PR/GR/Communications Consultant for Census Transition Roadmap Development до UNFPA Україна


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Maryna Semenenko

вакансія vacancy робота(1)
PR/GR/Communications Consultant for Census Transition Roadmap Development до UNFPA Україна

Purpose of consultancy:

Since 2020, UNFPA has been working together with the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU) on transitioning from the traditional population census methodology to the register-based census methodology in Ukraine to be used for the 2030 round of censuses. In November-December 2020 UNFPA and SSSU have jointly held an international web forum to launch a wide discussion regarding the feasibility of organizing a register-based population census in Ukraine. The forum gathered government officials, statisticians, data producers and administrators, researchers, representatives of the private sector and civil society, as well as prominent experts from the UN system, Eurostat and countries that already use administrative records for demographic censuses or are developing projects in this area (Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Spain and the UK). All forum materials are available through a dedicated UNFPA resource depository. The forum concluded with establishing an international partnership between the Government of Ukraine, Statistics Ukraine, UNFPA, UNECE and leading international census experts to develop a roadmap for Ukraine to transition from a traditional to a register-based census for the 2030 round of censuses, and signing a respective joint statement. Partners collaborate in an international working group (WG) set up by SSSU, with a draft roadmap document to be submitted for Government’s review and appraisal before the end of 2021.

The purpose of this consultancy is to support SSSU in analysing stakeholders, identifying opportunities for partnerships, designing communication and partnership building activities, and providing respective inputs to the transition roadmap document, as related to Ukraine’s transition from the traditional to the register-based population census.

Scope of work:

(Description of services, activities or outputs)

The Consultant shall closely cooperate with SSSU, other WG members and other stakeholders on developing a roadmap document for Ukraine’s transition to the register-based census. More specifically, the following tasks shall be accomplished by the Consultant:

To conduct a comprehensive analysis of stakeholders, including administrative data producers, operators, register administrators, data users, regulators, key influencers, supporters, opponents, mass media etc. ­– all those who can potentially positively and negatively affect the process of transition towards a register-based census.
To analyse and briefly describe the interests and position of every stakeholder regarding the census transition, opportunities and entry points for engagement, GR/PR/communications strategies to develop partnerships and synergies, and address and mitigate the opposition.
To develop GR/PR/communications programme that will become part of the census transition process, help promote and highlight the SSSU collaboration with partners, address public concerns and foster public support of the transition process. The programme should address partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, international development community, multilateral and bilateral donors, academic and business institutions, mass media.
In consultations with the WG coordinator, to write and provide inputs to the draft census transition roadmap document as related to the above tasks in the framework of communications/GR/PR support of the future census transition process.
To participate in all events related to the WG activities and provide respective inputs on communications/GR/PR as may be requested by SSSU.

The Consultant is expected to draft and present to the WG the following sections of the census transition roadmap document:

- Stakeholder analysis including data producers, operators, administrators, users, regulators, key influencers, supporters, opponents, mass media etc.

- Partnerships and communications programs including:

Government relations
Public relations
Public-private partnership
which will be consisting of:

Situation analysis
Identifying communication objectives and tasks
Target audience analysis
Essential communication strategies, including tools and communication channels, tactics and creative solutions
implementation plan
The Consultant should discuss his/her inputs with WG members, integrate their feedback and have the draft text agreed by SSSU before finalization.

Expected deliverables from the consultancy:

The text of census transition roadmap sections with the following elements:

Comprehensive stakeholder analysis required for Ukraine’s transition to the register-based census in the 2030 round.
Communications and partnerships programs to support the census transition process.
The text shall be presented at the WG meetings, comments and recommendations from the WG members shall be collected, and incorporated into the text of these sections.

Duration and working schedule:

The consultancy should begin as of the date of signing the consultancy contract and continue for no longer than three months, unless otherwise agreed between SSSU, UNFPA and the consultant in writing. This is a full-time job.

Place where services are to be delivered:

Kyiv, Ukraine

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

The Consultant’s work outputs will be delivered through electronic communications unless otherwise agreed by UNFPA and the Consultant. All duties should be performed within the agreed timeframes, with no delays.

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

Any obstacles to the progress of works and/or anticipated deviations from the agreed timelines should be substantiated and communicated to the Supervisor well in advance, along with suggested remedies.

The payment schedule is monthly instalments paid upon acceptance of monthly progress reports by the SSSU and UNFPA.

Supervisory arrangements:

The Consultant’s work will be monitored and supervised by Mr. Igor Verner, Chair, State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Programmatic advice and support will be provided by Mr. Oleg Voronenko, UNFPA Expert on Population and Development and Ms. Tetiana Tyshchuk, National Coordinator for Census Transition Roadmap Development for Ukraine.

Expected travel:

No duty travel is expected.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

Higher education in PR, journalism, communications, marketing.
Work experience in PR/GR/communication team – two years and more.
Good knowledge and strong skills in conducting PR and GR campaigns, developing communication strategies.
Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Ukrainian
Working knowledge of English language

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner

The SSSU and UNFPA will provide necessary support and equipment to the Consultant at all stages of the assignment as may be required by the nature of work.

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:

Any remarks, proposals, complaints or claims to the Consultant regarding services being provided in line with these terms of reference should be submitted to the Consultant in writing within 10 days of submission of consultancy deliverables or reports by the Consultant. The scope of works to be performed by the Consultant under these terms of reference, as well as other conditions of the consultancy, could be modified, if required, through a written agreement between the Consultant and UNFPA.

Intellectual property. All information pertaining to this assignment (documentary, pictures, digital, cyber, project documents etc.) belonging to UNFPA, which the Consultant may come into contact with in the performance of his/her duties shall remain the property of UNFPA which shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without the written permission of UNFPA in line with the national and international copyright laws applicable.

CV should be sent to email: [email protected] with the position title in the Subject line.

The deadline is 05 September 2021.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Координатор/ка освітніх проектів

Менеджер/ка проектів (USAID/BHA)

Менеджер/ка програми з підготовки до зими

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist / Спеціаліст/ка з моніторингу, оцінювання та навчання

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Health Officer / Фахівець/чиня програм з громадського здоров'я