Вакансія: Consultant to develop and to write a manual for trainers and teaching these two topics during the training of trainers on immunization


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Вакансія: Consultant to develop and to write a manual for trainers and teaching these two topics during the training of trainers on immunization

Swiss TPH is co-implementing a USAID-funded project Public Health System Recovery and Resilience Activity. The primary goal of PHS R&R is to strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GoU)’s capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats, sustain critical public health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Swiss TPH seeks a consultant to develop and to write a manual for trainers on the topics: “Adverse events after immunization” and “Emergency care”. And teaching these two topics during the training of trainers on immunization (offline training) with the development of presentations for these two topics for the project «Public Health System Recovery and Resilience Activity».

Main purpose of consultancy/technical support

  • Develop training materials, namely the Trainer’s manual “Adverse Events after Immunization. Emergency care”, which should consist of two separate topics Adverse events after immunization” and “Emergency care”. The manual should be developed as a training course for future immunization trainers, with theoretical and practical parts, description of practical exercises, and recommendations for trainers. The manual should contain structured information with a description, details for the trainer (what to do/response to crisis communication), references to evidence-based medicine, and applications that can be used during the training
  • Develop presentations on the specified topics, which should be consistent with the manual.
  • Conducting classes (lectures): The consultant should conduct two sessions using the manual and developed presentations, each lasting 4 hours. The trainer will also analyze practical exercises that will be included in the training sessions. The format of the trainer’s participation is offline, in the classroom.
  • Ensure proper reporting in accordance with the project requirements.

 Period of performance: August 2024 – October 2024.


  • Master’s degree from an accredited university in medicine, public health, or healthcare;
  • At least eight years of experience in the healthcare sector;
  • Broad understanding of public health needs and health systems;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office programs, i.e. Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.
  • Experience working on immunization issues using evidence-based medicine and the latest recommendations from international organizations.
  • Ability to develop practical exercises that meet the needs of health care providers providing immunization
  • Creative approach to the development of a practical manual, in which the information provided should be concise, but at the same time cover specific issues of PPI and emergency care, so that training participants can use it in their daily work.
  • Fluency in Ukrainian (competent oral and written communication) and ability to understand written materials in English.

To Apply:

Please send the following documents to [email protected]  with “Consultant to develop and to write a manual for trainers” in the subject line by August 23, 2024:

  • Cover letter confirming the interest and availability for the indicated period of work
  • Suggested Level of Effort (in hour per day/week)
  • Financial Proposal (in USD) specifying the rate per hour.
  • CV

Kind regards,


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