Вакансія: USAID Economics Resilence Activity looking for MSMEs Engagement Officer


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Job Overview

Even during wartime, ERA is willing to continue to support the wide range of MSMEs and is looking for the most efficient ways to engage and support the relationship with thousands of new (potential) and existing MSME partners. ERA intends to create an efficient pipeline of partnerships that include different levels of engagement, starting with informational support and rising to closer partnerships such as participation in programs and grant support.

MSMEs Engagement Officer, together with the ERA Growth component and the support of the ERA Communications team, will create a framework of business engagement through available communications channels and support the retention of the target audience on a high level. MSMEs Engagement Officer coordinates the efforts of different instruments such as (including but not limited to) subcontracts, direct procurement, and consultancies to achieve the goals set for ERA business engagement. MSMEs Engagement Officer reports to Investments and Private Sector Engagement Lead and is based in Kyiv (remote mode, until further notice).


Technical Tasks:  

  • Develop MSMEs communications strategy that will address issues of effective communication with the targeted beneficiaries (MSMEs).
  • Design of  MSMEs engagement campaign on SMART goals basis.
  • Support creation of branding and identity materials.
  • Creation and support of communication channels with targeted MSMEs (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Telegram, email, etc.)
  • Design and support of content management framework for social media channels and publications in traditional media outlets.
  • Together with ERA business sectors teams (ERA internal interaction) develop content creation/exchange to achieve MSMEs engagement and retention goals.
  • Organize the process with ERA external stakeholders of relevant partnerships and content creation/exchange to achieve MSMEs engagement and retention goals.
  • Support or/and develop the application forms, database content, and other external data collection and engagement materials.
  • Organize the database of engaged MSMEs.
  • Develop the network with relevant stakeholders on MSMEs engagement.
  • Ensure the stability of .
  • Provide timely and comprehensive reporting on outreach campaign (s) implementation.
  • Organize or support the different assessments, surveys, research, and other relevant analytics.

Monitoring & Evaluation:  in coordination with the M&E team,

supports data collection during the implementation of the technical tasks;

  • monitors the implementation of activities according to the ERA M&E plan;
  • provides information and data to the M&E team in a required format.

Communication: in coordination with the Communications team,

  • professionally represents ERA at events/meetings with relevant stakeholders;
  • fosters ongoing positive cooperation with stakeholders and ERA staff;
  • ensures that the correct USAID ERA branding and marking are utilized during the performance of the technical tasks.


  • maintains records of all activities using existing reporting tools;
  • prepares accurate and timely progress reports quarterly and contributes to the preparation of annual reports;
  • compiles technical information for the Growth manager and ERA Senior Management Team (SMT) upon request.

Job Expectations

In this position, you are expected to share the DAI’s four core values:

  • Integrity: commit to civil and ethical behavior, play by the rules, and do the right thing;
  • Responsibility: Be accountable to clients, partners, grant recipients, beneficiaries, colleagues, and communities where we work. If you fall short, you own up, fix the problem, and get it right the next time;
  • Excellence: adhere to the highest technical and professional standards in innovation, learning, and service;
  • Global Citizenship: respect the cultural diversity and treat everyone everywhere with professionalism and dignity to make the world a better place.


  • Minimum three years of experience in PR and Communications, preferably in B2B.
  • Master’s degree preferred (preferably in communications, law, economics, marketing or other relevant field related to PR and Communications).
  • Proven experience of successful communication campaigns and strategic communication leadership.


Contract length: 12-months employment agreement with a possibility of extension until August 2024.

Salary Level: We offer competitive market-based salary level for candidates with relevant experience.

Duty station: Ukraine

Benefits: all benefits envisaged by Labor Code of Ukraine, corporate medical insurance for employees and immediate family members.

Start date: August 2022

Application process

All applicants must send a cover letter and updated CV (no longer than four pages) in English to [email protected], please mention in the subject Inclusion Officer 

Closing date for applications: July 31, 2022

For further information about the DAI GLOBAL LLC, please consult our website dai.com If you want to learn more about Economic resilience Activity, please visit our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ERAUkraine.

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