SMM-провайдер для Фонду Народонаселення ООН в Україні


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SMM-провайдер для Фонду Народонаселення ООН в Україні

Фонд Народонаселення ООН в Україні UNFPA шукає SMM-провайдера, компанію або SMM-спеціаліста – для SMM роботи на період кількох місяців.

UNFPA is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

UNFPA is the lead UN agency that expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives. 


UNFPA project “Integrated Response to end gender-based violence against vulnerable women and adolescent girls in Ukraine” is aimed at improvement of the status of women through strengthening  Government of Ukraine (central and local) capacities, improvement of mechanisms, advancement of policies and improvement of conditions for the implementation of the measures and legislation that foresee a society that values gender equality as an indispensable prerequisite to sustainable development, aiming towards zero tolerance of gender-based violence.


Within the framework of its programme, UNFPA launched a national information and awareness raising campaign promoting zero tolerance to gender-based violence (GBV) and UNFPA services for GBV survivors, including mobile teams – “Break the Circle”. The creative idea of the campaign was based on the concept of «Breaking the circle». It was presumed that without requesting for help violence generates more violence and the victim suffers more and more. So in order to break the circle of violence one has to ask for help and assistance. Several circles on the logo mean stereotypes, fear, lack of information and services, in particular personal and institutional obstacles, that hinder women’s call for help. Thus, it is important to start somewhere and breaking one circle helps to break other one. Core campaign’s messages: Do not be silent! Ask for help if you need it!; Admit that you are in danger (victim or a potential victim) of GBV. It’s absolutely right to tell about it and not keep suffering!; Break the circle: tell about violence and protect yourself and your children from further circle of violence.

For building additional channel of communication page “Break the Circle” was created in Facebook.  Its initial goal was to provide information about the specific help the project can offer to GBV victims. With a new phase of the programme new objectives have evolved:

  • informing followers on service availability – mobile teams, hotline etc. as well as individual ways of ensuring yourself from violence;
  • promoting intolerance and rejection of any kind of violence;
  • raising awareness on violence issue, its actualization in the society environment;
  • appealing to speak out about violence cases even if you just witnessed such;
  • information support of all program activities relate to GBV fighting;

Target audience: women and men of age between 25 – 44 years.


The purpose of the assignment is to support the “Break the Circle” Facebook page.


The selected service provider will be expected:

  • to provide a strategy on increasing number of followers, who belong to the target audience, increasing number of male followers to 30%, ensuring cross posting activity with opinion leaders each month.
  • to develop content for this platform for the period – February 1, 2018 – September 30, 2018.
  • to support, in consultations with UNFPA Communication team, “Break the Circle” Facebook page till the September 30, 2018.


Under the overall supervision of UNFPA Programme Manager the contractor will be expected to perform the following deliverables:

  • provide a strategy on implementing objectives – January 29, 2018.
  • provide a two months plan of publications – February 1, 2018; April 1, 2018; June 1, 2018; August 1, 2018;
  • management and everyday updates of “Break the Circle” FB page – 7 days per week, 1-2 posts per working day, 1 post per each weekend day – till the September 30, 2018.
  • report on made publications and analysis on changes in followers number and structure – September 30, 2018.

Requirements and Qualifications

UNFPA seeks a service provider with proven experience in the area of public communications, preferably social media campaigns (references to recent implemented media campaigns of social nature are required) and  good working knowledge of the Ukrainian media and advertising markets.

Other qualifications:

  •      The contractor should be a resident entity of or have legal representation in Ukraine with respective official registration
  •      Experience in developing communication campaigns/materials in/for social media and web media
  •      Previous successful experience with any UN agency or other international organizations is an asset
  •      Considerable experience in managing Facebook pages with the social context
  •      Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
  •      Fluency in Ukrainian or Russian, and English. 


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