Вакансія: Legal Consultant – Community Action for HIV Control, Pact Inc.

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Вакансія: Legal Consultant – Community Action for HIV Control, Pact Inc.


The Community Action for HIV Control (CAHC) project is seeking a consultant for the part-time role of a Legal Consultant. The project requires legal assistance to revise and update HIV-related legislation to ensure an enabling environment for rights-based, client-centered, and high-quality HIV services provision.

Total LoE: up to 36 days in total 

The scope of work for USAID Community Actions for HIV Control project legal consultant includes: 

  • Provide legal support to the Project team on an ongoing basis in the area of HIV and social contracting. 
  • Monitor updates in legislation being revised as requested by the Law on the Changes to HIV Law of Ukraine. 
  • Analyze and provide a comprehensive summary of recently approved changes to MOH orders and of normative documents that will be approved from October 2024 to September 2025. 
  • Offer insights and amendments to the MOH orders on HIV testing, which will undergo revision within the period October 2024 – September 2025, in the framework of the CPH HIV Services Prevention, Treatment, and Care Sustainability working group. This includes amendments to MOH order #288 on the HIV Prevention Services Standard, Law on the Fundamentals of Law of Ukraine, and others. 
  • Conduct legal analyses and prepare an overview of the current legislation related to the social order in the field of HIV/AIDS. 
  • Provide legal advice upon request to the Country Key Population Platform regarding their advocacy initiatives.  
  • Provide legal advice upon request to the members of the Regional HIV/TB Coordination Councils who represent community populations about their advocacy initiatives. 

Evaluation Criteria



Responsiveness to the Scope of work

Technical know-how – Does the proposal clearly explain, understand and respond to the objectives of the project as stated in the Scope of Work?


Feasibility of approach and methodology


Approach and Methodology – Do the proposed program approach and detailed activities /timeline fulfill the requirements of executing the Scope of Work effectively and efficiently?



Detailed budget


Offeror’s Past Experience and Implementation of Similar Assignments

Company Background and Experience – Does the company have experience relevant to the project Scope of Work?




To Apply

Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] with “Legal Consultant” in the subject line. Please include all information and documents indicated above.

Pact is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, citizenship status, genetic information, matriculation, family responsibilities, personal appearance, credit information, tobacco use (except in the workplace), membership in an employee organization, or other protected classifications or non-merit factors. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Advisor on Stakeholder Engagement and Regional Development

Фахівець/чиня з моніторингу, оцінки та навчання / MEL Specialist


Менеджер/ка з моніторингу та оцінки

Фасилітатор/ка тренінгу "Параюридична допомога ЛЖВ"

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