ПРООН шукає Менеджера з підтримки інформаційних технологій (Київ)


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вакансія vacancy job
ПРООН шукає Менеджера з підтримки інформаційних технологій (Київ)


Purpose: Manages ICT services, supervises the IT Unit team, develops and implements ICT plans, provides information management tools and technology infrastructure.

Reporting structure and partners: Reports to DCD-Operations, ICT Team members direct reports (listed above). Works in close collaboration with the operations, programme and project teams in the Country Office (CO), partner agencies and with UNDP HQs staff for resolving complex ICT-related issues. Liaises with Regional ICT Specialist and OIMT staff.

Duties and Responsibilities

Ensures implementation of ICT strategies and introduction and implementation of new technologies, through:

  • Full compliance with corporate information management and technology standards, guidelines and procedures for the CO technology environment;
  • Supervision of the IT team to provide high-quality, client oriented and timely IT services to clients;
  • Development and implementation of the ICT annual plan. Implementation of UNDP’s corporate ICT strategy at the office level;
  • Development and implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in ICT services;
  • Participation in the office business process re-engineering activities;
  • Conduct of market research and analysis, and introduction of new technologies for country office systems;
  • Provision of advice on and assistance in development and procurement of new ICT equipment for the CO and projects, provision of technical specifications and information on best options in both local and international markets;
  • Technical review of quotations and bids;
  • Development and update of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). Follow up on their implementation;
  • Provision of support to the use of Atlas (UNDP’s implementation of ERP) functionality for improved business results and improved client services;
  • Full accountability of the respective key indicators on the ICT Dashboard (s);
  • Participation in UNDP Oversight and Support Team meetings as applicable;
  • ICT Advisory to projects and partner agencies;
  • Cost recovery of IT services provided to projects and partner agencies.

Ensures development of information and documentation management system through:

  • Development and implementation of CO information and document management systems in accordance with UNDP policy and the country office needs;
  • Mapping of business processes and deployment of efficiency and automation tools.

Manages CO hardware and software packages through:

  • Ensuring CO hardware and software platforms meet the UNDP corporate standards and CO key business processes;
  • Monitoring the use of ICT resources and ensuring they are used in line with UNDP policies;
  • Provision of advice on maintenance of equipment and acquisition of hardware supplies;
  • Supervision of implementation of corporate UNDP systems;
  • Deployment of office automation tools for high impact results (e.g. office management system, e-registry, intranet, etc.);
  • Maintenance of contracts with suppliers and outsourcing partners.

Ensures efficient networks administration through:

  • Monitoring of the ICT resources to provide a stable and responsive environment;
  • Ensuring that sufficient ICT resources and tools are in place to create efficient and enabling for clients;
  • Ensuring that the UNDP user equipment and network resources are protected from malicious software and virus attacks;
  • Ensuring ICT infrastructure robustness and redundancy for Business Continuity;
  • Participation in development and implementation of Disaster Recover Planning (DRP);
  • Provision of technical advice on network administration to projects and partner agencies as required.

Provides web management services through:

  • Identification of opportunities and ways of converting business processes into automated web-based systems to address the issues of efficiency (e.g. office management systems, donor profile software, knowledge management systems);
  • Development and technical maintenance of the CO websites and Intranet;
  • Provision of technical advice on web management to other agencies as required.

Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the CO through:

  • Identification and promotion of systems for content management and knowledge sharing;
  • Coordination of IT efforts and utilization of economy of scale among partner agencies;
  • Coordination with peers in the region as well as regional and global UNDP structures;
  • Organization of training for the operations/projects staff on ICT issues;
  • Synthesis of lessons learned and best practices directly linked to ICT management;
  • Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.




Ability to make new and useful ideas work

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)


Ability to persuade others to follow

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)

People Management;

Ability to improve performance and satisfaction

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)


Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)


Ability to get things done

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert).



Information Systems & Technology (General);

Knowledge of IST innovations and concepts and ability to apply them to strategic and/or practical situations

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)

IT Customer Support;

Ability to support internal customers with IT assistance

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)

Network and Infrastructure Management;

Ability to manage IT network and infrastructure

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)


IT Continuity and Disaster Recovery;

Ability to manage IT continuity and disaster recovery

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)

Knowledge Management;

Ability to capture, develop, share and effectively use information and knowledge

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert)

Quality Assurance;

Ability to perform administrative and procedural activities to insure that quality requirements and goals are fulfilled                                 

Level 4: Originate (Peer Regarded Lead Expert).

Required Skills and Experience


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Information systems, Information Management or Bachelor’s degree with two additional years of relevant experience in Computer Science or related discipline is accepted in lieu of Master’s degree. CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) is required. If certification is not available at the time of recruitment, it should be obtained within 12 months;
  • Cisco Network certificates and Microsoft certificates are an asset.


  • Up to 2 years of relevant working experience, including development and implementation of ICT strategies, management and supervision of ICT services and teams, hardware and software platforms, telecommunications facilities, knowledge of Windows-based packages/applications, experience in web design and development of web-based office applications or other related field is required.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluency in English and Ukrainian.


If you wish to apply for this or other positions with UNDP, please visit UNDP website, section jobs and apply only:



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