Проект «Розкриття потенціалу молодих соціальних підприємців в Молдові та Україні» шукає консультанта для проведення базового дослідження в рамках проекту


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Проект «Розкриття потенціалу молодих соціальних підприємців в Молдові та Україні» шукає консультанта для проведення базового дослідження в рамках проекту

Проект допомагає сприяти розвитку соціального підприємницького потенціалу молоді в Молдові та Україні, створюючи сприятливу екосистему для соціальних підприємств, а також надихаючи та підтримуючи більше молодих соціальних підприємців розвиватися та підтримувати свої інноваційні рішення щодо сприяння соціальній включеності та екологічній стійкості в обох країнах.

Проект фінансується Європейським Союзом у рамках його програми EU4Youth. Проект буде реалізований консорціумом, включаючи наступні організації: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (GSI), (Німеччина), Pro NGO! (Німеччина), AXA Management Consulting (Молдова), ECO-RAZENI Association (Молдова), CONTACT (Молдова), та Egalite International (Україна).

Проект фінансується в рамках програми Європейского Союзу EU4Youth.

Фінальний строк подачі заявок – 8 квітня 2020 року.

Далі – англійською:


Consultancy: Baseline Study in Ukraine for the “Unlocking the potential of

young social entrepreneurs in Moldova and Ukraine” project

  1. Background information

The “Unlocking the potential of young social entrepreneurs in Moldova and Ukraine” project helps to foster the social entrepreneurial potential of young people in Moldova and Ukraine by establishing a favourable ecosystem for social enterprises as well as by inspiring and supporting more young social entrepreneurs to develop and sustain their innovative solutions to the promotion of social inclusion and environmental sustainability across both countries. The project is funded by the European Union under its EU4Youth Programme. The project will be implemented by a consortium including the following organisations: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (GSI), Germany – the lead, Pro NGO! (Germany), AXA Management Consulting (Moldova), ECO-RAZENI Association (Moldova), CONTACT (Moldova), and Egalite International (Ukraine) in 30 months, starting from 1st February 2020.

Egalite International is in charge of all the project activities taking place in Ukraine. Therefore, currently Egalite International is seeking for a local expert or a team of experts to conduct a rigorous baseline study for the project in Ukraine. The study methodology should be replicable to use for the mid-term and final evaluation of the project. The baseline also acts as part of the integral learning objective of the final evaluation. Therefore, the study methodology should utilize in its design furthermore aspects of comparative effects beyond the complimentary approach in Moldova and focus on aspects of Systems thinking.

  1. Project Description

Overall objective

The overall objective is to improve capacity of youth-owned social enterprises (SEs) to fight unemployment, reduce migration and contribute to social inclusion and cohesion in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region

Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • to improve the legal framework for social entrepreneurship in Moldova and establish this legislation for Ukraine based on Moldova’s best-practices;
  • to improve capacity of young social entrepreneurs in business administration, fundraising and advocacy activities for promoting social enterprises’ interests through the development of a Moldovan-Ukrainian network of young social entrepreneurs;
  • to motivate more youth in Moldova and Ukraine to start social start-ups and recognise their contribution to social inclusion and reduction of inequalities;
  • to strengthen relevant business support structures for young entrepreneurs in both countries, including start-up funding.

Project duration

1 February 2020 – 31 July 2022

Target groups

Young people in Moldova and Ukraine, especially 500 young social entrepreneurs; Members of parliament (MPs) and legal experts, governmental officials, fiscal bodies, incl. tax inspection and custom offices of both countries; 200 NGO leaders; 200 public experts; 300 journalists and bloggers; 50 business mentors; and 24 academic institutions.

