Sеeking Subject Matter Expert on Coordination of Cyber hygiene course promotion among high school students and educators


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Sеeking Subject Matter Expert on Coordination of Cyber hygiene course promotion among high school students and educators

CRDF Global (Representative office in Ukraine) is seeking Subject Matter Expert on Coordination of Cyber hygiene course promotion among high school students and educators

For an upcоming engagement, CRDF Global is seeking the subject matter expert(s), who would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to: 

Coordination the Cyber hygiene courses for high school students promotion among wider community, identification and communication with possible stakeholders, contribution to Cyber hygiene workshops preparation and co-facilitation. The selected Technical Vendor would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to:

  1. Preparing customized materials to Cyber Hygiene Workshops to deliver the Cyber hygiene course to relevant stakeholders
  2. Collaborating closely with the relevant stakeholders – teachers, methodologies from different regions of Ukraine to ensure course promotion among wider community
  3. Guiding the course with the right methodological way
  4. Coordinate and edit if necessary the methodological approach of the courses
  5. Consulting on E-learning Cyber hygiene course for high school students implementation and promotion
  6. Contributing to designing promo materials (e.g. pins, stickers, flyers, etc.) for the E-learning Cyber hygiene course for high school students
  7. Develop mechanisms for measuring mid- and long-term evaluation on cyber awareness of cyber threats and ‘cyber hygiene’ skills among high school students in Ukraine

Interested candidates should request the RFP document with the detailed requirements from Anastasiia Kurylenko <akurylenko@crdfglobal.org>.   

Submission Deadline: 6:00 PM Kyiv Time; April 25, 2022

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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