Вакансія. Call for applications for the Monitоring and Evaluаtion Subject Matter Expert (SME)/consultant


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Вакансія. Call for applications for the Monitоring and Evaluаtion Subject Matter Expert (SME)/consultant

Call for applications for the Monitoring and Evaluation Subject Matter Expert (SME)/consultant.

General information

CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization founded in 1995 in response to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the threat of large-scale proliferation of weapons technology from the region. With support authorized by the Nunn-Lugar Act of 1991 and the Freedom Support Act of 1992, as well private foundation contributions, CRDF Global embarked on bolstering the global scientific community and fostering alternatives to weapons research. CRDF Global are a leading provider of flexible logistical support, program design and management, and strategic capacity building programs in the areas of higher education, CBRNE security and nonproliferation, border security, cybersecurity, global health, technology entrepreneurship, and international professional exchanges.


Monitoring and Evaluation SME will provide comprehensive support to CRDF Global Cybersecurity operations team in implementing a suite of capacity-building activities aimed to strengthen cybersecurity capabilities in Ukraine, Moldova and Balkans. The purpose of this contract is to provide analytical services, including assessments, performance and impact evaluations, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of project activities in Ukraine, Moldova and Balkans.


  1. Support CRDF operations team in quality performance monitoring including: data collection, monitoring, reporting, dissemination, and related tasks to ensure that all required data, outcomes, and impact evidence are comprehensively captured in a timely manner;
  2. Support CRDF operations team in the development of activities M&E plans, including indicators, data collection tools;
  3. Contribute to the program reports preparation.
  4. Provide consulting services for the review of the methodology and research plan;
  5. Provide consulting services on project related activities data collection and analysis;
  6. Provide consulting services for the preparation of analytical documents;

Duration of the assignment and remuneration provisions:

  • The work is expected to start after signature of the specific agreement with individual consultant (please be aware that this is a consultant position, not a full-time employment).
  • The duration of agreement is a three months, with possible extension, depending on activities;
  • Payment will be made based on the successful delivery of the submitted report.

Qualification requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree is required (advance degree is preferred) in a relevant field, such as international relations, political science, international development, sociology. Demonstrated experience in development of the analytical reports;
  • Five years of demonstrated experience in monitoring and/or evaluating projects;
  • Demonstrated expertise with various evaluation methodologies, including survey methodologies, and qualitative data collection methods;
  • Significant experience developing indicators, collecting data and providing quantitative/statistical analysis, data quality assessments, and/or performance monitoring and reporting;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian, Russian and English is required;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint is required.

How to apply:

Individual consultants are invited to submit their CVs by November 19 to the following addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


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