Вакансія: Consultant, Development of the NHSU ERP system and reimbursement modules interoperability


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Вакансія: Consultant, Development of the NHSU ERP system and reimbursement modules interoperability

Duration up to 12 months

AIP PY4 Activity 3.2. Provide continuous legal support to NHSU with State Reimbursement Program, in line with the Reimbursement Extension Strategy

AIP PY4 Activity 3.5. Improve existing ePrescription set up to further incorporate fraud prevention and detection functions.


In September 2017, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded a five-year Health Safe, Affordable, and Effective Medicines (SAFEMed) contract to the Management Sciences for Health (MSH). SAFEMed applies health system-strengthening best practices to create evidence-based interventions and strengthen Ukraine’s pharmaceutical system in line with the MOH health care reform objectives. SAFEMed seeks to improve access to appropriate, quality medicines to maximize availability within NHSU budgetary constraints.

 SAFEMed interventions will institutionalize rational medicine selection, support sustainable public sector pharmaceutical financing, strengthen and systematize eRx capabilities in collaboration with the Government of Ukraine, the MOH and the NHSU, civil society partners, other implementing partners, and the private sector. In pursuit of its goal, SAFEMed has three primary project objectives:

  • Strengthening governance within the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine;
  • Optimizing the financing of the pharmaceutical sector; and
  • Increasing the availability and appropriate use of medicines in Ukraine.

 Since 2016, health care reform in Ukraine has worked to achieve Universal Health Coverage while providing financial protection to its population with quality at its core. Established in 2018, the NHSU is putting together a state-guaranteed benefit package of basic health services. Ukrainian reimbursement program, aka Affordable Medicines, was successfully transferred from MOH to NHSU in 2019. Supported by SAFEMed project the NHSU upgraded medicines reimbursement program to include e-prescription to improve use of public funds, access to care, medicines prescribing practices and consumption monitoring. Inspired by eRx early success and taking into consideration expansion of Ukrainian reimbursement system, NHSU asked SAFEMed to have a deeper investigation of potential areas for ePrescription fraud detection and prevention. As a result of 3-month landscape analysis of the Ukrainian eHealth component related to the reimbursement of the drugs and 5 medical information systems (MIS) interface, SAFEMed developed report for NHSU. The document contains key findings of the assessment, potential fraud scenarios, and clear recommendations for NHSU IT and M&E department to improve eRx antifraud functional.  On the later stages SAFEMed invited two consultants to support NHSU capacity and expertise to identify and capture suspicious behavior with eRx. Consultants succeed in development of automatically protocols of data capture, development of eRx storage, and secured priority list fraud scenarios. In 2021 NHSU has an ambitious plan to develop and implement internal, SAP based, ERP system. Establishment of the SAP Financial Services and Contracting modules requires strong integration and interoperability with eHealth central core and should be straightened with additional antifraud protection. Based on previous cooperation experience and a significant progress on the development of ePrescription antifraud functions, NHSU requested SAFEMed to support development and implementation of SAP ERP system by seconding consultant with SAP development background.

 Overall Responsibilities

The overall purpose of this consultancy position is to provide experienced design, development, deployment, and operation of the SAP-based ERP system modules, related to the medicines reimbursement system. The consultant will work under guidance and oversight of Ivan Loboda, SAFEMed Principle Technical Advisor.

 Functional Responsibilities

  • Engagement in the implementation project for the development of the NHSU ERP system (SAP based).
  • Support for the design, development, deployment, and operation of system modules (SAP SRM (Supplier relationship management) and / or SAP FS (Fin.Services) and related modules, including but not limited to financial modules) responsible for interaction with providers, contracting, processing of medical records obtained from the eHealth Central Core.
  • Development of technical specifications for SAP application developers.
  • Debugging standard system functionality.
  • Functional testing.
  • Conducting end-to-end functionality testing.
  • Support and testing of data transmission interfaces between source systems and consumer systems.
  • Training of system users.
  • Support of commissioning.
  • Ensuring that all functionalities meet the requirements of the system in accordance with the technical specification and in accordance with the specified requirements, which are formed according to the project plan posted on the project portal of the NHSU.
  • Work planning is fixed in the project plan.


  • Configuring the functionality of the NHSU ERP in the DEV environment
  • Formation of functional designs for developers (specific tasks for the creation of functional designs are determined during the project and recorded in the project plan on the project portal)
  • Launch of commercial operation of the NHSU ERP, within the contracting processes in the SRM (data transmission / data acquisition)
  • To develop the raw data structures \ data showcases and ETL (Extract, Transform and, Load) procedures for downloading data on prescriptions, medical events, declarations, within the SAP \ DWH (Data Warehouse) Integration
  • Launch of the trading platform and contracting
  • Integrate SAP SRM with FM (financial modules) FS-CM, FS-CD, BPC
  • System support for the period of stabilization after commissioning
  • Develop the concept of further development of the system

Required Qualifications

  • Education – higher (technical, information technology, or finance).
  • Experience – implementation, configuration, maintenance of SAP \ S4HANA \ SAP SRM, at least two years.
  • Experience in implementing billing solutions, insurance solutions based on SAP is a plus.
  • Understanding of the legal framework of Ukraine in the field of budgeting and / or accounting and / or contractual accounting.
  • Experience in describing and developing business processes, including BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) \ BPMN 2.0 notations.
  • Deep understanding of the principles of integration between SAP systems / modules, external systems.
  • Deep understanding of implementing systems of this level according to the classical methodologies Agile / Scrum, Waterfall and SAP Activate.


Consultant will report directly to Mr. Ivan Loboda, SAFEMed Principal Technical Advisor.

 Duties performance location

Consultant will work in NHSU, eHealth and/or SAFEMed office in Kyiv, Ukraine with no business trips.

 Qualified candidates may apply to the address: [email protected]

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