Вакансія: Individual Consultant on development of recommendations pertaining to the design of regional reintegration programmes for ATO and JFO ex-combatants and related groups in Zaporizhzhia oblast (#267)


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Andrey Ovsienko

вакансія vacancy робота(1)
Вакансія: Individual Consultant on development of recommendations pertaining to the design of regional reintegration programmes for ATO and JFO ex-combatants and related groups in Zaporizhzhia oblast (#267)

NB: Please note that online/application system does not recognise Russian/Ukrainian language, information you provide in on-line application questionnaire must be presented in English. All requested documents should be combined/merged (compressed if necessary) and uploaded into the application system by 1 document/attachment only.


The current armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has had a direct and extremely negative impact on social cohesion, community security and the rule of law.

Before the conflict over the last decade, UNDP had been actively represented in eastern Ukraine, with a focus on community development, civil society development and environmental protection. The work to address the specific development challenges occurring from the conflict and the above-mentioned is based on previous work and established partnership relations. It was initiated in 2015 through the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, which is a multilateral donor framework program jointly implemented by four UN partner agencies in cooperation with the Government of Ukraine.

As a territorial programme designed specifically for conflict-affected areas in eastern Ukraine, the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme is focused on the main priority needs for stabilisation, peace development, economy and governance in eastern Ukraine after the outbreak of the conflict. It takes into account the opportunities provided by the Minsk Protocol dated September 2014 and revival of its cease-fire provisions and is fully adapted to create a link between humanitarian and developmental needs.

The Programme activities are grouped according to the following key components of the Programme, which reflect the priority needs of the region:

Component I: Economic Recovery and Restoration of Critical Infrastructure;

Component II: Local Governance and Decentralisation Reform;

Component III: Community Security and Social Cohesion.

One of the most important peacebuilding strategies in Ukraine is to address the needs of men and women ex-combatants of ATO / JFO as one of the largest vulnerable groups. As of today, there are 400,000 ATO/JFO veterans in Ukraine. All of them are entitled to receive high-quality reinsertion and reintegration services: medical, psychological, and social.

There are nearly 400,000 demobilized men and women in Ukraine (those who received ATO/JFO certificate), who require support in their return to civilian life. Reintegration is the process by which ex-combatants acquire civilian status and gain sustainable employment and income. It is essentially a social and economical process with an open time frame, primarily taking place in communities at a local level. Reintegration of ex-combatants into society is difficult because ex-combatants and their families are frequently left without livelihoods or support networks during the challenging transition to civilian identity.

Existing government funded programmes for ex-combatants relate mostly to social protection and in-kind benefits for the ex-combatants. However, these programmes are not influencing long-term reintegration of veterans. Therefore, it is important, in addition to the government programmes, develop integration strategies at the oblast and local levels.

Designing oblast level strategies is the first iteration to the more systematic and effective work in sphere of veterans’ reintegration. Even though local authorities have now more delegated power to organize resources and work with ex-combatants, it is often not the case.

To develop recommendations to oblast level strategies for reintegration of veterans, the UN RPP is looking for 2 national consultants (one for Zaporizhzhia Oblast, one for Luhansk Oblast), who will work jointly as a team. They will work in cooperation with the international consultant on consolidating similar contexts good practices of veterans’ reintegration.


In collaboration with the Ministry of Veteran Affairs, the International Consultant on best practices for ex-combatants reintegration and regional and local authorities, the national consultant will be expected to:

  • Deliver recommendations for oblast level strategy document for reintegration of ATO and JFO ex-combatants and their families in pilot oblasts in accordance with the current state of reintegration support and available resources and considering international good practice.
  • Support work of international consultant in part of his/her recommendations section and provide an ad-hoc support and contextualized analysis from an oblast specific perspective.


The consultant will analyze the situation regarding support of ex-combatants and their families from the perspective of each oblast; obtain and draw conclusions from the official government and local oblast policies, and from available research results; consult local decision makers and stakeholders relevant to ex-combatants support at oblast and at country level; consult representatives from the ATO and JFO veteran community; draw lessons from the international consultant’s recommendations. The overall result of the consultants’ work should be a created precondition to the work on national reintegration strategy for ex-combatants.

In more detail, stage 1 (preparation and coordination):

- submit an assignment work plan with a timeline; agree assignment work plan and the timeline with UNDP; workplan and timeline should include tentatively planned meetings and consultations required by this terms of references.

- coordinate work plan and a timeline with an International Consultant.

