Спеціаліст з моніторингу гендерно обумовленого насильства


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Фонд народонаселення ООН шукає спеціаліста з моніторингу гендерно обумовленого насильства в м. Сєвєродонецьк (далі – англ.).

Post title: Field Monitoring Specialist
Project ID: UKR02GEN in the framework of donor-funded project “Strengthening humanitarian response to the need of most vulnerable women and female adolescents affected by armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine through multi-sectorial prevention and response to GBV and access to SRH services”
Location/Duty station: Severodonetsk, Ukraine
Type of Contract: Individual Service Contract
Languages Required: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Duration of Initial Contract: since 1 March 2016 till 31 May 2016 with possible extension

Support and maintain work of the UNFPA Humanitarian Response Programme and GBV Sub-cluster through partnership and coordination with multiple actors and effectively run the project activities in the region.

· Support functioning of the UNFPA Humanitarian Assistance Programme and GBV sub cluster to ensure proper multisectorial coordination and response to humanitarian situation in the region;
· Maintain regular contacts and ensure active engagement into activities of the Humanitarian Assistance Programme and GBV sub cluster of all relevant partners, including government authorities and institutions, NGOs, UN Agencies, international organizations;
· Work in close cooperation with the Protection, Health and other Cluster partners in the region to ensure that GBV response is integrated into overall humanitarian response actions;
· Attend on behalf of national GBV sub cluster humanitarian coordination meetings in the region, including Protection cluster meetings and substantively contribute to the discussion, keeping GBV issues on the Agenda and regular sharing of information on GBV sub-cluster activities;
· Provide support to implementation of Programme activities in the region as required by UNFPA CO;
· Provide regular progress and monitoring reports as required by UNFPA CO;
· Support and promote GBV Information Provision and Awareness Activities in the region;
· Ensure project activities visibility in the region through maintaining contacts and engagement of regional mass media.
Local and international travel could be required.

· Humanitarian Response Programme and GBV Sub-cluster activities established and functioning;
· GBV response is effectively integrated into overall humanitarian response in the region;
· Smooth Programme and GBV Sub-cluster activities implementation in the region with engagement of relevant regional stakeholders;
· GBV issues regularly included onto the agenda of humanitarian coordination meetings;
· CO timely receives required reports of good quality.

· University degree in Social & Political Sciences, Gender Studies, Human Rights Law, International Relations, Public Administration and other related fields;
· 5 years of relevant work experience;
· Experience of work with the international organizations, high-level government officials representing central executive and legislative bodies and local administrations;
· Experience in preparing and facilitation of meetings, workshops;
· Good analytical and presentational skills;
· Good understanding of legal and governing basis of functioning of the institutional structures of Ukraine in respective field and established contacts with relevant institutions in the region;
· Good command in office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.).
· Fluency in Ukrainian and Russian. Working level of English will be very strong asset.

Applicants that fulfil the above requirements are requested to submit a CV and a cover letter describing their professional interests in working for UNFPA.
The deadline for submission of applications is 22 February 2016, 12:00 (Kiev time).
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Please, indicate Field Monitoring Specialist (Severodonetsk) in the subject.
E-mail: [email protected]

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Головний/на редактор/ка інформаційного ресурсу «Українська енергетика»

Послуги регіонального/ї координатора/ки в Дніпропетровській області

Координатор/ка навчальної програми / Learning Programme Coordinator

Консультант/ка з проведення тренінгу щодо вміння працювати з проблемами стигми та дискримінації


Молодший/ша фахівець/чиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання