Research and Analytical Report Consultant in Spatial Planning in Territorial Communities for USAID DOBRE Program/Консультант з дослідження та написання аналітичного звіту з просторового планування у територіальних громадах в програму USAID DOBRE


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Research and Analytical Report Consultant in Spatial Planning in Territorial Communities for USAID DOBRE Program/Консультант з дослідження та написання аналітичного звіту з просторового планування у територіальних громадах в програму USAID DOBRE

Global Communities is seeking qualified short-term consultants for USAID-funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency Program (DOBRE):

POSITION:                                       Research and Analytical Report Consultant in Spatial Planning in Territorial Communities (1 short-term post) to summarize DOBRE Spatial planning project results, methodology, develop a technical analytical report and recommendations for local self-government of Territorial Communities (TC) and Central Government in Ukraine on how local communities can use spatial planning documents in their artivity.

 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE:         over period of 3 months

 LOCATION OF PERFORMANCE:    Home-based via online and phone communication tools

 Level of Effort (LOE) DAYS:            Up to 10 LOE days. The exact number of days will be defined individually during contracting process.


 The USAID Program, “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE), is a six-year program, implemented by Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). DOBRE is working to help consolidated communities (CCs) in Ukraine to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities that decentralization brings, by improving their local governance and increasing the engagement of their citizens in policy- and decision-making. Areas of support include strategic planning; financial management; public service delivery; local economic development; and gender- and youth-responsive policies. DOBRE is also working to foster linkages and cooperation across CCs. Partners with Global Communities in the DOBRE Program Consortium include the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center (UCMC); SocialBoost; the Foundation in Support of Local Democracy (FSLD/FRDL), the Malopolska School of Public Administration at the Krakow University of Economics (MSAP/UEK), Poland; and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

The USAID DOBRE Program is working closely with 100 CCs in 10 Oblasts of Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Mykolayiv, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv and Zaporizhzhia 

 In Spatial planning area DOBRE provides assistance to communities through development of spatial planning documents, that includes city-building documentation and land-management documentation on the territory of community, explanatory notes and planned projects for community development.

 Scope of Work and Deliverables

DOBRE will issue a learning memo to highlight program results and lessons learned from implementation of specific program component, providing recommendation for further development for local communities, central government, technical assistance program donors and implementers in Ukraine. ‘How local communities can plan sustainable and inclusive economic development, using spatial planning documentation?’ theme will be researched via a series of interviews, summarized and described in one of the memos to inform local self-government of TCs and Central Government in Ukraine. DOBRE Program has identified the need to hire a Consultant, whose focus will be to conduct a research, obtain required data, analyse it and write a technical analytical report summarizing DOBRE Spatial Planning projects results, related DOBRE experience and suggesting recommendations to inform local self-government of TCs and Central Government in Ukraine. 

 The Consultant should be able to complete the following Tasks: 

  • Learn and summarize DOBRE Spatial Planning projects results and DOBRE partner communities’ experience. As part of this task, the Consultant should review and summarize DOBRE experience in spatial planning projects, technical consultancy assistance and implementing, and identify challenges that DOBRE partner communities face(d) during spatial planning activity; elaborate on ways avoiding, mitigating, or overcoming the challenges, if any. The Consultant should describe key types/categories of. Provide overview of at least 2 (where applicable) best practice examples in DOBRE spatial planning assistance..
  • Conduct interviews, interpret and summarize the obtained data/results. The Consultant should review DOBRE documents, conduct series of interviews with local government representatives in selected partner communities, who developed spatial planning documentation. The Consultant will analyze the obtained data and summarize it in a comprehensive report (see below).
  • Communicate, coordinate and synchronize their work with other DOBRE Consultant(s) who would be contributing to the Report or its sections, assist in incorporation of the report in bigger report on Local Economic Development in DOBRE partnered communities.
  • Write a comprehensive report. The Consultant should develop a Report focused on, inter alia, a) summary of the DOBRE methodology and experience (described in item 1 above), b) summary outcomes of the conducted interviews (item 2 above), and c) the Consultant’s recommendations for further development for local communities, central government, technical assistance program donors and implementers in Ukraine. Among other questions, the report should suggest answers on the following questions:
  • How local communities could arrange LED planning process, using spatial planning documentation?
  • What stakeholders should be involved in this process?
  • What local government policies should support these activities?
  • What approaches and tools might be available for CCs?
  • Where resources may come from to develop spatial planning documentation?
  • What are the most benefits from development of spatial planning documentation for communities?

