Strategic Communications Specialist / Провідний/а фахівець/чиня зі стратегічних комунікацій (USAID SOERA)

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Strategic Communications Specialist / Провідний/а фахівець/чиня зі стратегічних комунікацій (USAID SOERA)

Deloitte шукає кваліфікованих кандидатів на посаду Провідний  фахівець зі стратегічних комунікацій для роботи в проєкті USAID SOERA “Діяльність у рамках реформи державних підприємств України”. Далі – англійською:

Deloitte is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as a Strategic Communications Specialist in support of the USAID State-Owned Enterprises Reform Activity in Ukraine (SOERA). The position is full-time and based in Ukraine, Kyiv

Project Background

SOERA supports the structure, strategy, and operations of key Ukrainian entities engaged in restoration and reconstruction (R&R) planning and implementation. The SOERA team focuses on increasing the efficiency of key R&R entities – State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure (SARDI), Project Management Unit (PMU), and Ministry for Restoration (MOR) – and improving R&R coordination across Ukrainian and donor stakeholders. 

Specifically, SOERA will increase the transparency, effectiveness, efficiency, and capacity of these entities, while working to enhance the R&R ecosystem encompassing policymaking and implementation entities at the national and subnational levels.


The Strategic Communication Specialist will support the SOERA R&R Component’s Strategic Communications Workstream, including the development of strategic communication framework of MOR, SARDI and PMU and assistance in their strategic messaging at engagements with Ukrainian and international stakeholders.


  • Conduct analysis of MOR’s, SARDI’s and PMU’s visibility and R&R-related narratives in informational environment across Ukraine and key R&R partner countries.
  • Conduct interviews with the MOR’s, SARDI’s and PMU’s communication team and spokespeople, media, and other internal and external stakeholders.
  • Conduct analysis of MOR’s objectives, channels, tools, and messaging on R&R to its Ukrainian and international stakeholders, as well as internal communication framework, processes and procedures that support it.
  • Develop MOR’s R&R Communication Strategy.
  • Identify gaps in SARDI’s communication processes, procedures, channels, tools, messaging, and the communication team’s capacity to effectively communicate with its Ukrainian and international stakeholders.
  • Develop a gap analysis report and roadmap for SARDI’s strategic communications.
  • Identify gaps in PMU’s communication processes, procedures, channels, tools, messaging, and the communication team’s capacity to effectively communicate with its Ukrainian and international stakeholders.
  • Develop a gap analysis report and roadmap for PMU’s strategic communications.
  • Provide inputs for MOR’s, SARDI’s, PMU’s, and USAID’s public messaging.

Main Requirements:

  • Master’s degree in Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, or a related field
  • Minimum 5-7 years of practical experience in governmental communications, communications at reconstruction-related international programs and activities, and/or communications of infrastructure investment projects.
  • Experience in developing communication strategies covering target audiences both domestically and abroad.
  • Experience in streamlining institutional processes for managing communications.
  • Strong understanding of strategic communications, stakeholder relations, and investment relations.
  • Fluent in Ukrainian and Upper Intermediate level of English.
  • Demonstrated ability to develop inputs for messaging (e.g., messages boxes, talking points, etc.) and adapt messages to target audiences.
  • Good understanding of communications related to energy sector, construction management, and/or civil engineering would be of additional advantage.
  • Systemic thinking combined with high problem-solving and analytical skills.
  • Excellent writing and research skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in team and independently.
  • USAID experience preferred

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs, cover letters, and two professional letters of reference/reference contacts to [email protected] and [email protected]  no later than September 29, 2024. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: “Strategic Communication Specialist”. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Communications Specialist/Фахівець/чиня з комунікацій (USAID SOERA)

Психолог/иня (Київщина)

Media Relations Specialist / Фахівець/чиня з комунікацій із ЗМІ (USAID SOERA)

Провідний/а технічний/а фахівець/чиня відділу підзвітності спільнотам

Національний/а Консультант/ка з Професійного Навчання / Vocational Training National Consultant