- coordinate workplan closely with the Ministry of Veterans Affairs representatives during the assignment timeframes (at least 5 online or offline meetings with the representatives and UNDP).

- identify a core group in the government, oblast administrations, and local governments; form a working group to consult with during the work on the assignment; the working group should include at least oblasts administrations, local government representatives, Ministry of veterans’ territorial departments, social services, military commissariats or similar, and may include veterans’ CSOs representatives, veterans’ councils.

- consult relevant stakeholders throughout the assignment, including ex-combatants and their family members (interviews, focus groups). Meetings summaries should be shared with UNDP.

Stage 2 (desk research and draft document):

- conduct desk research of policies, programmes, resources, available research, and assessments; the desk research should include description and practical analysis of the relevant documents, adopted, and practically implemented at oblast level. If needed, send official information request letters; include such milestones to the desk review as support of civilian life transition, social adaptation, medical and psychological rehabilitation, support to civil society organizations of veterans, or other spheres requested after consultations with key stakeholders.

- conceptualise ‘reintegration of ATO / JFO ex-combatants’ based on the current legislation.

- present desk review and the document outline (anticipated chapters for the final document) to UNDP and Ministry of Veterans (online meeting organized by the consultants);

- the document outline should at least include such chapters as desk review section, analysis on relevant international practice (in cooperation with the international consultant for consolidating other countries’ experience of ex-combatants’ reintegration).

- deliver draft document; the draft recommendations to oblast reintegration strategies should be evidence based; the draft recommendations should target three levels – ministry levels, oblast, and local authorities; the recommendations towards local authorities should be made in the context of the decentralization processes; a special section should be dedicated to the review of Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs oblasts departments mandates; provide generic recommendations on how to modify the mandate to fit the requirements.

- content wise, ‘reintegration of ex-combatants’ from at least the following perspectives – physical rehabilitation, social adaptation, mental health rehabilitation, psychological adaptation.

- draw lessons from the recommendations of international consultant, include international perspective into the draft strategy.

Stage 3 (verification of the draft document):

- present draft document to the representative of ex-combatants’ community; draw lessons from the feedback; the language presentation of the recommendations should be adopted accordingly to the non-expert audiences; the presentation audience should include diverse backgrounds such as women, men, PWD, different age groups, different geographical representation, rural and urban territories; organize presentation meeting – online, if possible offline, or mixed format meeting (invitations and communication with the invitees are carried out by the consultant). Depending on the finding possibilities, UNDP may support the Consultant technically in organizing the presentation event.

- present draft document to the core working group during validation workshop; organize presentation meeting – online, if possible offline, or mixed format meeting (invitations and communication with the invitees are carried out by the consultant); draw lessons from the working group feedback. UNDP may support the Consultant technically in organizing the validation workshop.

- agree draft documents with UNDP communications team, and take into consideration all comments regarding the terminology used in the document.

Stage 4 (delivery of the final document):

- finalize strategy documents, taking into consideration comments from the UNDP, communications team, Ministry of Veterans Affairs representatives, core working group and other stakeholders; each document should include brief, informative and applicable desk review (incl. policies/resources at oblast level overview, current state of reintegration of ATO and JFO ex-combatants overview), future state overview (strategic goals, target groups, expected change etc.); strategic plan (from the current state to the future state: strategic priorities, details on actions needed for each strategy, financial projections). The recommendations to the strategy documents should not exceed 30 pages per oblast. Design and layout of the documents are carried out by the consultant. The final documents should be ready for publishing.

- present finalized strategy documents to the working group and other stakeholders. UNDP may support the Consultant technically in organizing the presentation event (invitations and communication with the invitees are carried out by the consultant).

General requirements for meetings (these meetings should be organized and logistically covered by the consultant):

- conduct at least 5 online meetings with an international consultant (minutes shared to UNDP).

- conduct at least 5 online or offline meetings with a core working group (minutes shared to UNDP).

- conduct at least 5 online or offline meetings with the representatives of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and UNDP to coordinate work plan progress and results.

- conduct at least 5 online or offline if possible, meetings with other stakeholders (veterans, core working group, experts, line ministries, etc.) (minutes shared to UNDP).

- meet regularly with UNDP on the work progress according to the work plan and timeline (not less than bi-weekly).

General requirements for presentations (UNDP may support the Consultant technically in organizing the presentation events (at the same time invitations and communication with the invitees are carried out by the consultant):

- at least 1 presentation of the draft document to the core working group during validation workshop.

