Старший проектний менеджер з антикорупційної реформи


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Maria Shevchuk

Старший проектний менеджер з антикорупційної реформи

A Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (MoI) is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis by the donors that provides targeted technical support and assists in the design and implementation of priority reforms. The RST will assist in filling the capacity gaps in the design and implementation of priority reform strategies and programs, while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry´s priorities and relevant donor support.

The RST needs a Senior Project Manager on Anticorruption, who will work on the reformation and improvement of the anticorruption policy in the Ministry and related agencies.

The Senior Project Manager will be responsible for ensuring compliance of activity of the Ministry and agencies under its control with the anticorruption and anti-bribery laws and regulations, rules and regulations of regulatory agencies. The Senior Project Manager will work closely with the PAR Senior Project Manager and the RST Director.

2.         Duration and proposed timeframe:

Duration of assignment is 1 year (with discretionary extension for additional 1 year, also subject to availability of donor funding), including a 3-month probation period.

3.         Main Duties and Responsibilities:

-           Development and implementation of anticorruption policy in the Ministry

-           Preparation of Compliance Guidelines for the Ministry and SOEs and agencies under its control

-           Developing templates, to maintain and analyze data and statistics derived from investigations

-           Establishing and maintaining relationships, cooperation with the governmental anti-corruption, enforcement and crime prevention authorities, investigative departments of the relevant national, regional and local authorities

-           Conduction compliance seminars and trainings for the Ministry’s staff

-           Drafting letters of instruction, progress reports and, where relevant, terms of reference for consultants

-           Assistance to the Ministry in the establishment of the Ministry’s Anti-Corruption Department

-           Supporting SOEs in implementing compliance systems

-           Any other responsibilities as assigned by the Director

4.         Main anticipated deliverables:

-           Developing anticorruption policy paper for the Ministry

-           Preparing the Compliance Guidelines for the Ministry and SOEs and agencies under its control

-           Conducting compliance seminars and trainings for the Ministry’s staff

-           Preparing the letters of instruction, progress reports and, where relevant, terms of reference for consultants

-           Launching of the Anti-Corruption Department in the Ministry

-           Straightening the compliance control in the Ministry and related agencies and SOEs

-           Drafting reform’s related legislation, setting the procedures

5.         Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

-           Bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, law

-           PC literacy (PowerPoint, Project, Excel, Word; Visio is an asset)

-           Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex legal, commercial and financial information

-           Strong advocacy and liaison skills and proven ability to communicate with peers

-           Fluency in Ukrainian and English

-           Minimum of 5 (preferably 10) years professional experience in the field of compliance / security services / investigations / change management / reform

-           Experience in building up compliance system in at least one organization is needed

-           Experience in compliance-related investigations and proceedings, including court, would be an advantage

-           Experience in state related enterprises will be an advantage

-           Conducting of investigations in state related entities is an asset

-           Project management experience

-           Familiarity with the reform agenda in Ukraine, good understanding of policy formulation process is an asset

-           Experience with government entities and their mandate and processes is an asset

-           Experience in leading multidisciplinary teams is an asset

6.         Remuneration

The proposed RST Member Gross pay range for Category 1 positions is EUR 1,200 – 1,800. The exact rate will be made by the Recruitment Committee comprised of representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and international donors.

Deadline for applications: July 6, 2018

Please send your applications, including a filled application form, to: [email protected].

For more details please download the Terms of Reference.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Координатор/ка освітніх проектів

Менеджер/ка проектів (USAID/BHA)

Менеджер/ка програми з підготовки до зими

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist / Спеціаліст/ка з моніторингу, оцінювання та навчання

Senior WASH Officer / Провідний/а фахівець/чиня програм з водопостачання, санітарії та гігієни

Health Officer / Фахівець/чиня програм з громадського здоров'я