Countries covered

Moldova (MD) and Ukraine (UKR)

Target location in UKR

Kiev and Cherkassy, Dnipropetrivsk, Zhytomir, Vinnitsa and Odessa oblasts

Project beneficiaries

500 young social entrepreneurs, 2500 disadvantaged young people engaged in social businesses, and local communities in Moldova and Ukraine

Expected results

  • An active network of 500 social enterprises is established, which will contribute to the promotion of public-private partnerships in Moldova and Ukraine;
  • Creation of EcoHub supporting young social entrepreneurs, which will play an important role to stimulate mutual learning, information and best practice exchanges among young social entrepreneurs, as well as provide seed funding for 15 best social start-up initiatives with a strong focus on environmental sustainability and proven records on employment opportunities for marginalised youth;
  • 6 Social Entrepreneurship Labs will be opened in 6 most depressed and remote regions in Ukraine, ensuring outreach to underprivileged youth including young women, single mothers, and indigenous people;
  • An increase of public awareness on social enterprise, integration of social entrepreneurship topics into the university curriculum, and young social entrepreneurs are supported to earn public recognition for their innovative efforts to tackle social exclusion, inequalities and environmental degradation


  1. Purpose of the baseline study

The purpose of the assignment is to carry out a study in targeted location in Ukraine to establish baseline against all indicators given in the project Log-frame[1]. The study will establish the baseline for the project´s key indicators and constitute the basis to measure the project performance in Ukraine. Even though the baseline study is intended primarily to facilitate the project monitoring and evaluation, it will also be used as an evidence-based lobbying and advocacy tool. Furthermore, the baseline study should test if the identified geographic and demographic scope of the study by the contractor is sufficient in order to create additional indicators for the learning and development of the project. Therefore, this study should act as guideline for further localization of the project and answer questions who and what localities shall be included in the project and who and what localities not.

The results of this baseline study will be merged with the results of the baseline study conducted in Moldova to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current relevant situation in the 2 countries, which will serve as the basis of the project.

This baseline study is also expected to propose necessary modification/adjustments to the project’s Log-frame.

  1. Scope of work and methodology

The consultants are required to design, plan, carry out and present the project’s baseline study for results at all levels, project effectiveness and sustainability. The study is to be conducted in the target areas of the respective country as defined under 2) based on a replicable sampling approach. This sampling has to be documented by the external consultants. The consultants are required to review and orient themselves in the referring programme documents and the project’s results framework.

The baseline study should adopt a mixed methods approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure that data collected is triangulated and can be communicated, explained and contextualised. It is expected that the consultants will combine the methodological approach by using a minimum of qualitative questionnaires with structured interviews. Contrary to the usual practice in baselines of fixed designs that are implemented as planned, this design can change as an innovation unfolds and changes during the work. The used surveys and interviews may have their questions from one respondent to the next changed, discarding items that have revealed little of value or are no longer relevant, and adding items that address new issues. The sample can be emergent as new participants or sites emerge, and others are abandoned. 

But most important hereby, is that the reasons for this agile and flexible approach are clearly mentioned and documented in a coherent, consistent and transparent way. 

The consultants are encouraged to use innovative methods to collect and analyse data. Document and desk review should complement the collection of data and primary information sources. The sample size (# of communities, # of stakeholders etc.) will be determined in collaboration between GSI, Egalite International and the consulting team to provide a fair and statistically relevant representation of the project beneficiaries and stakeholders. All relevant information shall be collected from across specified beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders as well as at sector level in the targeted value chains.

          The study will also collect available national and local level secondary data to compare with the primary data. Thus, the study should include secondary and document analysis (media analysis included), qualitative key informant interviews, focused-group discussions and a standardized online survey as a stakeholder analysis. Final selection of the criteria regarding the definition of specific indicators in the results framework should be discussed and designed in collaboration with GSI and Egalite International. A suggested list of individuals, groups of people and organisations to be integrated into the baseline study will be given to the consultants in the kick-off meeting by Egalite International. According to the flexible approach towards the baseline construction this is seen as a starting point into an explorative baseline.

The consultant will develop the detailed methodology in consultation with the project team. The study is to be conducted in the target areas in Ukraine. Due to the current CoVid-19 outbreak we suggest a more digital approach to the baseline by using online tools and video/audio calls for interviews. As dynamic complexities do not slow down or wait for evaluators to write their reports, get them carefully edited, and then have them approved by higher authorities, we would like to focus even in the baseline of a rapid approach. Any method can be used, but it will have to be adapted to the necessities of speed, timely reporting, and just-in-time, in-the-moment decision making.