- at least 1 presentation of the finalized strategy documents to the working group and other stakeholders.

The relevant information will be obtained through analysis of documents and additional data collected through official requests to the government bodies, local administrations, as well as by conducting interviews and focus groups, where it is relevant. The consultant should plan for the response time for the official information requests and UNDP departments.

Separate contracts will be signed with the two successful individual consultants (one focused on Zaporizhzhia oblast, one focused on Luhansk oblast), but they will be required to work as a team. The International Consultant will provide inputs to the team in the frames of his/her expertise. The consultants will be responsible for delivery of the work for each oblast respectively.


Over the course of the contract period, the consultant is expected to provide the following outputs:

  • Work plan indicating consultant’s approach to the assignment and the timeline.
  • List of relevant policies, strategies, work plans and other documents that will inform desk review section.
  • Meeting summaries of interviews with key informant stakeholders, focus groups, and the working group, focus groups with ex-combatants.
  • Intermediary report, that should include outlines for the draft documents; the intermediary report must be done following desk reviews, several consultations with stakeholders and the working group and which should contain initial findings from the desk reviews and consultations with stakeholders, possibly inputs from the International Consultant for consolidating other countries’ experience of ex-combatants’ reintegration.
  • Draft Strategy for each oblast.  
  • Presentation plan of the draft strategies; for each presentation event separate plan in email will suffice.
  • A package of the key documents obtained during the assignment (compiled at the end of the assignment).
  • Final strategy documents for each oblast, with a design and layout, and cleared by the communications unit.


The Consultant will work under the overall guidance of Community Security and Social Cohesion Component Lead and report to Community Mobilization Officer (direct supervisor). Payments will be made in stages according to the proposed payment schedule below.

The Consultant will provide the necessary human resources to conduct an assignment successfully and will be in regular direct contact with the UN RPP representatives. The UN RPP representatives will review subsequent products of the assessment on various stages as per ‘Deliverables and project implementation schedule’ table. The UN RPP representatives will approve deliverables prior the start of work on the next deliverables. The Consultant should be guided by the work scope and what tasks should be reviewed and agreed with the UN RPP.

If needed, the UN RPP may provide specific support with the following: 

- cover letters for formal requests.

- external communications review.

- provide necessary outer communication materials. 

The Consultant should adhere to “Do no harm” principle, work ethics, transparency, cost-effectiveness, collaboration, participatory approach, confidentiality. In conducting this assignment, the Consultant should consider UNDP experience, local and international, in support of reintegration of ex-combatants.

The Consultant should ensure the reference to the UN RPP and the Kingdom of the Netherlands in all created products. Regarding visibility practicalities, the Consultant will be consulted by the UNDP Communications Department.

The Consultant must adhere to the monitoring, evaluation, and quality control system implemented by the UN RPP. The Consultant should provide the necessary information, methodologies, reports, communication products, completed tasks and deliverables in line with the schedule or as soon as possible (within a reasonable time). The workflow between the Consultant and the UN RPP direct supervisor will be organized through the task manager and planning tools.

All documents transmitted electronically (formats of: * .docx, * .xlsx, * .pptx, * .pdf) on electronic source or in the form of electronic communication. Documents should be written in Ukrainian. Each document should be written in Proxima Nova, 11 font size, 1 line and paragraph spacing. 


Below is a description of the % of the total budget will be paid after receipt of the following outputs:


Task Description

Delivery date


Work plan, which contains detailed methodology and work plan with timeframes and key milestones and prioritization of activities; roles and responsibilities of each consultant.

Up to 1 week after the contract sign


Intermediary Reportwhich should contain initial findings from the desk reviews and consultations with working group and stakeholders, list of relevant policies, meeting summaries.

Up to 8 weeks after the contract sign


Draft Strategy documents for each oblast, submitted and presented to UNDP.

Up to 12 weeks after the contract sign


Validation presentations reports: one brief and concise report on the presentation event to the ex-combatants and one brief and concise report on the validation workshop; submission package should include events’ plans, registration lists, photos.

Up to 14 weeks after the contract sign


Final strategy documents for each oblast must include basic requirements to the contents outlined in the ToR and recommendations to the implementation plan.

