Вакансія: Policy Advisor (Municipal Finance and Management)


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Вакансія: Policy Advisor (Municipal Finance and Management)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is seeking for the programme “U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme” a qualified staff member to fill the position of a:

 Policy Advisor (Municipal Finance and Management) for Donetsk regional office

 (internal SAP code: Decentralisation Advisor)

(full-time, any oblast capital city at Government Controlled area of Ukraine to replace a temporarily mobilized staff member)

In the last few years, Ukraine has developed and adopted various laws in favour of an ambitious decentralisation reform, which reshapes the relations between the national, regional and local levels and builds institutional capacity. The success of the decentralisation reform greatly depends on the coordination and cooperation between different stakeholders involved into reform implementation at the national, regional and local levels. Given the important new tasks, responsibilities and financial resources that local self-governments have gained, the implementation of the reform must be accompanied by expert advice, trainings and diverse support measures. U-LEAD (Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development) is a special measure which is conducted as a multi-donor action by the EU and its member states Germany, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Slovenia to support the Ukrainian government in the implementation of the decentralisation reform.

For our regional team in Donetsk oblast (the employee will be able to operate from any oblast capital city at GCA of Ukraine) we are looking for an experienced and highly motivated policy advisor with an innovative mind-set, a strong team player with solid knowledge of decentralisation and economical/financial aspects of local self-government with the practical experience of supporting municipalities in the course of decentralisation reform implementation.

Area of Responsibilities:

  • Providing capacity development and consultative support to municipalities of Donetsk oblast in the field of municipal finance and municipal management aimed at assisting them to efficiently perform tasks and carry out new responsibilities acquired in the course of reforms’ implementation.
  • Contributing to policy analysis.
  • Ensuring good communication and information flow with all stakeholders (political and implementation partners and within the GIZ team) and supporting them.
  • Contributing to the planning, monitoring and evaluation processes at U-LEAD Regional Office.


The Policy Advisor:

  • Provides consultations, organises trainings and other capacity development events for municipalities of Donetsk oblast on municipal finance and municipal management issues, which include but are not limited to budget planning and budget execution, procurement, strategic management, management of municipal revenues including local taxes, assets and communal property (financial aspects), compliance with budget discipline and budget-related issues impacting municipalities.
  • Participates in the internal task forces, contributing to the preparation and delivery of online training courses with inputs, materials, presentations on municipal management, municipal finance, and related topics.
  • Provides consultations and advice on cross-cutting topics such as integrity and anti-corruption, while applying a gender-sensitive approach.
  • Provides to Administrative Officer of the Regional Office responsible for the data entry into data monitoring system for all events (e.g., trainings, consultations, conferences) within his/her responsibility as well as further necessary data (e.g., trainers, good practices, support to municipalities, etc.) according to the guidelines.
  • Coordinates the organisation of trainings and professional advice to municipalities with short-term experts according to GIZ values, standards and rules. Contributes to the quality assurance of the experts’ work.
  • Collects and analyses municipalities’ feedback on challenges they face as well as their needs in terms of amending policy and legislation in the field of the Policy Adviser’s expertise.
  • Participates and contributes to public discussions and policy dialogue events aimed at supporting reforms’ implementation, contributes to U-LEAD communication and visibility activities.
  • Participates and contributes to the strategic and operational planning, monitoring and reporting of the U-LEAD Regional Office in Donetsk oblast.
  • Provides short reports and pictures from the attended events on time upon request.
  • Contributes to the overall knowledge and data management of the U-LEAD Regional Office in Donetsk oblast.
  • Follows personal data protection rules during handling of participant lists and entry of personal data into U-DATA.
  • Collects good practices and success stories, checks their progression over time and shares the information in the respective field for public awareness raising and communication purposes.
  • Provides technical support to international and local experts during their field visits.
  • Communicates regularly with local stakeholders.
  • Communicates and cooperates effectively with the colleagues in the Regional Office, the U-LEAD team and other GIZ projects in Ukraine.
  • Ensures discreet behaviour vis-a-vis third parties in all internal matters.
  • Supports the implementation of other project activities and other assigned tasks.
  • Communicates and reports regularly to the Head of Regional Office.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in the field of Economics, Finance, Public Administration or other relevant fields.

Professional experience

  • At least 2 years’ work experience in the finance sector and/or in public service, in local self-government bodies or in an NGO.
  • Proven track record of active involvement in the implementation of the decentralisation reform for the period of at least one year.
  • Experience with providing consultations and conducting trainings on decentralisation reform and/or local finances will be an advantage.

Other knowledge, additional competences

  • Sound knowledge of public financial management, general principles of local budgets and taxation, tools for fostering local economic development.
  • Knowledge of and experience in project management is an asset.
  • Deep understanding of the specific set-up, its actors and political environment of Donetsk oblast.
  • Knowledge and experience of capacity building of adults.
  • Strong organisational and planning skills.
  • Team player with excellent communication skills, including public outreach.
  • Strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • High degree of self-organisation.
  • Very good Ukrainian language skills. English or/and German is an asset.
  • Good computer skills (MS Office Suite, Excel, PowerPoint etc.).

We offer:

  • Official employment.
  • Salary fixed in EUR, performance-related bonuses, and 13th salary.
  • Medical insurance, 29 vacation days annually.
  • Language classes, hard and soft skills trainings.
  • Individual and group psychological support.
  • Possible remote and flexible work.
  • Meaningful and valuable work, international environment.

Employment conditions

Full-time position with 40-hours working week. Starting in May 2024. The end of the contract – 31.10.2024 with possible prolongation (or return to work of a mobilized staff member).

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and offers an attractive working environment with opportunities for skill enhancement.


Application comprising of the candidate’s CV and a cover letter in the English language explaining the motivation to apply for the job is to be sent to [email protected] until COB 03 May 2024, Friday.

By sending the application the candidate gives the consent for the personal data processing for recruitment processes solely.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next stages of the recruitment process.

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