Вакансія: Cyber Excellence Mechanism Manager


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Operations Manager

Вакансія: Cyber Excellence Mechanism Manager

USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity, implemented by DAI Global LLC is looking for the Cyber Excellence Mechanism Manager.

  1. Activity Background:

The purpose of the United Agency for International Development (USAID) Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity is to strengthen the resilience of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure from cyberattacks by establishing trusted collaboration between key cybersecurity stakeholders in the government, private sector, academia, and civil society. The activity aims to achieve this goal by implementing the following activity components:

Component 1: Strengthening the cybersecurity enabling environment

The legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for national cybersecurity in Ukraine needs to be strengthened and aligned with international standards and best practices. This component will strengthen the cybersecurity resilience of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure sectors by addressing legislative gaps, promoting good governance, enabling collaboration between stakeholders, and supporting cybersecurity institutions. This component will also build the technical capacity of key sectors through increased access to cybersecurity technology and equipment.

Component 2: Developing Ukraine’s cybersecurity workforce

Ukraine suffers from a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals. This component of the USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity will address workforce gaps through activities that develop new cybersecurity talent and build the capacity of existing talent. These activities will address the entire workforce pipeline, the quality of education received by cybersecurity specialists, and industry training programs to rapidly upskill Ukraine’s workforce to respond to immediate cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Component 3: Building a resilient cybersecurity industry

A growing cybersecurity industry in Ukraine will contribute directly to national security and prosperity. This component will seek to build trust and collaboration between the public and private sector to develop innovative solutions for future cybersecurity challenges; spur investment and growth in the broader cybersecurity market in Ukraine through greater access to financing; support smaller cybersecurity companies to rapidly increase the number of local cybersecurity service providers; and offer mechanisms for Ukrainian firms to connect with industry partners to enable better access to innovations and business opportunities.

To achieve these objectives, the Activity will establish a strategic rapid-response mechanism, the  Cyber Excellence Mechanism (CEM). The CEM will provide ad hoc and task-focused  short- and medium-term services to GOU cybersecurity stakeholders, while simultaneously improving coordination of activities and communications among key cybersecurity actors. The CEM is not proposed as a new entity but a mechanism that will complement and support the GOU’s existing cybersecurity ecosystem. As a communications resource, the CEM will help GOU stakeholders and the Activity coordinate assistance across multiple cybersecurity agencies, ensuring assistance is effective and efficient and contributing to the long-term sustainability of cybersecurity interventions.

The Activity is seeking to hire a CEM Manager to coordinate and oversee efforts carried out under this mechanism

  1. Role’s Purpose:

Under the supervision of the Enabling Environment (EE) Lead, the CEM Manager will be responsible for developing, managing, and implementating  the  CEM Plan, based in large part on the results of the CEM Assessment conducted by the Activity. The CEM Manager will support communications and coordination efforts under the mechanism, (i.e. events, engagement with private sector and civil society, coordination amongst GOU stakeholders) and ad-hoc/rapid response support to the GOU.

  • Develop a plan for the CEM based on results of CEM assessment, including a detailed pipeline of activities and efforts to be supported by the CEM, in consultation with key GOU stakeholders and other relevant partners (plan should include steps for ensuring sustainability of support efforts)
  • Put a system in place for receiving requests for support from the government
  • Develop guidelines and criteria, in line with Activity objectives, for screening/determining which ad-hoc requests from GOU and other relevant stakeholders the project should support
  • Secure and coordinate resources for delivering technical assistance and ad-hoc support to stakeholders, namely the GOU; develop required scopes of work, terms of reference, and intervention-level action plans
  • Manage and supervise CEM-relatedactivities,
  • Work closely with designated implementing partners to ensure successful delivery of specific tasks related to the CEM
  • Providing input to the process to develop and execute the TTXs (table-top exercises), working closely with the implementing partner
  • Serve as the primary point person and manage communications with Activity beneficiaries and other GOU partners, implementing partners, and other stakeholders compiling and documenting information from the activities, interventions, meetings and communications and drafting activity reports (including results and performance reports)
  • Develop plan and put steps in place for transferring CEM functions, as appropriate, to partner organizations prior to the end of the Activity, in an effort to ensure sustainability of the most impactful functions
  1. Qualifications 
  • Master’s or higher education degree in public administration, international relations/development, or other relevant fields;
  • working with GOU stakeholders;
  • Background in program design and management;
  • Experience in organizing complex/high profile international events/conferences, training, and other initiates with domestic and international multiple stakeholders and partners;
  • Solid communications skills, including written and editing skills;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English.

Qualified candidates should send their CV and cover letter to [email protected] or via the DAI website. Only short-listed candidates will receive a notice requesting additional information.

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