          All raw data obtained in this process also is in the possession of the contracting entity.

  1. Deliverables

The following deliverables are expected from the consultant:

  • Inception report:

The consultant shall submit an inception report after signing of the agreement detailing on the study methods, tools and work plan. The report also should comprise of (1) Guidelines for in-depth interviews/focus-group discussions, (2) standardized questionnaires for the online survey, and (3) consent form.

  • Draft baseline report should deliver the following points:
  • Summarising the methodology of the study and specifying any limitations/complications and changes to the initial design;
  • Collect and analyse the data resulting in a presentation of baseline values for all project indicators at all results levels;
  • Recommendations for adjustments to the project’s Log-frame;
  • Conclusions and recommendations to enhance the project success.
  • Final baseline report should consider and adapt comments/feedbacks of the project team and partners for the draft report.
  • Baseline database includes all primary data collected, such as survey data (in Excel or similar), transcripts or notes of the focused group discussions, interviews, photographs (if any), videos (if any) and all the corresponding consent forms.

* Please note all the deliverables should be in English.

  1. Timeframe

The baseline study is estimated to be undertaken right after the contract is signed until 31 May 2020.



Estimated deadline


Finalise Baseline TOR 

30 March 2020


Select the external consultant/consultancy team and sign contract

8 April 2020


Inception report

15 April 2020


Field work

3 May 2020


Draft baseline report

10 May 2020


Feedback from the project team for the baseline draft

15 May 2020


Final baseline report

24 May 2020


Deliver baseline database to the project team

31 May 2020


  1. Consultant expertise requirements

The consultant/consultancy team should meet the following criteria:

  • Relevant degree(s) in social sciences or development studies
  • Proven strong experience with and knowledge of participatory qualitative and quantitative research methods and sampling strategies (at least 3 years of experiences)
  • Proven strong experience in conducting baseline studies (at least 3 years of experiences)
  • Experienced in new and innovative methods of data generation (e.g. Developmental Evaluation)
  • Sound knowledge and experiences in employing mix-methods approach
  • Excellent communication and written skills in English and local language
  • Proven capacity to present data concisely and clearly
  • Previous experience in distant researches, strong skills in modern communication technologies and awareness in social entrepreneurship landscape will be an asset.
  • Disclosure of conflict of interest
  1. Budget & Payment

The consultant should submit the total budget in the proposal with detail breakdown including applicable government taxes. 50% of the contract amount will be paid after the submission of the inception report, and remaining 50% amount will be paid after submission of all the required deliverables as mentioned at point 5 of this ToR.

The proposed budget for the consultancy should include all relevant costs, such as professional fees, travel, local transport, accommodation, etc.). The maximum budget for the work is 3000€ (three thousand Euro) including all costs and taxes.

  1. Deadline and submission of expression of interest (EoI)

Egalite International invites interested consultants/consultancy teams to submit the following EoI documents by 3 April 2020:

  • Expression of interest outlining how the consultant(s) meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR ( 2 pages)
  • Financial proposal
  • CV(s) of the consultant or all consultancy team members
  • At least 1 example of similar pieces of work completed recently

The EoI shall be sent to [email protected] with “EU4Youth-Unlocking the potential-Baseline study proposal” as the email subject. Any questions to the study should be directed to [email protected].

  1. Ethical standards and Intellectual Property

The consultant(s) should take all reasonable steps to ensure that the study is designed and conducted to respect and protect the rights and welfare of the people and communities involved and to ensure that the study is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted in a transparent and impartial manner, and contributes to organisational learning and accountability.

All products resulting from this study will be owned by the project. The consultants will not be allowed, without prior authorisation in writing, to present any of the analytical results as his or her own or to make use of the research results for private publication purposes./.

[1] The project’s Log-frame will be shared with shortlisted candidates during the interview with the contracting entity (Egalite International)

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