Юрист для реформи управління відходами


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Maria Shevchuk

Юрист для реформи управління відходами

POSITION: Lawyer (Category 2, Waste Management Reform)

1. Objective(s) and linkages to Reforms
A Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis by the donors that provides targeted technical support and assists the Ministry in the design and implementation of priority reforms. The RST will assist in filling the capacity gaps in the design and implementation of priority reform strategies and programs, while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry’s priorities and relevant donor support.

Waste Management Reform is part of the Government short- and mid-term priorities for 2017-2019. The Ministry has made the Waste Management Reform one of its top priorities and is committed to building a healthy and transparent system that will aim to make Ukraine
adherent to the international standards. The reform aims to achieve the following objectives:
• Preparation and adoption of the WMS Action Plan
• Drafting proposals and support in adoption of laws
• Organization and support in development of regional WM plans

A Lawyer on Waste Management Reform is vitally needed to support the Ministry in the fulfilment of the Waste Management Reform especially in implementation of the Government short-term and midterm priorities for 2018-2020. A highly qualified professional is needed to draft, supervise and support the necessary products (documents) related to the Waste Management Reform. Fulfilment of this function by the Ministry personnel is not possible due to the limited number of civil servants with competences of best corporate governance standards and practices, and ability to adopt them in Ukraine.

2. Duration and proposed timeframe:
This consultancy appointment is expected to start on March 1, 2019 and has an estimated overall duration until December 31, 2019. The Consultant shall deliver services in Ukraine and for no less than working 20 days per calendar month.

3. Main Duties and Responsibilities:
Support to the Ministry and RST Director, Project Manager
3.1 data and information search, integration and analysis
3.2 draft legal acts development – primary and secondary level;
3.3 preparation of compliance checks with EU legislation and impact analysis for the waste management acts
3.4 legal support in events, round tables, conferences and forums to engage stakeholders on key reform themes and policy proposals
3.5 preparation of slides for presentations, infographics
Coordination and facilitation of reform implementation process:
3.6 engagement of relevant stakeholders (experts, government officials, donors, etc.) to the Ministry activities

3.7 preparation of timely and quality reports and status updates on reform implementation progress to the EU Affairs Deputy Minister and RST Director The Lawyer will be subordinated to the RST Director.

4. Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
4.1 Qualifications and skills:
- Master’s degree in Law
- Strong analytical, communication and presentation skills
- PC literacy (advanced PowerPoint, Project, Excel, Word skills)
- Fluency in Ukrainian and English
4.2 General professional experience:
- More than 7 years of general professional experience in law.
- Prior experience of work in public services is a plus
4.3 Specific professional experience:
- Minimum 5 years of experience in environmental area;
- Knowledge and experience with EU waste management legislation
- Experience with government entities and their mandate and processes is an asset

5. Assignment Value
The estimated monthly value of this consultancy position is in the region of 800 – 1400 EUR. The funding source of this assignment is the EBRD-Ukraine Stabilization and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account. Selection and contracting will be subject to the availability of funding.

6. Submissions
Submissions must be prepared in English and delivered electronically by February 7, 2019 23.59 (Kyiv time) to the following address: [email protected]

All submissions must include:
• a completed Application Form,
• the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae and Reference Letter from a recent supervisor (original in English, or Ukrainian with English translation) together with the contact details for two further referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional and/or educational background of the candidate. Reference checks will be conducted at the discretion of the Recruitment Committee and Recruitment Panel and with prior approval of the candidate. Only complete submissions, containing the above, can be considered. Selected applicants will be invited to the interview.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Document Controller (DC)

Фахівець/чиня з графіки та дизайну

Вакансія: HR Talent Manager

Procurement Officer, NPSA8 - National Рosition

Генеральний/на менеджер/ка з організації консультативних послуг у сфері посилення спроможності інституцій

Лідер/ка Команди з Ментального Здоров'я та Психосоціальної Підтримки / Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Team Leader