Up to 16 weeks after the contract sign

Proposed payments schedule:

UNDP will pay the negotiated amount in 5 tranches as per delivery of outputs outlined above. Below is a description of the % of the total budget will be paid after receipt of the following deliverables:

Deliverable 1-2 – 65% of the agreed payment

Deliverable 3-4 – 25% of the agreed payment

Deliverable 5 – 10% of the agreed payment

The UN RPP shall pay the negotiated contract fees for the services within 30 days after delivering and agreed by the UN RPP. The payments will be processed upon the full completion and acceptance of contractual obligations, which point to the Component Lead signs acceptance certification.


Core technical competencies of the Consultant:

  • Core Government functions
  • Core local authorities’ function
  • Planning and Assessment
  • Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (DDR)
  • Integrated Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration desirable.

Core functional competencies:

  • Strategic and system thinking
  • Knowledge generation
  • Partnerships management
  • Communication
  • Working with evidence and data. 

Core behavioural competencies:

  • Achieve results
  • Think innovatively
  • Adapt with agility
  • Act with determination
  • Engage and partner.  


  • Demonstrated previous research and evaluation experience in complex socio-economic settings, at least 1 analytical report (this experience should be clearly reflected in cover letter and / or CV, all samples of mentioned reports mentioned should be provided).
  • Minimum of bachelor’s degree in law, social studies, economics, business management or related field
  • Practice experience in Reintegration of Ex-Combatants, at least 2 years (this experience should be clearly reflected in cover letter and / or CV)
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and at least working knowledge of English
  • Excellent verbal communication, interpersonal and proven facilitation skills (conducted trainings, conducted focus groups, moderated events etc.) are strongly desirable.
  • Proven knowledge and understanding of the decentralization process in Ukraine, at least once reflected in cover letter and / or CV


Applicants should submit the following documents:

  • Cover letter (not more that 0,5 page), focusing on the relevant working experience on socio-economic reintegration of ex-combatants.
  • Professional portfolio (may be submitted as a CV, not more that 2 pages), and must clearly outline core competencies, skills, and experience relevant to the position.
  • Supporting relevant to the portfolio documents (registrations, language certificates, published research etc.).
  • At least two brief and recent references from persons who have direct experience with an applicant in a professional field related to the task. 
  • Brief and concise (1 page maximum) technical proposal indicating their approach to and understanding of the assignment.
  • Financial proposal (according to defined deliverables and using UNDP template).


Lump sum contract

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount in USD, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payments are based upon deliverables, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the ToR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days).

Travel costs

All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the Individual Consultant wish to travel on a higher class she/he should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


1. Demonstrated previous research and evaluation experience in complex socio-economic settings in relevant field (published research, articles, reports etc.), at least 1 analytical report to be provided:

1a) 1 analytical report or similar – 9 points

1b) 2-3 analytical reports or similar– 11 points

1c) 4 and more analytical reports or similar – 13 points. 

2. Education:

2a) Bachelor’s degree in relevant field– 8 points.

2b) Master’s degree in law, social studies, economics, business management or related field – 10 points,

2c) PhD in law, social studies, economics, business management or related field – 12 points,

3. Practice experience in Reintegration of Ex-Combatants area, at least 2 years:

3a) 2 years of practice experience in Reintegration of Ex-Combatants area in Ukraine or abroad – 14 points

3b) 3 years of practice experience in Reintegration of Ex-Combatants area in Ukraine or abroad – 16 points;

3c) 4 and more years of practice experience in Reintegration of Ex-Combatants area in Ukraine or abroad, and education (course, training, etc.) in sphere of Reintegration of Ex-Combatants area or related – 20 points;

4. Fluency in Ukrainian and English (reflected in CV and/or cover letter) – 10 points. Fluency in Ukrainian and at least working knowledge of English (reflected in CV and/or cover letter) – 8 points;

5. Knowledge and understanding of the decentralization process in Ukraine, at least one related project reflected in CV or cover letter

5a) Previous experience in working with the topic of decentralization, engagement in at least 1 project reflected in the CV / cover letter – 10 points

5b) Previous experience in working with the topic of decentralization, engagement in 2-3 projects reflected in the CV / cover letter – 12 points

5c) Previous experience in working with the topic of decentralization, engagement in 4 and more projects reflected in the CV / cover letter – 13 points

6. Excellent verbal communication, interpersonal and proven facilitation skills (conducted trainings, conducted focus groups, moderated events, etc.)

No – 0 points.

Yes – 2 points.


 Cumulative analysis

Contract award shall be made to the incumbent whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and

b) having received the cumulative highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

* Technical Criteria weight: 70%

* Financial Criteria weight: 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum 70% from the maximum available technical score (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.

Please submit your application at the following link: https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=103341

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