Вакансія: National Consultant to provide expert support to development of platforms and coalitions of the MSME Business Membership Organizations (up to 5 coalitions)


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вакансія vacancy робота(4)
Вакансія: National Consultant to provide expert support to development of platforms and coalitions of the MSME Business Membership Organizations (up to 5 coalitions)

The main objective of the assignment is to assist the existing and/or accruing coalitions of selected 27 BMOs to plan and coordinate their advocacy activity (up to 5 coalitions); to coach and support the selected BMOs in building coalitions to achieve their common advocacy goals; to support the selected BMOs in developing, establishing and promoting the standards of quality and representativeness for MSME BMOs as competent actors of private sector in the public-private dialogue; to select one coalition uniting BMOs from all over Ukraine including some of selected 27 partner BMOs for Project’s approval, and support it in its transformation into a full-fledged platform for the public-private dialogue at the national level.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Consultant will work to support the coalitions of the BMOs. In particular, the Consultant will:

  1. Develop and deliver the series of educational webinars for selected BMOs on the definition and nature of coalitions, the difference between the coalitions and consortiums, cooperatives, and other forms of voluntary associations of enterprises and organizations to protect their rights and advocate for common interests;
  2. Review existing coalitions in Ukraine within the participation of at least one of 27 partner BMOs and select the national coalition with the potential to become the platform for the Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) at the national level and submit it for Project’s approval. After the Project’s approval the Consultant provides its full expert support to the coalition (the national coalition – further);
  3. Provide the BMO coalitions with recommendations and expert support of the strategic planning process:
    1. Facilitate the revision of the members – organizations of the national coalition, possible division of the members into two categories, one – for actual MSME BMOs, and another – for all other organizations (NGOs, enterprises, think tanks, etc.), establishing the membership policy in the national coalition;
    2. Support the selected partner BMOs in becoming the active members of at least one coalition (joining and signing of the memorandum to formalize the principles of their cooperation and coordination with the network/coalition);
    3. Support the BMO coalition in developing its advocacy plan – for launching its own advocacy campaigns, and supporting/joining the advocacy campaigns of other partnering organizations;
    4. Support in developing the package of services of the selected national coalition (advocacy campaigns, regulatory expertise, incubation capacity development programs for BMO leaders).
  4. Facilitate the development of the policy and mechanism of Interaction of MSME BMO coalitions with the Government and their participation in the Public-Private Dialogue, reflected in Draft Regulations (Order);
  5. Support the working meetings of the selected BMOs on developing, establishing, and promoting the standards of quality and representativeness for MSME BMOs as competent actors of the private sector in the public-private dialogue (within the long-term training program for selected BMOs);
  6. Develop the intervention concept to mobilize resources for implementation of the MSME BMO coalition strategy;
  7. Advise on the promotion of the role of BMOs and demand on BMOs among the entrepreneurs and broad public (in line with promo campaign).

To ensure the delivery of the above tasks, the Consultant will:

  • Liaise and ensure constant communication/coordination with the UNDP project team regarding all aspects of the assignment;
  • Submit all the deliverables for review, comments, and approval to the UNDP project team as requested;
  • Hold consultations with the UNDP project team as requested;
  • Ensure the mainstreaming of gender equality and women’s empowerment considerations in activities, promote a safe and enabling environment free of any kind of discrimination and abusive behavior, and use the principles of gender-responsive communications in line with the UNDP corporate standards.


To see more details and apply, please follow the link https://jobs.undp.org/cj_view_job.cfm?cur_job_id=101739 

Deadline for submission is 17-Sep-21 (Midnight New York, USA)

Останні публікації цього розділу:


Керівник/ця команди польового офісу / Field Office Team Leader - Ukraine Shostka

Національний/а Керівник/ця з Питань Захисту / National Protection Field Officer

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Technical and crosscutting positions / Вакансії програмної сфери