Вакансія: Technical Law Advisor for Legal harmonization with the EU


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Вакансія: Technical Law Advisor for Legal harmonization with the EU

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is seeking a qualified professional for the project “Utilization and Implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the Field of Trade / EU4Business“ to fill the position:

Technical Law Advisor for Legal harmonization with the EU (full-time, Kyiv)

(internal SAP code: Law Advisor)

The project “Utilization and implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the field of trade / EU4Business” improves resilience and competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises, especially in view of the aspired EU accession. It pursues a multi-level approach. At the macro level, trade-related issues in the EU accession process and the implementation of the EU Free Trade Agreement are supported through policy advice and complementary procurement and financing. At the meso level, the business environment for small and medium enterprises (SME) is strengthened, especially through advisory services. Industrial associations and business clusters receive special support. In addition, local business support systems are being strengthened on a pilot basis by means of financing. At the enterprise level, the resilience and innovative capacity of SMEs are supported through financing and expert advice.

The position holder works in Component 2 of the Program “Utilization and Implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the Field of Trade / EU4Business – SME Competitiveness and Internationalisation”: Removal of technical and administrative barriers to trade in line with AA/DCFTA, advisory support to MoE, international professional exchange on ACAA preparation and implementation.

The position holder supports the project and project partners such as the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (MoE) and other relevant bodies at the national level (e.g. National Standards Body, National Agency for Accreditation of Ukraine, others) in legal analysis, drafting and adapting of documents in the process of further legal approximation to the EU, as well as the dialogue and cooperation with the EU Commission in the process of preparation of signing and implementation of the ACAA, in the reform process of further implementation of the AA/DCFTA and the EU pre-accession process. Support to project partners also includes capacity building activities.


  • Technical advice and legal support to international professional exchange concerning preparation and implementation of the Agreement on Conformity assessment and acceptance of Industrial Goods (ACAA).
  • Technical advice on legal issues of reforms for the further implementation of the AA/DCFTA.
  • Technical advice on legal issues of the further the EU pre-accession process in the fields of trade/ internal market/ economic topics.
  • Capacity building on EU integration and legal approximation to the EU for project partners.
  • Other relevant tasks and duties as requested by the Project Management.


The position holder fulfils the following tasks:

  • Technical advice on legal issues of Ukraine’s further EU integration and legal harmonisation with the EU, in particular with regard to the AA/DCFTA, the planned ACAA and further steps in the framework of the EU membership candidacy and pre-accession process.
  • Support to project partners in the development of tables of concordance of acts of Ukrainian legislation in the field of technical regulation with relevant acts of EU law and assessment of the degree of their compliance.
  • Support to project partners in processing requests from the EU related to sector evaluation and in preparing responses to requests.
  • Analysis of recommendations based on the results of the ACAA (pre-)assessment missions and preparation of proposals to the MoE regarding their implementation and further communication with the EU.
  • Support the development of amendments to the legislation of Ukraine based on the recommendations of the ACAA (pre-)assessment missions and the preparation for the application of ACAA.
  • Supports the MoE in the elaboration of questions regarding the text of the future ACAA and support the exchange of relevant information/comments with the European Commission to achieve a common understanding of its provisions and further application.
  • Preparation and implementation of capacity-building measures for project partners on issues of legal harmonisation with the EU/ EU integration.
  • Participation in expert discussions, workshops and other events to inform and raise awareness about topics of technical regulation, the process of legal harmonisation with the EU, AA/DCFTA and ACAA.
  • Technical advice to project team and management on legal harmonisation with the EU and related reforms in Ukraine.
  • Participation in planning and implementation of project activities.
  • Other legal support to project activities on request of project management.

Required qualifications, competences, and experience:

  • University degree (Master) in Law.
  • Minimum of 5 years professional experience in a comparable position.
  • Minimum of 5 years and recent professional experience in the approximation of Ukrainian legislation to EU law, with a focus on trade-related issues and in particular on technical regulations/ quality infrastructure.
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in working for or with Ministry of Economy and/or other government institutions in legislative and reform processes.
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in drafting of laws and regulations.
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in working in or for technical assistance projects.
  • Minimum of 1 year of experience in delivering trainings and/or other capacity building activities in the field of legal harmonization with the EU/ EU integration.

Other knowledge, additional competences:

  • Ability and experience to work in a political environment.
  • Excellent knowledge of the AA/DCFTA and the processes of further implementation of the AA/DCFTA and preparation of the ACAA.
  • Good knowledge of the EU’s structure and bodies and of the EU acquis.
  • Extensive experience in legal analysis and legal drafting (including development of tables of concordance, strategic documents, development of laws/ amendments to laws).
  • Very good command of Ukrainian and English (verbal and written) including specific legal and technical terminology regarding technical regulation/ quality infrastructure.
  • Good working knowledge of ITC technologies and computer applications (especially MS Office).
  • Team player with experience to work in an international team.
  • Good self-organisation skills.
  • Customer and service-oriented attitude.
  • Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed.
  • Ability to work under pressure.

We offer:

  • Official employment.
  • Salary fixed in EUR.
  • Performance-related bonuses and 13th salary.
  • Medical insurance.
  • 29 vacation days annually.
  • Language classes.
  • Hard and soft skills trainings.
  • Individual and group psychological support.
  • Possible remote and flexible work.
  • Meaningful and valuable work, international environment.

Employment conditions

Full-time position with 40-hours working week. Place of assignment is Kyiv.

GIZ is an equal opportunity employer and offers an attractive and challenging working environment with opportunities for skill enhancement.


Application comprising of the candidate’s CV and a cover letter in the English language explaining the motivation to apply for the job is to be sent to [email protected] until COB 17 May 2024, Friday.

By sending the application the candidate gives the consent for the personal data processing for recruitment processes solely.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the next stages of the recruitment process.

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