Short-Term Communication Expert (ТСА)


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Short-Term Communication Expert (ТСА)

Chemonics International Inc.  


USAID Transformation Communications Activity  

Short-Term Communication Expert for the Ministry of Culture and Informational Policy of Ukraine (MCIP) 

Estimated Period of Performance/Level of Effort: 7 months (full time)

Chemonics seeks a private entrepreneur to serve as a short-term Communication Expert for the Ministry of Culture and Informational Policy of Ukraine (MCIP) for the ongoing USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) in Ukraine. The project aims to partner with the Government of Ukraine (GOU), private sector, and civil society to increase the resilience of Ukraine’s democracy through innovative communications initiatives that engage Ukrainians in a conversation about the country’s democratic transformation and European integration. The objectives of the Activity are to equip USAID and its partners to conduct data-driven communications; increase the quality and quantity of strategic communications on reform dividends; and broaden the use of social impact content by Ukraine’s civic leaders and creative sector.

Scope of Works: 

  • Consulting on the development and implementation of government communications by the Directorate of Information Policy and Information Security of MCIP
  • Support the Directorate of Information Policy and Information Security of MCIP in conducting informational and communication campaigns for the purpose of informing the population about the reforms carried out by the government and other state bodies
  • Advise the Directorate of Information Policy and Information Security on exercising of informational and communication campaigns aimed at ensuring the protection of the national information space, informing the population of the territories liberated after the occupation
  • Advise the Directorate of Information Policy and Information Security on developing and implementing multi-media communications campaigns on Ukraine’s fight for its independence and freedom against Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and subsequent actions
  • Support the Directorate in developing materials and approaches focused on communicating unity and social cohesion
  • Establish effective cooperation between the Directorate on Information Policy and Information Security and the communication units of other state institutions for cross-sectoral government communication
  • Support Directorate of Information Policy and Information Security in ensuring the implementation of measures to inform the public on European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine 
  • Support the Directorate in communications about counteracting disinformation and work of the Center of Strategic Communications and Information Security
  • Provide recommendations for establishing and maintaining relations with communication departments of Regional Administrations for government communications in the regions
  • Support the Directorate in implementation of the Communication Concept in the field of gender equality.
  • Support USAID TCA in communication with MCIP and joint project implementation.
  1. Deliverables:
  • Recommendations on the implementation of government communications are provided as evidenced by examples provided in the monthly report (links, screenshots, materials).
  • Materials for use by Government, international and local partners for local and national communications. The expert should provide the links to published materials, or to prepared materials if they were produced for internal use, in their monthly reporting.
  • European integration message consistency with involved Ukrainian strategic communications stakeholders ensured. The expert should provide examples in the monthly report.  
  • Communications materials developed with the support of the expert resonate with citizens, encouraging them to contribute time and efforts into strengthening Ukrainian democracy, counter dominant disinformation narratives. The expert should collect examples of the target audience’s (TA’s) public feedback on published materials.
  • Support to MCIP’s activities in public and government cross-sectoral strategic communications 
  • Effective cooperation established between the Directorate on Information Policy and Information Security and the structural divisions of Regional Administrations (RA). The expert should continue to lead the  communications between MCIP and RA and suggest improvements  if needed. 
  • Recommendations provided on effective communication about counteracting disinformation and work of the Center of Strategic Communicationsand Information Security. Examples of effective communications should be provided in the monthly report. 
  • Established communication ties between the Directorate on Information Policy and Information Security of MCIP and the Cabinet of Ministers (CoM) and all Ministries (20). The expert should continue to lead the  communications between MCIP and CoM and suggest improvements  if needed.
  • Effective implementation of the action plan of the communication strategy on European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. The expert should reflect implemented communications projects in their monthly report. 
  • Effective implementation of the action plan and communication campaigns  aimed at ensuring the protection of the national information space and informing the population of the newly liberated territories. The expert should provide the links to published materials, or the prepared materials if they were produced for internal use.
  • USAID TCA has fruitful partnership with MCIP, has up-to-date and accurate information related to ministry’s communication efforts
  • USAID TCA receives monthly reports on experts contribution to MCIP’s operations
  1. Requirements


  • Relevant experience at the national or international level in the media sphere, public relations, communications or advocacy
  • At least 2 years of experience in national communication projects may be an asset
  • Proven track record of communication projects

Skills and qualification 

  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Demonstrated strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively in writing and orally, ability to communicate effectively at all levels
  • Ability to work both in a team and autonomously with minimum supervision but within the respect of given constraints and guidelines
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to visualize complex data
  • Outstanding ability to prioritize, coordinate and communicate at all levels with the different types of stakeholders
  • Outstanding time management
  • Understanding of mechanism of cooperation and interaction of state institutions 


  • Master’s degree in communications, journalism, linguistics, management or other related areas
  • Fluency in oral and written Ukrainian
  • Strong professional working level of English

Application instructions:

To apply, please submit your application via the following link no later than November 18, 2022.

Please complete the required information and upload your cover letter and CV for consideration. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factors.

Chemonics values the protection of your personal data. If you are in the European Union, please read our EU Recruiting Data Privacy Notice to learn how we process personal data. You may access the notice via the following link:

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