This report or its sections may be publicized by DOBRE Program or its partners.   

  • Present at DOBRE events and stimulate exchange of experience: DOBRE plans to conduct a public event like a workshop/webinar/conference to present information contained in the Report. The Consultant might be invited to speak at event(s) and facilitate inviting other presenters/participants, agreed with DOBRE, on the topic of this consultancy assignment.

 The Consultant will provide the following deliverables: 

  • Interview questionnaire (agreed with DOBRE Technical representatives). Summary report section on obtained data/results from analysis of developed spatial planning documentation and interviews conducted by the Consultant (Task 1, 2, 3).
  • Inception report in Ukrainian. (Task 4) 6-10 A-4 pages long, single spaced. It will include on, inter alia, a) summary of the DOBRE methodology and experience (described in item 1 above), b) summary outcomes of the conducted interviews (item 2 above), and c) the Consultant’s recommendations for further development for local communities, central government, technical assistance program donors and implementers in Ukraine. Among other questions, the report should suggest answers on the following questions:
  • How local communities could arrange LED planning process, using spatial planning documentation?
  • What stakeholders should be involved in this process?
  • What local government policies should support these activities?
  • What approaches and tools might be available for CCs?
  • Where resources may come from to develop spatial planning documentation?
  • What are the most benefits from development of spatial planning documentation for communities?

          (Deliverable 1, up to 6 LOE).

  1. Final report in Ukrainian. It will cover all the information contained in the Inception Report and is should also be amended/edited as per comments and recommendations provided by DOBRE Technical Representatives, following review of the Inception report. The Consultant(s) will prepare this report for incorporating into in bigger report on Local Economic Development in DOBRE partnered communities, that would be developed by other DOBRE Consultants (to be separately contracted by DOBRE team). The final report should be 6-10 A-4 pages long, plus annexes, and single spaced. The report structure and format should be aligned with a standard report template that will be provided by DOBRE team. (Deliverable 2, total up to 4 LOE).

Qualifications and Experience of Consultant

The Consultant would have the following qualifications:

  • Deep understanding of spatial planning concept on municipal level in Ukraine or abroad.
  • Successful direct experience working as part of spatial planning development team or organization in USAID DOBRE partner communities or providing spatial planning services (with proven positive results created) to local self-governance bodies of consolidated communities in Ukraine;
  • Good knowledge of decentralization processes in Ukraine;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Effective communication skills, presentation and public speaking skills;
  • Ability to conduct research analysis and interviews and summarize the data;
  • Experience in mentoring, consultation and facilitation of meetings.

Coordination and Reporting 

The Consultant(s) will closely coordinate their work with DOBRE LED Team and report to DOBRE Program Officer. Each activity mentioned in the contract should be planned and approved in advance. 

Application Process 

Submissions must be prepared in Ukrainian and delivered electronically to the following address: [email protected], indicating “Analytics Report Consultant in Spatial Planning in TCs” in the subject line by 10:00 Kyiv time January 21, 2022.

Application package must include: 

  • A summary (max. 2 pages) of the applicant’s expertise and experience, highlighting those aspects that are particularly relevant to the present assignment;
  • Applicant’s CV/Resume (3 pages maximum);
  • Examples of previously produced reports and publications.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Inclusion Advisor

Вакансія: Facilities and Inventory Management Lead

DAI Global LLC шукає Technical Copy Editor

Press and Media Coordinator - Посольства США

Public Health Specialist (Strategic Information) - Посольство США

Administrative Assistant in the Community Liaison Office (Посольство США)