than B2 level). 
  • Must have: 
  • Former professional translation and interpreting (more than 2 years of experience). 


  • Valid Driving Licence, category B will be preference; 
  • Professional experience working with humanitarian NGOs 
  • Experience in the providing of trainings and workshops. 

Deadline for CV submission: 07.07.2023 

Contacts: [email protected]  

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader