Strategic Planning Consultant, Краматорськ


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DAI Global

вакансія vacancy job
Strategic Planning Consultant, Краматорськ

DAI, глобальна компанія з розвитку, що базується в Сполучених Штатах, шукає короткострокових консультантів для супроводженння процесу розробки та імплементації стратегій економічного розвитку в 7 містах та ОТГ Донецької та Луганської областей для Проекту USAID «Схід економічних можливостей». Діяльність Проекту направлена на поліпшення загальної економічної стійкості Східної України.

Інструкції щодо подання: Подання приймаються на постійній основі на електрону адресу [email protected], поки позиція не буде заповнена. Представники Проекту зв’яжуться тільки з кандидатами, що увійдуть до короткого списку. 

  1. Project Background:

The purpose of the USAID Economic Resilience Activity is to improve the overall economic resilience of eastern Ukraine in response to Russia’s aggression, which has disrupted critical market linkages, catalyzed the economic decline of previously dominant industries, and caused massive population disruption. This activity aims to improve the economic resilience of eastern Ukraine through accomplishing the following objectives:

  • OBJECTIVE 1: Provide assistance to stabilize the economy of eastern Ukraine
  • OBJECTIVE 2: Support the sustainable development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in eastern Ukraine
  • OBJECTIVE 3: Build confidence in the future of the eastern Ukrainian economy

By accomplishing these objectives, the economy of eastern Ukraine will be more diversified, more integrated with the rest of Ukraine, less dependent on Russia, and the region’s residents will be better equipped to compete for the jobs of the future, thereby improving the economic resilience of the region.  The activity will work primarily in the oblasts most affected by Russia’s aggression, Donetsk and Luhansk, but will also be active in the surrounding oblasts and throughout Ukraine as required to achieve the objectives.

  1. Roles Purpose

To be a facilitator of Vision for a more resilient and economically stable future for cities and consolidated communities of eastern Ukraine through strategic planning and implementation with local governments in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts.

  1. Objectives and duties
  • Organize the process of strategic planning and implementation in cities and consolidated communities of Donetsk and Lugansk regions using the methodology of strategic planning of the Project.
  • Be responsible for hitting all strategic planning milestones and deliverables in a quality and timely manner. 
  • Identify and involve all stakeholders to formulate a new economic Vision of the communities to change eastern Ukrainians’ perceptions of their economic future.
  • Conduct economic research and analysis, as a rational data-driven basis for economic development planning. Aid in key stakeholders’ discussions to arrive at a consensus around economic data analysis and turning data into strategic plans
  • Work with local government and business community to identify priorities for economic development implementation support with preference for projects that, for example, create new jobs, better working conditions, improve business operations and reach out to under-served populations.
  • Work with strategic planning committees and local government officials to find resources for implementation support including better revenue and budgeting programs, PPPs, improving credit worthiness with commercial banking system and accessing state funds. 
  • Ensure that strategic planning has broad public input especially among under-represented and vulnerable populations and that the process is carried out transparently. 
  • Prepare reports and analysis of activities and economic data as required by supervisor.
  • Assist with identification of local champions, advocates and success stories to be featured in public information campaign. 
  1. Qualifications

 Candidates should have the following qualifications:

  • Bachelors ore Master’s Degree or equivalent in Public Administration, Political Sciences, Law, Economics, Social Sciences, or other relevant areas.
  • At least 3 years of relevant progressively responsible experience in analysis, advisory support and research in the field of strategic planning and drafting development strategies/programmes for economic development at oblast and local level in Ukraine or similar country context.
  • Experience of working with relevant stakeholders from the governmental and non-governmental institutions involved into strategic planning of economic development and other governance issues at the local and regional levels would be an asset.
  • Demonstrated experience convening key stakeholders to arrive at a consensus around economic data analysis and turning it into strategic plans.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and Russian.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Фахівець/чиня відділу розвитку альтернативної енергетики / Shelter and Infrastructure Officer

Вакансія: Health Support Coordinator, NOC, FTA, DS-Dnipro, Nationals only

Старший/а Спеціаліст/ка зі Звітності / Senior Reporting Associate

Молодший/ша фахівець/чиня відділу розвитку альтернативної енергетики

Прибиральник/ця, Хмельницька область (смт Теофіполь, с. Жванець)

Перекладач/ка, Закарпатська область, Хмельницька область, Запорізька область