Вакансія: M&E / Subgrants Assistant до NDI Ukraine


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Вакансія: M&E / Subgrants Assistant до NDI Ukraine

The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a non-profit organization working to strengthen democracy worldwide. NDI programs in Ukraine are supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden, Canada, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United Kingdom Good Governance Fund.

NDI-Ukraine is currently seeking M&E/Subgrants Assistant, based in Kyiv, Ukraine. He/She will be responsible for assisting M&E/Subgrants Officer in financial monitoring and subgrant management, and maintenance of NDI’s M&E system.

Job Title: M&E / Subgrants Assistant, NDI Ukraine

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Under the guidance of M&E/Subgrants Officer, assist in day-to-day tasks related to NDI’s subgrant management;
  • Carry out an initial review of financial reports and supporting documents submitted by NDI subgrantees;
  • Assist with maintenance and timely update of M&E and subgrants-related online tools;
  • Take the lead on administrative and logistical duties as needed to ensure smooth functioning of NDI’s reporting and data collection systems, including but not limited to: data entry and database management;
  • Provide translation, when necessary, at M&E / Subgrants-oriented training sessions, meetings and written translation of materials as needed;
  • Contribute to the development of regular and healthy communication with program staff and implementing partners on M&E- and subgrants-related issues;
  • Ensure that subgrant applications are in full compliance with NDI and donor requirements;
  • Support the functioning of a well-organized and structured document management system.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree in Accounting, Finance, Economy, Political Science, International Relations, or a related field;
  • Two-year experience in a related field, a good understanding of how the subgrant management functions would be an advantage;
  • Knowledge of Ukrainian tax, civil and labor codes would be an advantage;
  • Keen interest in and a good understanding of the political and civic landscape;
  • An eye for detail, ability to multitask and prioritize assignments;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Excellent written skills, including writing reports with the use of result-oriented language, developing presentations and different communication materials;
  • Excellent oral communication skills in Ukrainian and English;
  • Strong computer skills (Microsoft Office Programs, Google suite);
  • Ability to work in an organized manner and meet deadlines;
  • Capacity to be a team player.

Interested applicants should submit CVs and motivation letters in English by email to the following email address: ukraine @ndi.org. Please indicate the position (M&E / Subgrants Assistant) you are applying for in the subject line of the email.


The deadline for the submission of the required documents is by close of business on May 4, 2020. Only selected candidates will be invited for a written test and a subsequent interview.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Інженер/ка з охорони праці в ЮНОПС, Харків

Фахівець/чиня з надання послуг комунікаційної підтримки Комісії ВРУ

Спеціаліст/ка з ІТ-підтримки та операційної діяльності / IT Support / Operations Specialist

Вакансія: Deliverables-based Consultant - Backend Developer for USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity, DAI Global, LLC

Асистент/ка Відділу Моніторингу та Оцінки / Field Assistant (M&E)

Консультант/ка з розробки матеріалів для проведення тренінгів з соціальної згуртованості та проєктного менеджменту (об’єднані)