Проект «Гендерне бюджетування в Україні» оголошує конкурс на посаду Національної/ого експертки/а – державний рівень


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Natalia Maloh

Проект «Гендерне бюджетування в Україні» оголошує конкурс на посаду Національної/ого експертки/а – державний рівень

Проект «Гендерне бюджетування в Україні» оголошує конкурс на посаду Національної/ого експертки/а –державний рівень. Дедлайн – 12 лютого 2019 р. (далі – англ.).


Tasks and Responsibilities:

Working under the overall supervision of Team Leader and the Deputy Team, the National expert will provide technical support specifically, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Cooperate with the state level institutions in Ukraine, providing expert advisory support on the application of the gender responsive approach in the budget process;
    - support in analysis of budget documents from the GRB integration perspective;
    - assisting in gender budget analysis of KSUs budget programs;
    - methodological assistance to introduce changes in the legislative and regulatory legal framework to mainstream gender into the budget process at the state level;
  • Prepare and deliver a wide range of trainings on GRB for project partners at the state level;
  • Participating in the preparation of the Project plans and reports:
  • In cooperation with the Communication expert participation in preparing regular information on ongoing activities and project outcomes at the state level for the web site and other communication tools;
  • Presentation of the project at international, national and regional meetings and conferences;
  • Other tasks as agreed with the Team Leader and the Deputy Team Leader.

Please note that the main purpose of the Sida’s technical assistance projects is developing capacities within our partner institutions and therefore direct engagement of the civil servants of partner institutions is not recommended or encouraged by Sida.


Deadline for applications: 12th February 2019.

Starting date: 1st March 2019.

For more details, please, visit Project’s web-site: http://grbproject.org


Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV and cover letter, with “National Expert – State Level” in the subject line at [email protected]

ToR 2019 National Expert – State Level

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