Спеціаліст із планування та координації


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Спеціаліст із планування та координації

Вакансія в Офісі ЮНОПС в Україні – Спеціаліст із планування та координації. Строк подачі: 29 квітня 2019 р. Запрошуємо кваліфікованих жінок до участі у відборі.

У рамках проекту «Підтримка реформ у галузі верховенства права у сферах діяльності поліції, прокуратури та належного врядування» (ПРАВО), що реалізується за фінансової підтримки Європейського Союзу, Спеціаліст із планування та координації керуватиме мультидисциплінарною групою експертів, яка надаватиме підтримку Державному бюро розслідувань щодо вдосконалення законодавчої бази та складання стратегічних планів для розвитку оперативної діяльності ДБР, консультуватиме керівництво ДБР з питань оцінювання, планування та забезпечення матеріально-інфраструктурних потреб установи.

Дізнайтесь більше про можливості працевлаштування в Офісі ЮНОПС в Україні на порталі «UNOPS Jobs» https://jobs.unops.org/Pages/ViewVacancy/VADetails.aspx?id=17750.

Background Information – Job-specific 

In response to the request of the Government of Ukraine, UNOPS opened an office in Ukraine in 2017, which provides a broad spectrum of services to the Government and the people of Ukraine. Currently, the office is classified as an Operations Centre (UAOC), with a portfolio of projects exceeding USD 100 million, in the areas of rule of law, environment, energy efficiency, crisis recovery, good governance, human resources management, procurement, and logistics.

The European Union funded Project ‘Support for Rule of Law Reforms in the Areas of Police, Public Prosecution and Good Governance’ (hereinafter – Project) has the overall objective of supporting the strengthening of policing, prosecution and civilian governance in Ukraine and to align them with the best European and International practices. On matters of operational detail, the project relies on the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) to Ukraine.

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) was established in 2016, with the mandate to carry out independent investigation of crimes by civil service officials, judges, law enforcement officials, and those officials working in the special anti-corruption institutions of the Ukrainian Government.

Since then the SBI has made progress towards establishing itself as a functional law enforcement institution with the ability to carry out investigative operations. In order for the SBI to reach its potential there are certain key steps that must be achieved. There is a need for more clarity in the legal framework on governance; strategic planning capacity should be enhanced; recruitment and training of personnel needs significant activity and IT and communications capacities must be developed.

Considering the above, the Project will support the SBI to operationalize its mandate in the start-up phase of its operations (2019). In particular, the Project will focus on three Result Areas: Result 1: Enhanced strategic planning and the SBI capacity to effectively carry out its investigative operations. Result 2: Enhanced capacity of the SBI staff to effectively undertake investigative operations, particularly those staff members without prior experience in law enforcement. Result 3: The SBI has established effective business processes for IT and communications necessary to carry out its investigative operations.

Taking a phased approach, the duration of the assistance is envisaged for one year, with the possibility for extension based on the needs of the project.

The activities under the Result 1 envisage the establishment of the multidisciplinary expert group (MEG) which will support the SBI in improvement of legislative framework and strategic planning and development to enhance the SBI’s operations, support the SBI’s Management with assessment, planning and delivery of its material and infrastructure needs. This group will be comprised of up to ten experts who will work closely with the senior management and specialised departments of the SBI. The team will include experts in organisational development, law, public finance, logistics and infrastructure.

Functional Responsibilities

The Planning and Coordination Specialist will manage the MEG under overall supervision of Programme Manager. While agreeing assignments and working closely with the Head of the SBI and its management team, he/ she will ensure the enhancement of the strategic planning capacity of the SBI and facilitate the development of the SBI’s procedures and regulations to support the SBI’s operation.

The consultant will be specifically responsible for delivering the following:

  • Establish and maintain professional relations with the SBI management on day-to-day basis.
  • In close collaboration with the SBI management, design the MEG Annual and Quarterly Work Plans which will be aligned with the tasks and scope of the Support Package ‘SBI’ delivered by the Project; monitor its implementation; ensure sustainability of support provided by the MEG to SBI.
  • Delegate tasks to the MEG members, coordinate their work and monitor their performance.
  • Prepare reports about the MEG’s work and deliverables.
  • Support the SBl in preparation of short and long-term plans as per each functional area of the SBI operations, for consideration by the senior management of the SBI; if required, contribute to the preparation of SBI’s financial and procurement reports.
  • Contribute to the development of internal procedures and regulations for the SBI.
  • Facilitate implementation of Project’s activities envisaged in the Support Package ‘SBI’ (support to coordination of activities and getting approvals for the phases from the senior management of the SBI and other relevant SBI’s departments).
  • Participate in expert consultations with the senior management of UNOPS, SBI, EUAM, and other stakeholders.
  • Provide expert assistance, within the scope of competence, as requested by the Programme Manager.
  • Undertake any in-country missions relevant for this assignment as directed by Programme Manager.

Specific deliverables will include:

  • The MEG’s Annual Workplan developed, agreed with the SBI management and shared with UNOPS within one month upon signing of the contract.
  • The MEG’s Quarterly Workplans developed, agreed with the SBI management and shared with UNOPS as follows: the first plan (for the Quarter 2 of 2019) – within one month of signing the contract; subsequent plans – by 30 June (for the Quarter 3), by 30 September (for the Quarter 4)

At least one strategic document (regulations, draft legislation, internal procedure, report on assessment and recommendations) of the SBI is produced with support from the MEG per quarter. Monthly reports provided by the consultant to UNOPS show the progress in implementation of the Quarterly Workplans for the MEG. The Workplans will be considered as successfully delivered if their implementation rate is above 70%. These reports will also detail the support provided by the consultant for the implementation of the Project activities envisaged in the Support Package ‘SBI’ under the Results 2 and 3 (e.g., coordination of activities and facilitating approvals for the phases from the management of the SBI and other relevant SBI’s departments)

Special conditions

The expert identified by UNOPS for this assignment will undergo security vetting by the SBI prior to the recruitment.  


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Public Administration, Governance, Law, Economics, Finance or related discipline is required.   OR
  • Bachelor’s degree with two additional years of relevant experience may be considered in lieu of the Master’s degree.


  • Five (5) years with Master’s degree or seven (7) years with Bachelor’s degree of relevant and proven professional experience at the managerial positions in public sector in Ukraine is required.
  • Experience in development of long-term and operational plans and strategic documents is required.
  • People management experience is required.
  • Familiarity with the legal context for operating of public institutions in Ukraine is strongly desirable.
  • Experience in managing the operations in the public institution is desirable.
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to handle large volumes of information and documentation is an asset.
  • Familiarity with the SBI’s internal dynamics, organisational structure, challenges and specifics of this institution will be an asset.


  • Fluency in Ukrainian and Russian is required.
  • English working level knowledge will be considered as an asset.

Find out more about job opportunities at UNOPS in Ukraine on UNOPS Jobs website https://jobs.unops.org/Pages/ViewVacancy/VADetails.aspx?id=17750.

Дізнайтесь більше про можливості працевлаштування в Офісі ЮНОПС в Україні на порталі «UNOPS Jobs» https://jobs.unops.org/Pages/ViewVacancy/VADetails.aspx?id=17750.

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