Вакансія: Quality Improvement Consultant – Community Action for HIV Control, Pact Inc.

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Вакансія: Quality Improvement Consultant – Community Action for HIV Control, Pact Inc.


The Community Action for HIV Control (CAHC) project is seeking a consultant for the part-time role of a Quality Improvement Mentor.

The Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC) is an approach expected to enhance the technical capacity of NGO partners in delivering high-quality HIV services and promoting innovations through their differentiated service delivery (DSD) models, index testing modality, and building client feedback system. It functions as a mechanism for refining, adapting, and making context-specific improvements to the HIV work led by NGOs.

The objective is to act as a CAHC representative supporting the partner NGOs in implementation of the QI Collaborative. In close collaboration with the CAHC QI Team, the consultant will work on the following areas: 

  • Coordinating the collaborative across all pilot regions/organizations.
  • Providing guidance and mentorship to NGO QI teams.
  • Assisting in institutionalization of QI change package.
  • Documenting lessons learned.
  • Supporting coaches and teams in data interpretation.
  • Contributing to preparation and implementation of Cross-Regional Learning Sessions.

Total LoE: up to 120 days in total (10 days per month)

Milestone deliverables

  • QI training session held
  • QI charters developed/updated together with partner NGOs
  • Ongoing support to partner NGOs around QI efforts ensured
  • At least 1 cross-regional learning session conducted
  • Final report submitted (if requested)

Professional Requirements:

  • Degree in Social Science, Humanitarian Science, Health, or equivalent experience
  • 10+ years of professional experience in managing health projects or similar job roles.
  • Proven experience in coordinating programmatic initiatives at the regional/national level.
  • Proven experience in data collection and analysis.
  • Good writing and speaking skills in Ukrainian and English.
  • Experience with HIV-service topic would be an asset.
  • Experience with USAID-supported activities would be an asset.
  • Experience with QI approaches would be an asset.

Proposals (digital submissions only) must include, at a minimum, the following information:

  1. CV with linked examples of quality of work (relevant past projects and materials pertinent to providing the services).
  2. Proposed Fees/Expenses. Proposals shall clearly state all fees and expenses to be charged in the performance of all Services: If based on a daily rate, provide the daily rates to be charged for the Contractor. Provide an explanation if fees will be calculated on any other basis.
  3. Reference List – A list of at least three (3) contacts for references, including client name, organization, email and telephone contact information for similar work performed by the applicant.

The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  1. Proven relevant experience – 35 points
  2. Skills and expertise – 25%
  3. Supervisory experience – 20%
  4. Cost of service – 20%

To Apply

Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] with “Quality Improvement Consultant” in the subject line. Please include all information and documents indicated above.

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Останні публікації цього розділу:

Асистент/ка із закупівель (Procurement Assistant)

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