ПРООН в Україні шукає Консультанта з питань створення та управління Відкритих регуляторних платформ


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ПРООН в Україні шукає Консультанта з питань створення та управління Відкритих регуляторних платформ

UNDP in Ukraine is looking for National Consultant to provide expert and methodological support on establishing and running the Open Regulatory Platforms for regulatory review in oblast and city level municipalities, and at the national level


The main objective of the assignment is to assist the city councils (3) and oblast administration (1) in establishing a mechanism for improvement of local regulations affecting SMEs based on participatory dialogue between the public and private sector (the local business community represented by local BMOs), and provide the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine (hereinafter SRSU) with the recommendations on how to establish this mechanism at the national level. The ultimate goal is to kick-start the process of regulatory review which will aim to improve the local business environment for SMEs.


Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Consultant will work to develop a model of efficient public-private dialogue mechanisms to contribute to the improvement of the local regulatory environment. In particular, the Consultant will:

  1. Develop a detailed work plan for the assignment (including a schedule of necessary consultations with stakeholders, trainings and working/public events, etc) based on consultations with the stakeholders;
  2. Review the documents provided by UNDP to obtain a better understanding of the project goals and context;
  3. Review existing experience in establishing similar platforms/mechanisms (mostly the Regulatory Platform in Vinnytsia from the Project Phase I) to identify lessons learned and best practices that can be applied to the current context of Chernihiv, Melitopol, and Vinnytsia municipalities and Chernihiv Oblast State Administration;
  4. Based on the materials from the Project Phase I, develop a clear and efficient methodology (algorithm) for the review of local regulations and pilot test it in Chernihiv city and oblast, Melitopol, and Vinnytsia city municipalities with involvement of the group of experts;
  5. Deliver 5 training programs (1 training program for 1 platform; at least 12 hours per 1 training program; 1 training program can be divided into 3 or more training sessions) on regulatory policy and regulatory impact analysis to familiarize the employees of the SRSU, local authorities, and business membership organizations with the suggested methodology of regulatory review;
  6. Develop the recommendations for the organizational set-up (model) of the Open Regulatory platform for the city and oblast level municipalities and the national level. The recommendations should describe the general approach to establishing the mechanism, key principles, standing orders of work, possible partnerships, stakeholders, and their potential role in running the participatory process of regulatory review.
  7. Participate in at least five working or public events (online and/or offline) to present/discuss the outputs of the assignment. Logistics arrangements for the events will be ensured by UNDP.

To learn more details and apply, please follow the link : https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=99645

Deadline: 21 June 2021

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

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Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

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Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader