Спеціаліст з питань захисту інтересів та державно-приватного діалогу, ПРООН Україна


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вакансія vacancy
Спеціаліст з питань захисту інтересів та державно-приватного діалогу, ПРООН Україна

UNDP Ukraine is looking for a professional to fill in the position of the Specialist on Advocacy and Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) within the Strengthening MSME Business Membership Organizations (Phase II) Project. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager, the incumbent will perform the following functions for efficient and effective implementation of project activities and delivery of project results, and specifically will be directly responsible for implementation of the Project’s Output 3 «Effective public-private dialogue»:

Capacity development of Business Membership Organizations and promotion of PPD:

  • Contribute to baseline, final and ad hoc assessment of partner BMOs’ organizational capacity in areas of advocacy and Public-Private Dialogue, identify capacity gaps, capacity needs and existing barriers/challenges as well as track the progress of BMO development in these areas during the project life span;
  • Design, plan, coordinate and implement assessments of the capacity of national and local authorities in areas of public-private dialogue and participatory policymaking in area of MSMEs;
  • Plan, coordinate and implement general and targeted capacity development programmes for the selected BMOs to ensure their advocacy, PPD and intermediary capacities are strengthened according to project targets;
  • Coordinate design and delivery of individualized, tailored trainings to the selected BMOs to address specific advocacy, communications and intermediary capacity development needs;
  • Provide hands-on mentoring, coaching and direct advisory services to partner BMOs on all aspects of capacity development in area of advocacy and PPD related but not limited to policy analysis and development of policy proposals for the Government, effective communication techniques, interaction with media, advocacy campaigning, facilitating dialogue and more;
  • Facilitate creation of BMO networks/coalitions and facilitate their cooperation for effective advocacy and PPD with other stakeholders such as think tanks, reseatch entities, academia and other Business Support Organizations;
  • Plan, coordinate and implement tailored capacity development activities for representatives of national and local authorities to strengthen participatory policymaking and improve regulatory environment for MSMEs;
  • Provide mentoring, coaching and advisory support in the preparation of evidence-based proposals for improvement of the business environment and other activities promoting business enabling policies;
  • Facilitate cooperation between BMOs and VET and higher educational institutions to strengthen engagement of the private sector into formulation of demand for skills and qualifications of the labour force;
  • Strengthen BMOs capacity to develop voluntary industry standards, support the bottom-up debate on standards and self-regulation in MSME sector;
  • Promote public-private dialogue (PPD) at local and national level, support both public (MEDTA/SMEDO) and private sector in designing and running concrete public-private dialogue initiatives distributed across the sectors, issues and/or regions;
  • Establish and maintain partnerships and provide technical advisory support to the government at national, regional and local level on Public-Private Dialogue and engagement of the MSME sector into participatory decision-making;
  • Participate in relevant working group meetings related to BMO development and engagement and share information with partners and other UNDP projects and programmes;
  • Advocate for consolidation of MSME sector and promote further effective partnerships and collaboration within wider BMO community;
  • Contribute to design and dissemination of knowledge and communication products on best practices in BMO advocacy and intermediary capacity development, Public-Private Dialogue among wider number of stakeholders including other BMOs and MSMEs;
  • Provide the professional platform for networking and partnership building with the national and local authorities, non-government, private sector and international development organizations or projects;
  • Ensure availability of up to date information on all critical issues in the subject area.

Overall coordination of implementation of Output 3 of the Project:

  • Ensure overall coordination of the capacity building in advocacy strategy of BMOs, including management of the team of experts and stakeholders’ engagement in these activities;
  • Contribute to planning, prioritizing and sequencing of activities under the Output 3 in close coordination with the Project Team and under the guidance of the Project Manager;
  • Ensure budget for the output’s activities is efficiently and properly utilized;
  • Prepare inputs to annual, quarterly, and detailed project implementation work plans, and other related documents for timely commencement and implementation of the project activities under Output 3 under the guidance of the Project Manager and in close consultation with other project team members and ensure the implementation of activities related to the Output;
  • Coordinate and supervise technical inputs relating to Output activity design, development and implementation, including preparation of the terms of reference for assignments of the experts or service companies;
  • Contribute to the selection processes of contractors and experts and regularly supervise and monitor the services/works provided by them as well as assess quality of contractors’ outputs;
  • Lead and coordinate a team of experts, consultants and contractors engaged in implementation of the project Output 3;
  • Arrange proper monitoring of the Output 3 by regularly collecting, analyzing and synthesizing data related to Output activities to inform project performance indicators;
  • Prepare sections of the project reports, including progress and annual reports, as well as ad-hoc technical reports related to the Project Output 3;
  • Contribute to preparation and implementation of the project communications strategy and workplan;
  • Document best practices and ensure facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the area of responsibility;
  • Required Skills and Experience
  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Social or Political Sciences, Business or Public Administration, Economics, Law, International relations, Management, or related field;
  • At least (three) 3 years of relevant working experience in the field of private sector development, government relations, management, BMO/CSO capacity development, advocacy or lobbying, public policy analysis or public policy;
  • Experience in preparation, management or coordination of projects or project components, preferably in the economic or private sector development field is an asset;
  • Experience related to BMOs development or management, including in advocacy area, will be considered as an advantage;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian, Russian and English is required.

Deadline: 11 August 2020

To see more details and apply, please follow the link:


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Молодший/ша фахівець/чиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання

Послуги асистента/ки проєктної команди

Фахівець/фахівчиня проекту з відновлення водопостачання / Shelter and WASH Officer

Фахівець/чиня відділу розвитку альтернативної енергетики / Shelter and Infrastructure Officer

Вакансія: Health Support Coordinator, NOC, FTA, DS-Dnipro, Nationals only

Старший/а Спеціаліст/ка зі Звітності / Senior Reporting Associate