Вакансія: Trainers & Consultants in Cyber Security


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MAR-4451 EU4ResilientReg Ukraine WORDPRESS
Вакансія: Trainers & Consultants in Cyber Security

ENI /2021 / 423-657

EU Project “MediaFit Programme for Information Integrity is southern and eastern Ukraine”

Trainers & Consultants in Cyber Security


  1. Project Description

DW Akademie, Germany’s leading organisation for international media development department of Deutsche Welle, in partnership with Transtele Canal France International (CFI) and Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT) implement the project “MediaFit Programme for Information Integrity in southern and eastern Ukraine” (ENI/2021/423-657). 

DW Akademie is Deutsche Welle’s centre for international media development, journalism training and knowledge transfer. Our projects strengthen the human right to freedom of expression and unhindered access to information. DW Akademie empowers people worldwide to make independent decisions based on reliable facts and constructive dialogue.

The 36-month project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and is aimed at enhancing the information integrity in Ukraine and the resilience of Ukraine’s media against hybrid threats, including the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Overall Objective of the Assignment

The purpose of the involvement of the Trainers in Cyber Security is to support the project team of Deutsche Welle Akademie for the implementation of the Training Program of the project. This will include co-development of the relevant & efficient training and consulting program, delivery of the several trainings for a group of the media outlets representatives together with a co-trainer specialised in Cyber Security as well as analysis of the outlets’ internal digital systems to detect and eliminate possible flaws. The program is implemented in 10 target regions including Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odesa, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia. The trainings will be delivered online and in case of offline events all the security precautions will be taken.    

  1. Expected Deliverables

The tasks to be undertaken in the framework of the contract correspond to several project directions to contribute to the efficient overall program implementation. The training is expected to consist of two parts targeting different audiences. Hence below are the two different lots for different co-trainers. The following list of tasks is indicative as tasks may evolve depending on the needs of the project team during the implementation of the project. The co-trainers will be expected to submit recommendations on further similar activities and the final joint narrative report that will support the reporting to donors. 

Lot 1. Development of the training curriculum and delivery of a training on personal cyber security

  • To develop together with the co-trainer a detailed training program curriculum for training in personal cyber security
  • To deliver together with the co-trainer the training online
  • To consult participants in the course of the training delivery on how to secure personal devices of journalists under the war circumstances
  • To consult journalists on preparation to going to the frontline from the cyber security point of view
  • To deliver a compiled narrative report with lessons learnt and recommendations for the next cyber security training round.

Lot 2. Development of the training curriculum and delivery of a training on outlets’ digital security 

  • To develop together with the co-trainer a detailed training program curriculum for training in media outlets digital security
  • To deliver together with the co-trainer the training online
  • To analyse the media outlets’ digital systems to find out weaknesses and to further consult the media outlets on how to improve their digital security under the war circumstances
  • To deliver a compiled narrative report with lessons learnt and recommendations for the next cyber security training round.
  1. Qualifications
  • At least 5 years of experience working with organisations digital systems (for Lot 2)
  • At least 2 years of experience in development and delivery of trainings to journalists with a focus on digital and cyber security (for Lot 1)
  • Knowledge of IT infrastructure, networks, etc. (for Lot 2)
  • Migration to the cloud, VPS settings, access, server and user security
  • Experience in consulting media workers and/or organizations
  • Knowledge of English and Ukrainian languages
  • Proven experience of working with international organizations and/or DW Akademie would be an asset

Contract Period: September 2022 to December 2022

 Application instructions

Please send your CV and a Letter of interest with the indication of your estimate of preparation and implementation days and expected remuneration (your daily rate before tax) to 

[email protected] with a copy to [email protected]. Please insert Trainer in cyber security into the email subject indicating the Lot 1 or 2 for which you are applying.

Applications should be received by not later than COB on 04 September 2022.
The results will be announced by 15 September 2022 the latest.


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