Український Центр Ненасильницького спілкування і примирення “Простір Гідності” шукає проєктного координатора


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Anna Malena

Український Центр Ненасильницького спілкування і примирення “Простір Гідності” шукає проєктного координатора

Projects Coordinator

Kyiv-based NGO “Ukrainian Centre for Nonviolent Communication and Reconciliation “Dignity Space” has been working in Ukraine for over 6 years in the Peacebuilding sphere to support development of the culture of dialogue by introducing PeaceEngineering techniques and skills for preventing and/or resolving social conflicts at the various stages and at different levels of Ukrainian society.

The Centre organises and facilitates learning and practicing spaces in PeaceEngineering across the country featuring certified Non-violent communication (NVC, ​Nonviolent Communication) trainers, as well as PeaceEngineers and other local and international professionals specialising in peaceful conflict resolution, conflict prevention and crisis communication.

The vacancy of a Projects coordinator has been announced for the entire work of the Centre, but with special attention to the Centre’s largest project “Dialogue for Conflict Resolution” (until July 31, 2022).

The scope of responsibilities of the Projects coordinator colleague will include (but not limited to):

  • participating in the project activities development and implementation with active support and supervision of the Project manager;
  • participating in monitoring and evaluation of the Project with active support and supervision of the Project manager;
  • participating in the grant application drafting together with Project manager and Financial manager;
  • maintaining external communication ( email correspondence) with participants, local and international trainers, partners et al.;
  • coordinating logistics and accommodation for international PE School trainers visiting Kyiv, Ukraine;
  • organising ordering and delivery planning of the of products, stationary, home appliances etc, required for the Project;
  • organising the venue and subsistence for trainings location outside the PeaceEngineers House, as well as supporting it in the PeaceEngineers House;
  • organising and supporting communication with the external suppliers to provide required services for the activities;
  • preparing and running tenders for the potential project suppliers under active supervision of the Centre’s Finance manager;
  • supporting the Project team in planning and coordinating of the overall curriculum process;
  • managing logistics for PeaceEngineers School participants;
  • coordinating technical issues of PE School online activities for (working with corporate Zoom accounts, etc);
  • supporting PE School activities in hybrid (online/offline) formats;
  • conducting written and oral translation from English to Ukrainian upon request; 

Our future Colleague will have the following skills and personal qualities: 

  • passion for peacebuilding work and desire to make own contribution to straightening Peace in Ukraine;
  • experience in the field (peacebuilding, non-governmental sector, civil society organisations etc.) – from 1-2 year(-s);
  • experience in project coordination or administrative support of projects;
  • excellent communication skills, both oral and written;
  • hands-on experience in Microsoft Office, Zoom, Google online tools;
  • ability to work both independently and as a team member;
  • creative thinking;
  • a good command of Ukrainian (ділова українська мова) and English languages (fluency in Russian is a plus);
  • sincere interest to learn and practice NVC. 

Our new College will experience working in the Centre to:

  • work proactively promoting peace and reconciliation in Ukraine;
  • work close together in a small team of dedicated people in the Centre;
  • work together with national and international partners – organisations and international trainers;
  • be trusted, valued, and celebrated for accomplishing tasks;
  • learn a lot about Nonviolent Communication, PeaceEngineering (peaceful conflict resolution reconciliation etc);
  • get a thorough insight and experience in the full range of tasks running an NGO with international partners;
  • be heard and cared for if/when facing unique challenges in a private life;
  • be engaged in the work full time with maximum flexibility (offline, online modes, vacations, days off, meals and bed at the PE House etc);
  • meet interesting people and extending international and local network;
  • develop self-identified specific skills and expertise in relation to the tasks carried out in the Centre, and thus strengthen their own profile for their future career continuation. 

If You have all the qualities and a personal interest in undertaking this job offer, please, send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] before 17th of January 2022 with the topic “Projects coordinator opening”.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Site Visit Coordinator, Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) project/ Kоординатор/ка

Проєктний/а менеджер/ка для створення 1ої черги електронної системи ціноутворення у сфері будівництва

Експерт/-ка з розвитку громад та фасилітації діалогу

Вакансія: Junior Administrative Specialist

Вакансія: Head of Regional office

Експерт/-ка з організації і надання соціальних послуг (послуг соціального характеру)