Вакансія: National Consultant for the Provision of Technical Assistance in Georgia and Moldovа


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Dmitry Skichko

Вакансія: National Consultant for the Provision of Technical Assistance in Georgia and Moldovа

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international humanitarian displacement organisation, supporting refugees and internally displaced persons during displacement, in exile, upon return, or when settling and integrating into a new place.

In conflict-affected countries, the capacity building of state institutions is one of the most crucial elements to ensure stabilisation and peaceful transition from early recovery stages. Cross-Border Capacity Building (CBCB) is an innovative programme which supports the implementation of DRC 2020 Mission Statement by addressing the capacity needs of the government to enable it to support IDPs and conflict-affected persons in line with international norms. This is achieved through multiple channels including bringing policy-making and operational staff from national, regional and local governments from countries which have faced and addressed similar displacement issues together with their counterparts in Ukraine.

Donor: European Union/United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Project Outline: The ‘Promoting Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Ukraine’ project is implemented under the CBCB programme. The project is part of the EU-funded EU4East programme and the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme (UN RPP), which will provide support to the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine (MRTOT) to enhance its capacity on peacebuilding and reconciliation.

Objective: The objective of the assignment is to provide the technical assistance in Georgia and Moldova to ensure effective and high-quality implementation of the ‘Promoting Peacebuilding and Reconciliation in Ukraine’ project.

Required Deliverables and Timeline

· The draft agendas, reports and lists of participants of the experience sharing events in English.
· Collection of respective national legal and operational policies on peacebuilding and reconciliation in English and/or native language.
· The draft content outline of the thematic E-bulletin including the names and contacts of possible authors/contributors of the articles in English.
· The draft outline of the video learning brief including the names and contacts of possible interviewees in English.

All deliverables will be submitted to DRC-DDG via e-mail. All deliverables are subject to DRC-DDG’s review and approval. Therefore, the selected national consultants are expected to share the draft documents and respond to DRC-DDG comments and reflect the respective changes in all the above deliverables before they can be considered final.

The assignment will take fourteen working days, in the time period starting from 1 January until 30 August 2021. The timeline will be adapted according to the final work plan, as agreed with the selected consultants. The payment will be made in accordance with the actual number of days worked and deliverables produced.

Required Qualifications and Experience

DRC-DDG is seeking applications from individual national consultants in Georgia and Moldova. The successful consultants should have a minimum of the following qualifications and experience:

· University degree in international relations, political science, peace studies, humanitarian or development studies, or other relevant social sciences;
· Minimum of five years of relevant professional experience in peacebuilding and reconciliation activities in Georgia or Moldova, respectively;
· Working experience with senior officials within the government, inter-governmental, and non-governmental organisations, respectively in Georgia or Moldova;
· Full computer literacy and availability of his/her own IT equipment (i.e. laptop, printer, connectivity) to perform the assignment;
· Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective relationships;
· Fluency in Georgian/Moldovan, English and Russian.

Full Scope of Works and forms for submission can be downloaded via RFQ-UKR-2020-057

Interested individual national consultants from Georgia and Moldova are expected to submit the following materials in English in response to this SoW:

· Detailed Curriculum Vitae
· Letter of Motivation
· Technical Proposal articulating the strategies and activities proposed by the applicant for the production of the required deliverables (three pages maximum)
· Financial Proposal indicating a proposed daily rate in USD
· Proof of previous related work (a list of the conducted consultancies)
· Contacts of three references

Deadline for the submission of applications is 10 December 2020 at 14:00. Interested candidates should submit their applications to [email protected]. The title of the e-mail should be ‘National Consultant Georgia’ or ‘National Consultant Moldova’.

The offered cooperation is not employment.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Inclusion Advisor

Вакансія: Facilities and Inventory Management Lead

DAI Global LLC шукає Technical Copy Editor

Press and Media Coordinator - Посольства США

Public Health Specialist (Strategic Information) - Посольство США

Administrative Assistant in the Community Liaison Office (Посольство США)