Проект USAID Економічна підтримка Східної України шукає фахівця з розвитку громад у м. Маріуполь


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Oksana Gupalo

вакансія vacancy job
Проект USAID Економічна підтримка Східної України шукає фахівця з розвитку громад у м. Маріуполь

USAID Economic Resilience Project is looking for a Community Development Officer in Mariupol.

 Project Background:

 The purpose of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity is to improve the overall economic resilience of eastern Ukraine in response to Russian aggression, which has disrupted critical market linkages, catalyzed the economic decline of previously dominant industries, and caused massive population disruption. Resilience is “the ability of people, households, communities, countries, and systems to mitigate, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth.” This activity aims to improve the economic resilience of eastern Ukraine through accomplishing the following objectives:

  • INCLUSION: building the capabilities of vulnerable population to capitalize on entrepreneurial and MSME economic opportunities;
  • GROWTH: helping micro, small, and medium business innovate, invest, and expand markets; and
  • TRANSFORMATION: working with coalitions and leaders to articulate the vision for the future and put in place a modern, diverse, and SME-friendly economy.

 By accomplishing these objectives, the economy of eastern Ukraine will be more diversified, more integrated with the rest of Ukraine, less dependent on Russia, and the region’s residents will be better equipped to compete for the jobs of the future, thereby improving the economic resilience of the region.  The activity will work primarily in the oblasts most affected by Russia’s aggression, Donetsk and Luhansk—together known as the “Donbas” region—but will also be active in the surrounding oblasts and throughout Ukraine as required to achieve the objectives. See C.6 Geographic Targeting for a more comprehensive definition of “eastern Ukraine.”

 Roles Purpose:

The Ukraine Economic Resilience Activity project is currently searching for Community Development Officer to help oversee all work planning and project activity implementation.

The position is based in Mariupol with a possibility to travel to other targeted cities and communities.

 Objectives and Duties:

  • Assistance in developing strategic visioning/planning framework for helping target communities develop new optimistic visions of the future and plans to reach that vision.
  • Assistance in soliciting, selecting and development of interventions with partners which Activity will realize.
  • Assistance in creating and implementing the communication strategy of the Activity.
  • In collaboration with the Activity staff, the candidate will help establish, schedule and execute of events in according with work plan in the Azov region.
  • Assure appropriate engagement with IDPs, youth and women and other affinity groups.
  • Coordination and management of interventions in ERA targeted territories.
  • Work with consultants, strategic planning committees and local government officials to find resources for implementation support including better revenue and budgeting programs, PPPs, improving creditworthiness with the commercial banking system and accessing state funds.
  • Facilitation of cooperative work with government bodies and local government. Prepare written analytical reports, correspondence, public information and other communications materials.
  • Coordination with communication team to produce info on progress, achievements and success stories.
  • Aid with data collection, interviews, surveys, and data entry.
  • Assist with the preparation of presentations, weekly reports, meeting notes, and other deliverables.
  • Provide written translation and editing of documents as needed.


Candidates should have the following qualifications: 

  • A bachelor’s degree and 5 years of experience.
  • At least three years of experience providing operational or technical assistance to development programming in Ukraine or similar country context.
  • At least three years of experience to manage economic development and infrastructure projects
  • Experience working in Eastern Ukraine preferred.
  • Experience with USAID-funded projects is a plus.
  • Ability to multi-task and prioritize tasks. Excellent organizational skills and ability to work as part of a team.
  • Ukrainian, Russian and English required.


Please send your CV and Motivation letter to  [email protected] with Community Development Officer in subject by September 29, 2019.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader